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Wouldn't technically moving from hosting communities to having such a heavy involvement in their management be against the safe harbour protection?

Anecdotal: my neighbors entryway is recessed, and as so happens to be like 20 meters away from a window on the second floor of my house. There's a ton of vegetation between us, but even if people are whispering there - I can hear it like they are right next to me. Especially when they are screaming at their kids to "be quiet"🫠.
It's possible that your neighbor found some spot where sound from your house travels to. Do you normally take phone calls in a specific area of the house? Vs where you usually have guests over?

Anecdotally, every interaction I or many friends had with IBM left a "is this the 90s" taste.
It feels super disorganized but it's still a big corp, "simple" dev position hard require a degree (like, their system just wouldn't let a friend submit their application because they didn't press the checkmark lol) - usually it's not a hard requirement in our local market. I'm still waiting 5 years later for the VP of the BU I was interviewing at to return from his vacation to "approve my hire" LOL (for all concerned I found work at a different company... But still amusing to think about that guy spending 5 years in vacation...).

Just examples, but feels like there's some internal process/management failures higher up the food chain. Their devs create pretty innovative things, then nothing is actually done with that lol.

Same-ish lol. I specifically looked at transit availability when I was purchasing a condo in the city. I'd open Google maps, click the nearest bus stop and see if I can get to a few central places in the city in one trip. Anywhere that required swapping buses was cancelled as an option.
I'll still need my car like once a week or two, but being able to either walk to or use transit daily for most of my needs would be a huge improvement to me. But still won't be fully able to get rid of the car!

I've watched it 3 times, once me and friends watched the disaster artist and the room right after. (For the loorrrreee)

I can genuinely say that the room is much better than the disaster artist lol.

Can't answer for all of humanity, but for me I basically live somewhere that has absolutely shit public transport. My village has a total of 5(!) buses a day. But that's rural life.
I'm planning on moving to The Big City™️, so when I will I won't be using my car daily. But I won't get rid of it because for any trip which is beyond the central city routes it'll be hell to get to without a car. (I expect it to be once a week-ish).
E.g - to get directly from where I'll be moving to my mom's house is like 40minutea by car. It's 3+hours by public transport.
Also if I'll want to do anything that requires carrying stuff (like let's say, going to the supermarket to buy more than one handful of stuff...) - a car would make that practical as I'll be able to put the things in the car rather than carrying it across the city.

I definitely aim to reduce my car usage by a lot, but in my country I'll still benefit from using a car. Maybe in a decade or two the state of public transport will be much better and I'll be able to consider dropping the car all together.

I... Don't think they realize how much work mods do, to both cultivate the community in their subs and to keep them from become a cesspool of society.

I say just let spez mod a spicy subreddit like WSB or dataisbeautiful. You haven't seen adult individuals decend to throwing feces at one another until they start arguing about the appropriate scale for a graph. Or one of the truecrime subs like TrueCrimeDiscussion, where every comment hidden 40 comments deep can be a dox. 🤣

I'd imagine that would be offset by all the people who are redditing much less because most of the subs they frequent are private?