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Joined 1 years ago

Sustainably? They don’t (mostly). Most are either pet projects, paid for out of pocket by the instance owner or run off donations. Neither are particularly sustainable long term, with rare exceptions like

The SDF runs just about every federated service you can think of, and has done so since the 1980s, run almost entirely off donations. Started as a dialup BBS (still active).

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Saving this to read later, when I have time. So my apologies if this is not relevant.

When using any sort of social media you are effectively shouting, at the top of you lungs, in the middle of town square. What privacy are you expecting? If you want privacy, join me in “bed”. For “pillow talk.”

I do expect my account to be secure, in that no one should be able to pretend to be me. But privacy? Not in town square, while standing on the bullpup. Holding a megaphone.

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Personally, I think yes, it is worth it, However your friends bookkeeper might shit a brick. Building up IT infrastructure from the ground up is not cheap. Although storage cost is coming down.

Seriously, running with Google and company will be cheaper in the short term. What you can potentially gain doing it yourself however is resilience from catastrophic 3rd party events. If your not dependent on a third party for your IT infra, it doesn't matter what they do, or don't do. For a recent example:

I willing to give them the same cost of living increase I got this year. It was about $800. I think that’s fair.

I bet 3 upvotes and one Mastodon follow, it’s killed off in less then 5 years

And at least in my case, shipping got faster once I canceled my prime. Lol. Fast shipping had been the only reason I had signed up in the first place.

Interesting relevant factoid.

I am a truck driver. I make $75,000 per year. Required a license that cost me 2 years of my life or $10,000 (my choice) for school (12 weeks) and roughly $1000 in admin fees to my State to aquire.

My wife is a mental health therapist. She makes roughly $55,000. To do her current job required a Master’s degree($80,000 +6 years), and 2 separate licenses with an unknown (to me) cost but required a total of 5 years on the job to acquire. Before she got that second license, she made more money working at McDonalds. And she still has continued education requirements costing upwards of $800 per course.

She loves her job (usually) and I love that she loves it, but if you’re looking for money, THE TRADES PAY! And usually a heck of a lot earlier and better than jobs that require a college degree.

Edit: Spolling is hard!

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Umm.. Florida, I’m not entirely sure you can do that. I think you have to honor other States documents.

So glad he’s not my Governor. Still I feel for the people of Texas, even those that voted for this ass.

Personally, I use Gitea. My needs are simple though and I probably don’t use 99% of what it can do.

Not a new question. When I first got into Linux every one was asking “How can we get everyone to dump Windows and use Linux instead?” I long ago got tired of hearing about THIS year being the year of the Linux Desktop.

The answer is the same in both cases. Make it default, because most people don’t really care so long whatever is default does what they need it to do. Add in the network effect GitHub has and things would have to get incredibly bad before everyone would switch.

The reason everyone uses Windows? Because “everyone” uses Windows. Why does everyone use GitHub? Because “everyone” uses GitHub. Both have become the default. That would have to change.

Hmmm. Thank you for that. And from a relatively reliable source as well.


You must have either grown up post-internet or in one of the bigger cities. I assure you, in small towns like where I grew up, (particularly before the internet) old miss Busy Body down the street would never let ANYONE forget every embarrassing moment anyone ever had. The more scandalous or embarrassing the moment, the more likely it was to be retold. And retold. And retold. Till EVERYONE knew.

The only thing that has changed is the detail of the retelling. The tales still seem to get bigger and more scandalous with each retelling.

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When I’m home it is usually my wife that notices first. That said, when I’m away from home I almost immediately notice any issues. My self hosted services are the backend for almost everything I use. Just need to find a decent replacement for GoodNotes on iOS.

In both services you are basically shouting into a giant megaphone. What’s so private about it? If you don’t want say it in public, don’t say it there.

If you need privacy there are much better tools available such as pgp encrypted email or encrypted Matrix DMs (a nonfederated Matrix sever would be even more secure but rather overkill).

Edit: specified encrypting Matrix DMs. I forgot for a moment that you can send unencrypted DMs over Matrix.

Once upon a time, long before you were born, most food was grown by children on what were called “family farms” owned by the family. Youngsters as young as 4 even….

Ok, Ok, I’ll set the Staff of Sarcasm down now, but seriously, a lot of folks on both sides of this are suffering from significant cognitive dissonance.

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Personally, I chose to run my own. Setup was a headache, but then I had to do things the hard way. Server on a subdomain but advertising my root domain with an Element web client running on the root. At least that was how I was setup originally. System updates borked the web client and as no one ever used it, I couldn't be bothered to fix it. The Matrix server itself though has been running without a hickup for over 2 years. Just gone down for updates.

If you haven't seen this list yet, you might take a look at it and see if anything strikes your fancy.

I will say that the homeserver is said to be rather slow as everyone seems to go there as default for some reason. Couldn't say why. /s

I largely stopped using Reddit,so….. Can’t say I care.

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Not really. Most big corporations require a NDA to use their toilets. Slight exaggeration but not by much.

Wait and see.

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That's what I started on! Honestly, RAM is likely to be your biggest bottle neck. Pretty much anything will be doable though, with enough swap and a fast drive. Just don't expect great performance.

Adapt or die. It’s not really that difficult a concept.

Why am I not surprised.

That's a new reference for me. I had to look that up. :-)

I may have gotten to word wrong. I'm afraid speak only two languages. Horrible English and even worse Spanish.

I meant the box that old timey politicians used to stand on so they could be seen by a crowd while they spewed nonsense out of their mouths.

I wonder if bots like that are possible in the fediverse?

Only if your home server remains unfederated. Even then other users of the server will be able to see everything. And will be more likely to remember, like miss Busy Body.

As for this being experimental software. Yes? So? So is the internet. It has really only been under strain for 20 years. (It older then that, I know. I grew up using dialup to BBSs. Then USENET. Then AOL.) We are still making this shit up as we go along. But it’s best not to forget human nature.

As for your last statement, yea….. I’m going to just let that one be…

Thank you! This will prove helpful whenever I get around to spinning up my own instance.

That, and you have to take into account each person’s available hardware and resources.

I have an under powered 10 year old desktop, a resonably specd 5 year old laptop with a busted screen, and 8 Raspberry Pi’s (3s and 4s). And can’t currently afford better hardware.Sometimes clustering those Pi’s makes sense.

You can use whatever you have to hand.

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There is no substitute for a real doctor. You can get a second opinion from someone else. And should.

That said I think is fairly reliable source for information.

If it is something that can be remotely diagnosed, you might try

Almost all audio plugins you likely use do have native Linux equivalents (but not through the same developer). Check out Ubuntu Studio. Also I think highly of Reaper as a DAW. Reaper is not FOSS, but it is Linux native.

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Without knowing your system utilization numbers it’s impossible to give good recommendations.

I recently upgraded my system from a 4th gen i5 with 8 GB ram (Main board maxed) to a 6th gen i5 with 64 GB of ram (Again max out the main board).

Before the upgrade I was sitting at 95% ram usage + 3 GB swap usage with the proc averaging 0.56 load, io wait was averaging 30%. In other words, I was clearly RAM bound.

After the full body transplant, I was using 23 GB ram with a 1.52 load average and 0 swap. Io wait at 3%.Not enough time for averages yet, but there was night and day difference in application performance.

Let your system stats dictate what you need to upgrade.

Safari on iOS and Firefox on my desktop and laptop. So far I haven’t found an app for iOS that is not in TestFlight.

For some odd reason Firefox on iOS hangs when I’m trying to log in to my Lemmy homeserver.

Not suprised. A lot of people in the US have ancestral links to slavery. I don't judge a person for the sins of their parents. I judge them for their own sins.

Generally, it’s Proxmox, debían, then whatever is needed for what I’m spinning up. Usually Docker Compose.

Lately I’ve been playing some with Ansible, but it’s use is far from common for me right now.

Home Assistant has some functionality similar to what your asking for and I think there is something like that available in Nextcloud as well.

There is also a project called Traccar (I think that’s what it’s called) that you might look into.

I mostly use location data for triggering reminders and smart home events but I know more is possible, just haven’t looked into it more deeply.

So long as your users are not in a bunch of media heavy rooms, the storage usage is not bad When federated. I've got mine on a 2 core, 4GB VPS with 80GB of storage. 6 users, 2 active. I've been sitting at about 40% storage used for the last year. Just make sure you've set reasonable retention policies.

Same for iOS with the added pain that iOS will kill the background process if you don’t open it back up from time to time.

Edit: spelling

I remember those! I had bought an Asus eeePC when they came out. Cheap laptops! Do you remember what yours was?

I believe that votes are private in the sense that they are out of view unless you go digging for them. A bit like stepping behind a curtain to have a conversation in a room full of people.

As for saved posts, Looking at the documentation, I think that that is local to your home server only.

Interesting, I’ll have to look at them later.