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Joined 8 months ago

And does so begrudgingly.

Totally willing to help the very needy...pharma bros get a piece of that sweet, sweet government pie. Why let government do anything when outsourcing to private capital helps me buy my my kids.

I think you already know the reason is money. Exploiting others isn't demonized, it's celebrated as "innovative" and "clever" and "entrepreneurial spirit." That is the system, held up, and propagandized by, the exploiters. We're taught that violent protest is "uncivil" or "barbaric," because it's the only thing that truly threatens the system, which otherwise holds a monopoly on violence, to prop up that system.

"Seriously? I'm being arrested for being gay?" Extremely gay.

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The ability to be disconnected from the internet and still function properly.

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Because people are detached from ethics and humanity as an intended function of capitalism. If people regarded animal welfare every time they needed to eat by being exposed to the slaughter, line might go down. Media is sanitized whatever degree maximizes potential consumer bases, and ultimately profits.

I'll raise you rnbqkbnr/ppppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/pppp1ppp/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 2. Come at me bro.

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And other goodies!

You can't treat social problems with a chemical.


Aw fu, I mean..You see through my plan THIS time... Erm.. yeah.

It's a legal system.