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The interview process is what is causing me the most anxiety right now. Lost my job at the end of June, and I KNOW I need to be looking harder, but I'm just dreading the whole interview process. I've been procrastinating like crazy...I just don't want to relearn a whole culture of a new team; it's so mentally draining. 12 years somewhere and the idea that I have to start all over again...😭

I don't even understand what's being asked. Women can be gay, so the title itself is baffling. Implying that men wearing pink or any type of physical presentation implies anything about someone's sexuality is just weird. Yes, as society moves past its weird obsessions about people's sexuality, we'll see more of every type of couple and relationship dynamics.

The thing I want natively is a built-in way to control volume per tab- not just mute, not through a plugin... Just a simple volume slider that works.

Depends where you live! There's weekly/monthly cannabis events where I'm at. I've made some great friends at them!

Get into something - hyperfixate, become part of community, wake up one day with zero interest in thing, become lonely as you no longer enjoy thing with other people, cry, find new thing and repeat... Look back and realize you have no foundation other than this cycle- now too traumatized to get into anything new and feel completely gray.

Same... It's like 20 minutes of focus and then I need a nap 🤷‍♀️ When I was younger, I'd just inhale energy drinks, but the crashes just kept coming faster and faster.

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Hmmm, Is the type of skirt you're looking for in this graphic?

Kind of sounds like a bustle of sarong.

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That has been my experience as well! Prepaid for 6 sessions so I set my expectations around that. Two weeks after my first, one morning ~90% of my hair wiped right off during my skincare routine. I was sooo excited! I seem to just have a few small active patches left which I'm hoping the second session helps with. Definitely putting money down for my legs and arms next time I go.

It was my go to launcher for years, but this weekend I decided it was time to see what else there was. I ended up on Niagara Launcher and have been liking it! Took about a day to get used to it- it's definitely different. There's not really an app drawer, and as far as I can tell there's only one home screen and one place for widgets (you can have more than one, but you flip through them). I like how simple it is and how quickly I can get to everything.

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Second this! I have a fair amount pre-transition when I was more active and involved in fencing. Sooo wish I had taken better care of my skin health (or more taught about the consequences).

Congrats to OP!! 🙌

Could be the type of laser! I also have/had thick dark hair, but the place I go to has some special tech which quickly shoots a super cold blast of something before the laser zaps. I wouldn't say it's painless, but faaar less painful than I imagined it. Anytime I slightly jumped it was due to the sudden blast of cold air.

Honestly, it's depressing, but nothing solo anymore. Games were such a big part of my life, but now I can only focus and enjoy them with a friend. It can be the most basic game, but as long as I have a friend I'm locked in. Anytime I try playing a game just for me, it's like the dopamine just isn't generated 😭

Unfortunately this is some of the best advice. I think different people are more susceptible to existential anxiety - or moreso anxiety over things that will never be able to change or control. Some people can channel that emotion into advocacy, volunteer work, etc while others mentally drown in thought loops. As rude as it sounds, sometimes it really is a 'touch grass' type of thing. You HAVE to watch out for your own mental health and oftentimes that means disconnecting from triggers and focusing on your own life and interests. Play a game, watch something, read a book, go to the zoo, meet up with friends - live in the moment and outside your head. I also recommend using the internet purposefully and not just to kill time - use social media for discovery and research of specific topics and not for just general consumption.

Been all about this recently. Somehow feeling both under and overstimulated by everything.

I feel that! I ended up buying the premium license. I figure if I use it as long as I use Nova, it'll pay for itself. Also will hopefully help the creator and prevent them from selling it to some advertising firm.

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I'm a little over 6 months on hrt and haven't noticed any appetite changes. I've actually been eating far less and more sporadically. I was eating for performance reasons pre-transition, so I'd say I'm eating more normally. How are you receiving/dosing your estrogen? I use patches, but I could see fluctuating hormones from injections/pills affecting appetite.

Rituals and setting myself up to enjoy the morning- super yummy overnight oats, skincare routine, pour over coffee or a visit to my favorite coffee shop, watching my favorite GTA RP streamer... After all that, my brain has released the entirety of its dopamine for the day, and I crawl back into bed until lunch/dinner 🥹

I looked through the sites I shop from, and the ones which seem to have the most varied styles are and The asymmetrical styles seem to come and go. I also like looking through Nordstrom Rack's site/app; there's usually a few items there which catch my eye!

Also, I've seen a lot of the girls I follow on IG convert skirts/dresses into asymmetrical ones! They usually just clip or pin them a certain way and it ends up looking great. That might be worth looking into as it'll really expand your options!

Got it! When I have more time today I'll dig through my sites and links, but off the top of my head, I know Vina of the Valley has a few preorders open for skirts that have these elements. They are expensive, but I just love their designs and quality!

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Kind of okay with this. I don't really want to manage/clean a huge place. 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 car garage , and a little back yard is perfect for me as a single person. If it was priced reasonably, I would jump at it- but where I live they'd charge close to a mil and everything would start to fall apart in a year or two because of cut corners 😞

Just a friend Discord server and a private IG account I use exclusively to follow a few fashion subcultures I like which don't have a presence in the US; best way to get inspiration and find out when there're new releases... definitely have fallen victim to targeted ads, but that's how I want my ads- actually relevant.

They must have changed it! There was the option for a monthly subscription as well as a lifetime purchase.

I could be super wrong, but I don't think people who purchase music think about the value of those songs in that way anymore. Some people buy songs for the physical display of the package, the potentially higher quality playback, to avoid music from disappearing due to copyright or label issues, to support an artist since streaming is like fractions of a penny, for offline listening which isn't tied to a subscription feature, just for collections sake, for more emotional reasons - physically connecting with a song/album, to justify their recent impulse record player purchase, etc. Sometimes people just want to spend money (retail therapy), so they'll buy an album (digital or physical), never open it, and just keep streaming.