2 Post – 154 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I can't focus enough to read a book and of I try hard enough I fall asleep after page two. Guess it's not for me.

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Fuck off, you think you know me ? You would have not made it having been through half of my life. I keep fighting in hopes that things get better and KNOW my shortcomings. If you think I haven't tried reading books you are way off track. I have had a huge collection of books and LOVED reading but the fact is it takes me over a year to read a normal book as I fall asleep after two pages and have to reread every line multiple times and of course I don't remember the line I just read but you think that everyone is the way you are and assume. I guess you think I'm a lazy fuck who never tries anything to get better do you ? Fuck off and goodbye!

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Thanks I will try it when I can afford it. I just put it on my wishlist.

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Being interested is not my problem, the more I want to read something the harder it is to not drift in my mind and have to restart a few lines before. And after a few pages I just start to nod and fall asleep. It's hard to describe. The worst is even if I power through a book I can't remember it the next day. Some events might bring back part of the story in my mind but it's never enough to even make a quote. It's the same for movies although I dont fall asleep I can't remember it the next day. I hate that, and it's not like I have no memory at all I will remember stupid shit other did or where they left stuff etc but the more I need or want to remember something the more I risk forgetting.

Oh does it ever.

Or kill actively kill whistleblowers to keep them quiet!

Well they did have another 6 yrs old that was visiting with another couple from their church so... I believe you got it right 👍

I run the pie with a Kingston 100Gig ssd with a usb adaptor.

I used to be torrenting all the time and can adapt to new software and techniques easily. I also played with tech all my life from basic electronics, computers hardware and software etc... Lately I kind of don't watch movies and have Tidal for music so I just don't use PC's much other than playing YouTube on my TV before bed.

Will give a look tonight, my laptop died but I have a rpi4 running that might be enough to sail the high seas again for this old sailor. It's been a looooong time since but I will find my path once again.

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Not in the States but thanks for sharing anyway, it may help others.

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For fucks sake why isn't all assitive devices open source already. Making profit over disabled people misery is such a evil thing ! The capitalist are so fucking out of touch it's crazy. Kids dying, disabled people pressed for every penny they have etc... how the fuck did we let things go this bad.

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I mean, they didn't even bother to remove the signature!

Well, I had no opinion of her since I don't follow her entertainment. And I did not care about her. I thought sheust be not so bad to have such a following but now she publicly displayed she is as deranged and out of touch as the other billionaires out there. Thus I now have an opinion on her and it's not good.

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I don't think there is any wasted data here just a cute face I needed to see today !

If a parent would give their kids blank plane tickets to anywhere in the world, and the kids get hurt in another country. Would we blame the plane pilot, the airship company or the parents? Cause sending your kids on the internet alone is the exact same ! It should always be the parents who care for their kids to control and limit their exposure to internet not society as a whole.

Ain't that what they want? No education and kids that work factories for pennies.

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They are built with rechargable lithium battery and go straight to trash ! Verry bad for pollution and garbage fire risk!

Ok I saw the first one and shrugged it off, Then I saw this one and busted laughing.

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Yeah I know!

Not enough money to pay your bill it will cost you 75-90$ for being broke.

You buy small portions cause you can't afford bulk, it will cost you more in small portions.

You are alone ! No family rebate for you. You can't buy a home, well rent will cost you more than a mortgage.


From the thumbnail I tought it was Dave Mustaine.

They notice the more educated you are the less likely you are to have the same views as them. They don't see it as education they see it as a affront to their way of thinking! So yeah I think it just started unfortunately.

She might have to change it to 1.1 Million now

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Now imagine shipping traffic! Lots of deliveries not happening this week!

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Oh, democracy is already wrecked, but yeah don't let him makenit worse!

Yeah, all the conservatives would want AOC hanging. But Greene, they will praise her. Fucking double standards.

That's refreshing from the normal News cycle.

Thanks for sharing. BBS's and epic pinball are the reasons for my interest in computer as a kid. I would watch my friend go on BBS's and play text based game and download ASCII art all day to the point I learned a lot the got my first real computer (386 sx), I had a coco3 as a kid but that was just BASICS with no floppy or tape to load or save programs.

The 386 was such a new world of possibilities especially with software downloaded from BBS's, took ages but got lots of kool games and music files (.mod) etc... of course porn for a young teen was also nice lol.

I guess filters the word ass ! lol

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And teflon and other chemicals used in large quantities while delaying the inevitable reports of danger they pose.

You should ask for "Salmon on a plate" and see if you get a whole fish

Already happening here in Canada!

Worst is that it happened before in Japan so the organizers should have known.

But also the blind forever is exaggerated, uvc exposure damage to the eyes is temporary.

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You have a proof ?

Minimum wage for three month probation then it's experience, so I bet NOT a livable wage either after that.

Some may do it because of their love of animals and nature. But they will quickly realize that it's just another business when they see customers paying 150$ for a 1h tour wich the guide makes only 7$ on and the boss cashes all the rest.

I literally started chuckling alone in my parked car.

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Look at the average age of the people in that picture. You think they care for climate change? They know they'll be dead soon enough.

I don't know why you are being downvoted like that but it's true. She should get sued for defamation by the company's making these drugs. And she should have to prove her stance too!

And I bet their twonway radio they ask 150$ deposit for is a baofang at 20$ on Amazon.

Bingo, and California moving to outright ban chrome plating shops. It's all about money, always was.

And I'll allow it !