2 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You are discussing on a platform created by a man who praises people like Lenin & Castro. Richard Stallman resigned over some comments on Epstein victims. Free software is like that sometimes.

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Less than how many would die by the rampaging horde if Ukraine gave up. Judging by what happend in Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol or elsewhere.

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You know which russian neighbour also didn't have any problems? Norway. And you know what? They have been a NATO founding member. Coincidence? I don't think so. The only one who is going to have a problem is vova.

JD Vance spreads HIV


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It's a 2 years old car, if you suggest that the range falls down to 50% in just a two years that's probably even worse news than the marketing lies.

Bridges(and other transport infrastructure) are valid military targets. Unlike children hospitals for example. Seems to me that you, just like much of moskals, still don't grasp what starting a war means.

Passenger information systems in public transport. Some might run some kind of embedded windows, but most run on Linux. Certainly here in Czechia, but I believe it's common at east throughout the Central Europe.

Compare that to the turbine in a coal or gas plant, which can archive up to 90% efficiency.

Nope, you might have seen 90+% efficiency when talking about steam power plants, but that's the efficiency of the generator(converting the mechanical energy of the the rotating turbogenerator to electricity). You have to multiply with the efficiency of the turbine(converting the energy of the heated gases into the mechanical energy) and there the efficiency is much lower, ~40% for a coal fired and maybe <60% for a gas combined cycle.

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The difference between drug and poison is dosage.

Taliban is obviously OD.

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Very well, stupid orcs will cut themselves off, stagnate, slowly fall behind and ultimately fall apart just like they did in 1991.

I only feel sorry for young non-braindead people who can't get out in time from this rusky hell.

You are not wrong, but unfortunately and quite surprisingly there is many here in Czechia who would like Ukraine to take such deal. And their parties are now polling much higher for the elections next year.

The same as putin.

Yes. Yes, we did. And what are you going to do, khuylo yebanyy?

You suggesting that Romanian authorities rely on tweets of some social media celebrity to arrest another one is not that different from Top scumbag himself suggesting he can bribe his way to stay away from prison in Romania. Both are pretty insulting to Romania.

Granted, yours isn't as bad, yet you should still reconsider your position.

They have brown bears, but they have been eating their faces already before the elections -

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In the lead developer’s GitHub, he sympathizes with Marxism including those that committed atrocities ..


It's funny which part of the quote you decided to omit. Tankies gonna tank, eh?

For those who haven't checked - in the linked page dessalines(Lemmy lead dev) recommends books and articles by, among others, Lenin, Stalin & Castro.

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We really should sanction exporting alcohol to ruskys, if only to save ourselves from Dima's delirium maddness.

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Bloody bastards.

Yes, but there USA were fighting the locals. Here it's moskals who is fighting the locals.

And funny you bring up Afghanistan, USSR went down also because of invading it.

I wonder how are they going to protect the troops from russian missile attacks. Are they going to also deploy British AA? Or will they rely on the Ukrainian?

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Israel has something like 35000 people in it’s air force. That’s a tiny air force.

That's very relative. While it may seem tiny from US or Chinese POV it's more than the whole militaries of many European nations even twice as big as Israel.

I understand this is a near impossible task, but sports (particularly the athletes) and politics should stay separate.

That ship has sailed in the 1936 at the latest. Every authoritative regime will sooner or later try to use successes of their athletes for propaganda(the "neutral flag" sham notwithstanding). There is no reason to give them the opportunity.

And that it affects the careers of the athletes? Maybe, but let me remind you that Ukrainians are still dying, probably by hundreds a day. And so do their athletes.

I mean, it's commendable they are still making updates. But there is a lot of stuff thats still not OK after all those years and probably won't ever be. The cars require low server load and OK connection, otherwise you can still get the Laika experience. Also no helicopters apart from some mods. But the zombies were mostly OK last time I played.

The status quo continues, just as it has for the last 2 years.

Make that 10. Only the intensity and scale changed 2 years ago, otherwise it's the same.

I take it you haven't bought DayZ in early access.

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Czechoslovakia certainly didn't invade in the traditional sense, because:

  • The troops were there before the bolshevik revolution with the agreement of the Russian government and on the way out of Russia when they were attacked.
  • Czechoslovakia didn't exist yet.

The RM-70 is still in service in Finland, Greece(and Slovakia). Additionally Poland is also using a domestic GRAD version. Which means ammunition is being produced, the question is if the production can keep with Ukrainian demand.

Please do not refer to Czechia as Eastern Europe. It' simply wrong: Czechia rejected the Eastern Christianity even before the Great Schism, it never was a part of the Russian Empire and it spent most of the last millennium as a part of the HRE. The only connection - being part of the former Eastern block was so long ago that in only 4 years Czechia will be a EU member longer than it was occupied by the USSR.

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Followed by Propaganda accounts having shower thoughts not about Tiannamen Square.

Lemmygrad seems to be full of tankies and has been here for a long time...

Moskals can't afford to wage the war for three more years.

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Czechia or the Czech republic. Czech is an adjective, the language or a citizen. (Nauč se anglický název své země pořádně.)

It has an option to use Open RC init system instead of systemd. Systemd probably isn't as annoying anymore but I can't be arsed to make the switch.

Czechia has a racism problem sure, but that map has no data on actual Eastern European countries so there is no comparison possible. Also you can't reduce the question of being Eastern European on one metric. Was Belgium under Leopold II. Eastern European? Nazi Germany? USA before 1863?

But the high officials and oligarchs don't want to drink vodka for commoners, they want wine, cognac & whisky from the west.

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Perhaps look into Space Engineers in creative mode? Although you can't "build" the terrain and it does have it's own sci-fi art style.

Sure, that's already happening even with the dual use supplies. But it will make the supplychain more complicated and less steady and it will give us more clout on the countries reselling to them(China doesn't want lose access to the west, it's more about Central Asia). It will also make it cost more, but that's of no concern to these people.

Lmao so you’re a Finn that’s proud of having fought on the nazi side of ww2 then and are unhappy with the soviets over it. Cool.

Lmao you are forgetting who actually attacked whom and nothing said in this thread suggests Finns are proud of having to fight with the nazis.

90% of people who entered soviet work camps left them alive perfectly well

Decimation was considered a harsh punishment even by the standards of the ancient Rome and was abolished. The fact that you use 90% survival rate to defend the ussr just shows how delusional you bolshevik tankies are.

If he does I would like the Secret Service let her punch him back just to see his orange surprised pikachu face.

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If at this point anybody willingly accepts any job in muscovy, they deserve everything that will happen to them.

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