6 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

KDE Plasma is the way to go if you're too used to the Windows desktop. Plasma 6 is out, and from what I ses it's more like Windows 11, though Plasma is so configurable you could definitely mimic Windows 10.

Kubuntu still uses Plasma 5, which was pretty much exactly like using Windows 10 when I used it, though more configurable and smoother to use. If you want stability and compatibility in your machine, with a DE that has all its issues ironed out, Kubuntu is a good choice.

Imagine you're stuck in space... and your two options for getting home are Boeing and SpaceX. Is OceanGate going to branch out into space travel next? I hope these brave souls make it home safely.

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Getting tired of these live action remakes.... Good to see Rich Evans share the limelight with some lesser known names though!

Holy shit - I had heard about this, but those eyes are FIERCE. He looks great though, if only there weren't anyone rallying against biological men wearing makeup.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit on NES. Ghostbusters was more disappointing, but I've at least kinda figured out how to play it over my lifetime. WFRR I'm clueless on. I think it's some kind of point and click, but I'm not really sure. There's a part where you have to call a real life telephone number to progress.

Pretty accurate depictions of what it feels like to play these games.

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Thank you for taking the time to respond! I really appreciate any advice and opinions I can get from trans people who have more experience being themselves.

Your language implies that you don’t think that a transition is valid without some high-tech medical/pharmaceutical intervention.

I do realize that I have some internalized transphobia, and that's something I'm working through in therapy. I don't think that people can't be trans without HRT, but in the back of my head perhaps more that I cannot. This is something I'm trying to address before I make any real life-altering decisions - I'm really just looking to store my sperm for right now to prepare for any potential fertility issues in the future. As for HRT, I've been considering it for a while now, almost as long as the timescale I illustrated. The risks do intimidate me a bit, but I'm in the stages of consulting with doctors for the first time as to those potential risks for me personally. I feel like what I gained from my realization is that I really wasted a lot of time not being myself (though there were external factors at play), and the rest is just a jumble of thoughts that have been going through my head. I don't know that you'd necessarily want to, because it seems like you have your worries too; but, to put it bluntly, it fucking sucks that you don't at least have the option of HRT, and I must apologize as I do not intend to demean your struggle with my spur of the moment thoughts working out my bullshit in therapy.

I for one would love it if more of the trans community embraced reviving these traditional transition methods. I often feel very alone trying to explore alternative options because all of the other trans people jump straight to the drugs.

I would be super appreciative if you could share any resources you have! I've been wanting to look into HRT alternatives, but it's hard to tell what works and what's hokey.

The major problem with HRT is that once you’re on it, you need it or else you’ll get bone issues and premature menopause. Unstable political landscapes mean that the health of many trans people can be seriously impacted by laws changing access to drugs.

I felt that I was pretty clear that the current political landscape was one of my main concerns with starting HRT. The dependency on any system really is a terrifying thing at its core. I don't need HRT right now, I'm starting to socially transition as much as I can. Part of why I've even continued on this journey despite my fear in the first place is that I think now is the time to be out more than ever. The thought of a total anti-trans political regime is scary, but I think I'd feel safer in terms of starting HRT later this year or early next year if we get the more progressive candidate. Part of me thinks that socially out or medically out, you're a bit fucked if Trump gets elected anyway as well, but I am waiting specifically to see a bit more how this plays out.

Do the superpowers have to correlate to the abilities of the animal that bites me, like Spider-Man?

Probably a grasshopper, if so. Being able to bound to basically anywhere I need to get would be nice, get some wings to course correct in the air. Or a mantis shrimp because then I really would never have to worry about losing a fight.

But if it's any animal/any superpower: mosquito/super speed

I wish I had seen their comment about my large manly hands before it got removed because I honestly had a comeback on lock.

"Ikr? Thank God, makes it so much easier to practice ;)"

Remember girls, beauty comes from how you see you. Even if the transphobes bother you - you are unbothered.

Are you out to these people? I don't know how long you've been on HRT, or at what age you started, but if you've been on HRT a bit there have to have been some changes.

It can be hard for people to notice differences, unless you point them out, and if you're boymoding then people (not to be too assumptive, but I'm guessing your male friends?) probably won't pick up on any feminine energy you're radiating ;).

As for their comments about your weight, I'm so sorry that you have to hear that because it can be so discouraging during tough points in your life. That said, keeping with the assumption thess friends are men, keep in mind that a lot of male socialization revolves around the concept of the "burn," and they might not be intending to be as hurtful as they are.

Taking my experiences coming out as bisexual (and trans, to some people) into consideration, I believe that people can't surprise you unless you give them a chance. Some will be as you expected, but you will always be surprised.

I hope your experience gets better soon, much love <3

This always takes me back to playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3.

They were based on me thinking both colors were cute in the store and then realizing they would be cuter together :). Though I've liked orange and blue green ever since I read a book where the illustrations were done entirely in a tricolor scheme with that combination and white.

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I have some clear coat for that purpose, but I wanted this only to last the weekend and to come off easily ;). Advice is always appreciated, however! :)

Thank you! I still need to watch Asteroid City. After I made the pallette, my mind went to Portal XD

Tested for potency and often.

I feel like I'm already regretting waiting... But, I don't know if I can take more than baby steps in coming out. I'm really happy you're all in on being yourself! Hope your HRT appointment goes well!

Quite a few, I'm one of those people. In fact, I could answer this question in so many different ways. The game I feel is the "prize" of my collection, though, is Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude.

I like the classic point and click Leisure Suit Larry games; I think they have a certain charm about them, and though they're drenched in sleaze, Larry in his quests for sex more often than not ends up the butt of the joke. Raunchy, sexual, but most importantly, mainly making fun of our protagonist desperately trying to get laid. The gameplay was fun too, point and click games have a certain feel that you don't see too much today. On top of all that, when the series moved into a more higher resolution art for LSL 4, 6 and 7 the series genuinely beautiful with an unforgettable style

LSL: MCL does not have much of this. You play truly horribly designed minigames over and over to progress. These range from bad to worse, and you will become the best virtual quarters player of all time by the end of it, I promise you. The comedy is reduced to 2000s boner comedy level, and it seems as though Larry (or Larry's nephew, Larry, in this case) is an unironic protagonist on a real quest, rather than failing upwards, accompanied by the constant mockery of our witty narrator. What once was a series about a hopeless sleazeball constantly petitioning and getting rejected by women out of his league got turned into a unironic college boning simulator. To top it all off, our beautiful art has been replaced by the early-2000s-est of 3D models and textures

I played it for 22 hours or so. Couldn't stop. It's like a car crash. Not only does it If any game deserves "so bad, it's good" status, LSL: MCL is at the top of the list.

For those kind enough to read my rant, here are some runners up from my shelf in which I assume you'd also be interested:

BCFX The Black College Football Experience: A college football game where only Historically Black Colleges and Universities are selectable. Only part of the game is really about football, because you also play as the band at halftime in a Rock Band-style minigame. It's such a niche game, with such a niche audience. Who probably won't even like the game because it doesn't play well at all.

Sneak King: C'mon, we all know this one. Premium, refined jank.

Fight Club: A fighting game based on the movie based on the book, where you can play as Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit and also Abraham Lincoln should you so desire.

MTV's Pimp My Ride: PBG fans out there, time to represent. Basically just a minigame collection with some driving between. It did, however, teach me how to Ghost Ride the Whip, for which I am eternally grateful.

FWIW the open beta will be open, but people who prepurchase get extra skins and early beta access. Activision has been putting anti-consumer features in CoD since Black Ops 3, to my knowledge. That was the first one where you had to roll loot boxes to unlock all the weapons as opposed to just playing MP matches.

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The opponent never moves.

Throw in a BMW lighter and I'll cut $2,000 from the asking price

Fallout: New Vegas. I still find new stuff in it to this day, don't get me wrong. But to be able to get lost in the Mojave with no idea of the stakes at play all over again would be an absolute delight.

For music, Facelift by Alice in Chains is one of the most underrated albums of all time. If I could go back to popping that CD in the stereo, not knowing what I'm in for and realizing that I'm listening to an Appetite for Destruction-level album. I wore that original CD out. :)

Do you have any fleeing the country tips and tricks for beginners? Fully understand not discussing anything like that, but it is something I'd like to plan for but don't know how. Thank you for the improved vocabulary, I come from a family that sees trans in a negative light, so I'm really just expanding my ability to describe my experiences in nonbiased ways.

Oh man, Obra Dinn for sure. Nothing quite replicates that moment when all the pieces start to fit together. The game took me about 6 hours, I believe. Four hours were spent furiously trying to solve the puzzles, but the last two hours were a wonderful cascade of clues falling into place until I had a complete record of the ship's crew and passengers. Masterpiece.

Oh that's cute! I haven't messed around with any metallics yet but I got some blue eyeliner recently and I think that the look I'm putting together with it requires something that bold.

Expand allergy warning labels on products. Mammal product allergy exists, it's called alpha-gal syndrome - one of the issues that can arise from a tick bite. I would like to see allergy labels for beef, pork, gelatin, and carrageenan alongside the ones for milk, wheat, nuts, etc.

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South Park: The Stick of Truth. You can 100% it in one run and it takes around 20 hours. Super fun game too :)

Well, Twitter's not made up of researchers and engineers. Catering to the whims of a rich guy to get your research funded is a tale as old as the scientific method, they've got it down by now.

I still headcanon that she just took fighting fire with fire a little too seriously

Oh I'm sure it was a well-thought out and easy decision.

That will not stop me from poking at Musk a lil bit. Just a lil bit. C'mon bro just a lil pokeage.

The name and the intro really put in the work to get you excited for some high-octane action.

Finally, I know what the phone call does! Maybe I've been too hard on Roger Rabbit NES....

By the time I got around to playing it, the number was deprecated and I definitely wasn't figuring out how to actually beat it! I guess I just assumed it gated me from the end, when it was probably some other esoteric thing.

I just want it to be more clear what products are in my food.

Maybe they can partner with Epson or Brother, they're pretty good at keeping their printers from printing

Yep, I probably would too. Nobody's saying Musk designed them.

Oh okay! I missed out on Advanced Warfare's online, going straight from Black Ops II to Black Ops III. I remembered people not liking the boost jumping in Advanced Warfare, but I didn't realize that's where all the loot box stuff started. To its credit, I remember playing some splitscreen AW with my brothers, and I believe it had all weapons unlocked offline at least. BO3 didn't have that, which was a disappointment for me in a rural area without internet capable of online MP.

It was either Super Mario Bros. on NES or Excitebike. Unfortunately followed shortly thereafter by Ghostbusters and Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Mind you, the NES was a good bit before my time, and I was playing a hand-me-down. I count myself lucky to have had the same experience many kids in the 80s had on Christmas Day when the NES hit North America. Even with all the gizmos now, the NES and N64 really capture me in a way that I'm not sure they would had I grown up with a PS2 like everyone else.

So Streets of Rage 2 with some River City Ransom mechanics? Count me in! It won't increase the replayability for me though, I could already play SoR2 over and over, it's immaculate.

I just looked into this service, thank you! I'm really interested in their lifetime offering. Is your payment plan through Legacy, or did you take out a loan?

Why haven't more criminals thought of this?

Um, actually dude the situation in your joke was a bit outlandish. Do your research next time.

/jk, gotta be super clear in this thread