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Sadly, it took blood and death to get the worker’s rights we do have, and only apathetic voters to lose them.

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Well, they used to be rare. They’ve all been ousted, retired or lost their primaries by now. There are NO principaled GOP politicians at this point.

Their plan to fight homelessness and mental illness is simple: Make them illegal! That should solve it.

Meanwhile, regulating firearms won’t work because then only criminals will have guns. These people are ducking evil.

And now I’m reading a computer’s version of a story describing how a computer wrote a story that should have been discarded.

Nope. They’re up for removal this Fall.

To be honest… that doesn’t sound like a heavy lift at all.

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It was fun, indeed. People knew so little about the implications and possibilities of connecting two systems, that even if you didn’t hack anything worthwhile, it was easy to feel like a genius simply by war-dialing into another local nerd’s own Commodore 64.

en again it can take me half a movie to realise there are two men with dark hair, a beard and glasses

I’m not face blind, but this is the reason I never watched another Mission Impossible movie after the first one: Every single male in that movie looked identical to me, and I couldn’t follow any of the plot line(s?), as I never knew who was doing what to whom. I can only imagine how annoying it must be when that’s the norm.

Most liquors, but gin and tequila in particular.

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True, and this is why the system needs to provide mental health services for these caretakers too. Right now, you’ve got the overwhelmed and frustrated overseeing the overwhelmed and frustrated, which is a recipe for disasters like this. Add a profit motive, and now you’ve got yourself a stew going.

Kindness isn’t patronizing. Just offer to help because you care for Stevie and your neighbor. No need to make it a debt (or worse, make her “work it off”), which would redefine your relationship as employer/employee. Just friends doing what friends do.


Will he actually pay, though? There’s not a shred of honor in this guy, so I’m guessing the “check’s in the mail” until long after all the players are gone.

I don’t want to know how the thumbs are at the top.

Ha ha. Yeah… funny. … gulp.

Doctor Who from Eccleston on. We missed much of it (including all of the Capaldi and Whitaker years) so it’s still new to us, and we’re catching up just in time for the new guy. I used to roll my eyes at folks who insisted Who was worth watching, but I was clearly wrong: It’s such a fun (and sometimes devastating) show. Loving it.

I believe my 1998 Kelty backpack, Leatherman PST II, 1990 Volvo 240 Wagon and Mohawk Royalex canoe will outlast us all.

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Those look more like 501s

Unless they’re apologizing for their failures or resigning in shame, why even include comments from politicians like Grassley and Nunn? They’ve already told us they’re not interested or involved in such matters.

He practically emptied mine during his four years of making America grate.

That first picture looks like the cover of a 1980s computer magazine, but I just can’t figure out which one.

I use my original almost every day (actually, not quite the original; I lost my first one after 15 years in a 2013 car accident, and replaced it with the same 1998 model from an eBay sale. My wife has a newer Wave model and loves it. To be honest, though, I haven’t kept up with the latest versions, but I’ve never met anyone who regretted buying one.

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Nice. Unless something’s changed recently, you shouldn’t be disappointed. Enjoy!

Most folks never bother to delete their accounts, and it’s now one of the older social networks. It was also popular at one time among GenX, who got their Boomer parents to sign up so they could keep contact with their grandkids remotely.

There are far fewer Boomers on TikTok, and many GenX’rs have simply given up on trying to remain in contact with anyone they actually know.

Op-Ed’s are just that: Opinions and Editorials. In traditional print journalism, they usually included informed opinion pieces from the editor of the publication itself, or perhaps expert guest or syndicated columnists. Fringe opinions were only relegated to the “letters to the editor” public-forum subsections and not given much weight. Today it seems whoever types fastest gets the audience.

Yeah, even the linked article’s headline says auto industry. Trump sucks enough, we don’t need to make up quotes for him.

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