2 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Okay imma need an explanation for the middle bottom and bottom right panels, what are they?

Also love the idea that magic is just science we haven’t explained yet. Most of us would be burned s as witches in the past based on our current knowledge

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‘Whits fur ye will no’ go past ye’ - what’s for you will not go past you

My wee Scottish granny had some real wisdom.

‘No point in worrying about somethin cos if it happens ye suffer twice!’

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Don’t know if I’m out of the loop but what drama has there been recently?

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The rusty sheriffs badge, you mean?

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Here’s a few:

  • Our national animal is a Unicorn
  • We are oddly proud of our tap water being drinkable
  • We have nearly 800 islands
  • The saltire (our flag) is the oldest in the world allegedly, from 8th century
  • Despite being part of the bigger country of United Kingdom, Scotland has its own entirely separate legal and education systems.


I guess potentially they will be able to make a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel on Unreal Engine maybe called Cyberpunk 2078: Edgerunner Boogaloo (CDPR I am available to join your team, get in touch).

I know precisely the square root of fuck all when it comes to game design but presuming they can at least map across assets as they will already have the character designs, language, city design etc all sorted so hopefully they will be starting from a lot further forward than CB2077 years ago.

I sunk about 50 hours in but have decided to wait for mods to make the game more as it should have been like I did with Cyberpunk though CDPR at least fixed it themselves without relying on the modders.

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It’s a growing number of companies doing that. Hopefully it’s the beginning of the end.

Instructions unclear, pre-ordered Gold Super Premium Platinum Day One Explorer Edition and positive this will be the greatest game of all time

I just googled for this image, can’t find it but there is a lot of pregnant Luigi cartoons.

Some of y’all need Odin.

Starfield 1.7.33 Update Patch Notes


Characters: Fixed an issue that could cause some characters to not be in their proper location. Star Stations: Fixed an issue where Star Stations would be labeled as a player-owned ship. Vendors: Addressed an issue that allowed for a vendor’s full inventory to be accessible. Graphics

AMD (PC): Resolved an issue that caused star lens flares not to appear correctly on AMD GPUs. Graphics: Addressed an upscaling issue that could cause textures to become blurry. Graphics: Resolved an issue that could cause photosensitivity issues when scrolling through the inventory menu. Performance and Stability

Hand Scanner: Addressed an issue where the Hand Scanner caused hitching. Various stability and performance improvements to address crashing and freezes. Ships

Displays: Fixed an issue that would cause displayed items to disappear when applied to in-ship mannequins. Displays: Fixed an issue that would cause items stored in Razorleaf Storage Containers and Weapon Racks to disappear after commandeering another ship.

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Was always going to be a tough act to follow Reddicks iconic voice.

I love Keith David though, he will always be Anderson from Mass Effect (aka Shepards space poppa)

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Just created my account on before I realised I could migrate the whole account from but have had zero downtime since then so that’s a positive.

Tl:dr Stehelski would like to do something with Michael B Jordan for Rainbow Six but no active development at the moment. Ghost of Tsushima seems more hopeful but he is keen that they would do it justice as Sucker Punch made it incredible. He would like an all Asian cast and for only parts of the movie to be in English.

Interesting for me was that he mentioned doing Highlander 2 where I don’t think we are even at Highlander 1 at the moment!

I asked AI to draw that with interesting results

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Can I give you holiday cover? I’d like this job, like some sort of holy librarian.

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Gritty has zero chill

I’m Scottish as is my whole family and our nieces (5 of them) all say bucks, trash can, soccer ball. I’m quick to point out their errors but I have to give them a wee bit leeway but I draw the line at trick or treating.

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A loo with a view.

I am not going to pretend to be smart enough to understand any of it but I think it’s good news?

I would be keen to have solar panels or a solar array on my property but they are so damn expensive.

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Is it possible to delete someone else’s post?

YouTube will most likely remain king. Simply don’t get the videos on Vimeo or Dailymotion.

Used to be all over Google products but got my soul back and sold it to Apple instead. All the big corps are the same in the end, I think.

I had Windows Phone, BlackBerry 10, CyanogenOS, Jolla Sailfish and was waiting on Firefox os and Ubuntu to be available in my country they never were. We are stuck with stripped back versions of Android and iOS.



Seconded. Who do we need to update?

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We have all been there, Kratos, old bean.

Interesting, never really considered it like that, I’m Scottish so have heard it referenced in pop culture and such without really much thought of origins. I know that witches have familiars, shamans have animal spirits in their belief systems and many modern pagans revere wild animals too so it may be the word choice itself?

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Personally I enjoyed the gameplay and found the writing to be so so with some really good moments and some awkward and awful ones (River hitting on a female V, I was with Judy and was frosty with him at every opportunity and he still went on as if I was leading him on. Like MF I could not have been clearer.)

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Spatula? Ahh, a human of culture, I see.

Is…is boobtube a thing?

It sounds like it should be a thing

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Icelandic! Beautiful language, learned a bit for my honeymoon, it’s a bit of a time capsule to old Norse too.

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Such a missed opportunity. I loved Windows Phone and Cortana was good enough at the time but now with Bing AI I wonder what Cortana could really have been.

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Also user friendliness. I tried Linux once at the behest of a programmer mate and just couldn’t get into it. I’m fairly confident with tech but going in cold scared me off whereas windows (and to a lesser extent back then, Mac OS) was safer.

Office 365 are the champs for the working world. Google are growing and Apple are…there but Office364 reigns supreme, in the UK at least.

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Trouble is governments generally won’t vote in something like that cos their mates too often are those rich people or donors to their party.

Unless you get some really wild folk who give zero shits but they normally don’t end up in power for long.

Correct! And also a Queen song from 1989.

Nail in heart made me physically wince. Yikes.

Cut out anything that doesn’t bring you joy. Friends always bring you down with drama? Cut them out. Work giving you grief? Look for another job.

Not always easy but establishing boundaries is super important especially for those with White Knight syndrome. You can’t put out others fires if you are aflame.

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Crazy dictator eh? I can get behind that. What’s your instance?

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Once I put the Skyrim OST on it’s usually within two songs but sometimes it’s all the place.

I honestly wish we had a you on every post. But interesante, gracias por tu conocimiento

Dark Side is such a good album. Great Gig in the Sky never resonated with me as a kid but now it’s a whole different story.