Vengefu1 Tuna

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Joined 1 years ago

Married with kids, mainly interested in gaming.

I miss the specific game subs, like Elden Ring, Satisfactory, Hades, etc. I don't think we have the population yet to have subs like these with lots of content posted each day.


I seriously don't understand how they think this will increase sales.

This also comes back to the "why?" game so many kids play. Parents get annoyed by it, but are they really annoyed at the game or their lack of knowledge depth?

I used to think this as well, until I had a three-year-old. One day she yelled under the bathroom door, "WHY ARE YOU POOPING??" I've realized that young kids may ask "why" more often to annoy and test social boundaries instead of actually trying to learn something. When she does ask "why" in order to learn, it's fun explaining and teaching her. But it's not as often as I thought it would be.

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This is the only movie series that legitimately made me mad. The book seemed so simple to adapt to the screen. Just follow the book, with a little cut out to help with screen time, and watch the money roll in. Instead, we got one of the worst book adaptations Hollywood's ever seen.

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Satisfactory recently left fandom as well.

OP made one mistake and apologized. I think we should give them the benefit of the doubt here.

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Completely agree. I grew up in the Dallas area and spent 3 years in Colorado Springs. The "coffee culture" of the area was shocking to me. I had a roommate sit me down and tell me I needed to stop wearing camo pants because it looked ridiculous, while it was fairly common back home. There's so many little things that are different that you don't realize until you're in it.

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I legit had a rich friend with that necklace, cologne, and backpack!

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You are correct, it's the first one. I found the review on IMDB. There doesn't seem to be a way to link to individual reviews on their site. Here's a link to the IMDB movie page instead, in case anyone wants to see for themselves.

Edit: turns out, it was just the app that couldn't link to reviews. Here's the direct link.

I must be old, I don't have a clue what this means.

A few months ago, I was outside blowing bubbles with my 4 year old. She moved on to something else, but I kept it up for a while. I forgot how fun it is to watch them fly off and see how far they go!

In The Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale, starring Jason Statham and Ron Perlman. I saw it in theaters. When the evil army started loading their ninja turtle orcs into the catapults, setting them on fire, and launching them over Definitely-Not-Helm's-Deep, the audience started cracking up and openly making fun of it. It was a terrible movie.

I have similar feelings and I was raised in a very controlling home. It took me years to realize the environment I grew up in wasn't healthy, because that was my "normal". It could be the same for you, but only you and/or a mental health professional could say for sure.

It'll be interesting to see if Meta can convert enough users to Threads for it to be a lasting platform. As much as I don't like Meta, they're in the best position to take over this social space with the most resources to do it. Especially while Twitter is laughably bad right now.

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I mainly look at profiles to see people's avatars. I just think they're neat.

I tried vitamin supplements after Adderall wasn't available, they've only helped me 5-10% of what Adderall did for me. Specifically Focus Fizz and TeenFocus (I'm in my 30s, but it's just marketed towards teens.) Other than that, taking my dogs on a walk at first light has helped. Any bit of exercise seems to go a long way.

The Uncharted series isn't really my jam, but I can still relate. Halo 4 has those completely unnecessary quick time events and it's very jarring. I'm so glad we've moved away from this fad.

Another big factor is developer engine knowledge. It's expensive to train developers on a new or unpopular engine when you can hire plenty of devs who are already familiar with a popular engine like Unreal. 343i continues to have this issue with Halo Infinite running on their Slipspace engine, which is why (IIRC) they're switching to Unreal for future games.

Moonchay! They have such awesome doodles.

Same, I like consistency.

I just started Bioshock 2 Remastered. It runs surprisingly well.

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This is so old, I used this as an away message on AIM once.

With all that he's putting on the line, David Grusch appears to believe what he's saying. But is it possible the documents David Grusch came across were fabricated? Would the US government have any incentive to fabricate these records and keep them highly classified?

I used to live next to little dogs that looked like this. I called them dubstep dogs, because when they would bark at me, it sounded like "wub wub wub!"

That was my take as well!

I prefer the pigpen cipher. It's quick to learn and I've never met another person who saw it and knew what it was. I used it on notes that I passed to my girlfriend in class because teachers couldn't read it.

Second this, it's my usual go to when I want something that doesn't take a ton of brain power. It can also be played with only one hand on the Deck (mapping A and B to L4 and L5).

Liftoff recently added this as well.

This is very interesting, seems like everything lined up well for this to be a homerun.

There's been a few recent remasters that weren't optimized well, but this one runs at 40 fps with no adjustments. I was expecting 30-35 at best.