1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mate, maybe you should just go a therapist. That‘s their job, you don‘t need an AI for this.

I honestly can‘t believe that anyone doesn‘t do this. How else would you count calories?

Definitely Arrival

Banning smartphones in schools is stupid, unless you have other alternatives like laptops (where you can block social media). The thing is, the internet is basically a huge library and kids learn how to solve problems on their own. I sometimes see 20-30 year olds who literally don‘t know how to use google and if they don’t know something, they don‘t know how to research it.

Definitely Bitwarden, but there‘s also a new product from Proton called Proton Pass. It works similarly to Bitwarden, but a few features are still missing.

This has already been tried and didn‘t work. People consumed it anyway (surprise).

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I am not saying crack or other drugs are harmless, but man, have you ever seen an alcohol addict? It completely destroys your body, mind and family (which you like to mention when it comes to other drugs). You can absolutely compare it to crack.

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I always read the privacy policy.

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Wait, you can‘t drink in the US even with permission from your parents?

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This literally happened with abortion rights in the US. People put their health data unencrypted in apps, because they „had nothing to hide“. Then the law changed.

Can you tell me how it affects or even hurts anyone if someone is smoking weed at home? There is literally no point in making it illegal. What you can do is making it illegal to do certain things while under the influence of drugs, for example driving a car. And guess what, exactly this happens with alcohol too. But making the drug itself illegal is imo a bad idea.

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The drug market currently is completely unregulated. It‘s easier for a teenager to buy weed, than alcohol. If we make it legal, we can actually regulate it, like alcohol.

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Some games even have payouts, like Counter Strike. I don‘t understand why it isn’t officially gambling too.

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Yes, usually games with anti cheat, like Destiny 2. Although it’s way better nowadays, mostly thanks to Valve.


Some people just do it this way. This doesn‘t mean they don‘t have fun. I noticed this happens with books too; people buy books and then track how many they‘ve read, set goals etc. Some people think it‘s stupid, but for some it‘s fun.

It also has a web clipper, which imo is a very handy feature.

Brazil has one of the most strict anti drug laws in the world, isn’t that correct?

I am from Germany. We‘ll legalize weed soon.

And yes, drug usage certainly can affect other people, sorry about the confusion. My point was primarily about normal drug usage, not addicts. Criminalizing it certainly doesn‘t seem to help, every single country that tried this completely failed. On the other hand, countries that do the exact opposite seem to be pretty successful.

Edit: You just seem to ignore facts. It works in other countries. The war on drugs failed.

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No, missing regulation led to the school shooting situation in the US. Just legalizing won‘t solve any issues, without any proper regulations.

Consuming drugs is your choice, it only affects your body, life and mind. Sexual assault and drugs can not even be remotely compared.

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YouTube at least recommends really small content creators. I sometimes get video recommendations with just 1-10 views. With shorts it‘s the same.

No, but we have the Netherlands, where a lot of weed comes from (illegally but also some legally).

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That‘s probably because HTML doesn‘t actually has any logic. You basically just need to remember things and what to put where. You should try a programming language, which actually has logic and is therefore easier to understand (imo). The easiest language you can start with is probably python.

Will look into it. Thanks for the recommendations!

I usually check the subreddit redditmobile to see if they actually fixed the app.

Edit: But yea, honestly I probably won‘t go back to Reddit. Lemmy seems to be a great alternative.

I actually liked Odyssey way more than Origins. Haven‘t even played Origins through, simply didn‘t hook me.

I understand. I am not denying any of your problems, I just don‘t think that criminalizing it is a solution. It didn’t work in the past and it also won‘t work in the future.

These look interesting. Thanks!

Damn I didn‘t even realize at first. Lmao

You can just not use the service. Also, you know that you can't trust the company and therefore you also don't put any private data in there. It's always helpful to read the privacy policy.

Yeah, but honestly I don‘t think it ruins the game. Sure, it’s not the best idea, but I don‘t care too much. I actually care more about the fact that the gameplay currently sucks and is completely different to Overwatch 1. 5v5 and the overall balancing sucks.

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How is Meta acting anti competitive? I am not defending them, just actually curious. For Microsoft, Alphabet and Apple it makes sense because they control the platforms.

I also don‘t believe aliens already were on earth, however your entire argument is based on human physics and resources. It‘s entirely possible that aliens could come here, because maybe they’ve found a way to have basically unlimited energy (a human theory for example is a Dyson sphere or maybe something else). Just think about what technological progress we made in the last 100 years, now think about maybe thousands of years or more.

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I personally have no problem with the monetization, but the balance is really, really bad.

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I didn‘t say we are completely wrong, I am just saying that an alien civilization is maybe much more advanced than we are and is doing things that for us currently seem impossible. Just a few decades ago, what we are currently doing (internet/smartphone) also seemed impossible.

And there are theories about how aliens could‘ve visited earth, for example one is through a worm hole. Albert Einstein believed that worm holes exist and so far he has been right with pretty much every theory.

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My point is that an alien civilization maybe has thousands of years (or more) of technological advantage to us. They‘d have things, we currently couldn‘t assemble. If we had the technology and could study it, sure, that‘s different. And again, we already have theories how intergalactic space travel could work (e.g. worm holes), so there is definitely a possibility that an advanced civilization already did this. I don‘t think they visited earth though, but still.

Edit: Btw, also maybe an alien civilizations has completely different or new resources, we haven‘t even discovered yet.

Man then don‘t think about the last decades, but 300 years ago. This is splitting hairs. A lot of things we do every day nowadays, seemed impossible in the past (whether it be 60 or 300 years).

Edit: Another example would weapons. Just show a medieval knight a B-2 stealth bomber. Also seemed impossible back in the day.

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Yea, people just apply racism to everything instead of thinking about it for a second.