1 Post – 20 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Would probably do this, but also rip it in very poor quality to be sure it does not take too much space :D

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“That’s how fast it can happen, maybe just a couple seconds.” The attacks have become common enough that some car owners have taken to keeping their keys in Faraday bags that block radio signals—or in the freezer.

That makes me laugh.

Just to be able to push a button to start you car, you have to keep your keys in a faraday bag or in the Freezer. That's just silly

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I like my old keys of my 2010 car, turn to power the engine. I start to become an grumpy old fart waving his cane in his thirties. Technology seems to be 1 step forward two steps backwards sometimes. Don’t get me started on car screen buttons, tactile ones or some that have two functions like (fan speed + audio volume - rented a car that worked that way. My copilot didn’t want to touch on those buttons anymore)

I really wonder what will be my options when this one will not work anymore.

A) I've seen a lot of people recommending NUC100 computers, but the sata ports may be limited. I currently have my old computer doing the thing (an i5 6500) with Unraid OS, really happy with it BUT they are changing their paying model this week so I don't know I would have went this way. I don't like subscription models.

B) Why not both? I have two SSD of 512Gb for items currently downloading and two HDD for Capacity (each 8Tb) already 30% filled in 1month. Both set of hard drives are set in duplication mode to avoid losing any day.

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I had a good collection back in the days, but i've lost track of my old server when moving. I will need to search how to even organize all this :'(

Thanks a lot for the recommandations <3

I have been able GPT4 to do some basic scripting, but gpt3.5 did not succeeded anything for me. The first plan with gpt4 is 12bucks a month.

If you only code not often, is good alternative plugged to a provider like together (using Llama 3 70b a few times and cost me 0.01$). They also announced a partnership with mistral but didn't tried it.

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  • SuperSlicer
  • klipper

3 and 5 years old here. They can get interested as long it's short and they can do meaningful work. I've teared down a second hand game boy color that had his fair share of Pepsi in it. The old one helped me clean with a toothbrush for 10 minutes, then he had to show me what parts were going where (with guidance). Then boot up and verify it works. We try to include them in everything we do and they love to help. We try to avoid the "it's adult business" and they just sit around and never be interested on whats going out around them. The 3 year old can cut mushrooms with a wood knife and the 5 stir them when cooking.

It's definitely more work, stuff will be broken but I think it's worth it.

most of the discography of 300 bands :D I've seen in the wiki those downloading spotify ones. I will give it a go thanks.

Paying for spotify, was google music before. Current "experience" is bad, I hate pop-ups to try to upsell me something I don't want or features I don't care. It happens too much and I'm considering switching to self host.

If you have an android phone you can look to NewPipe.

Something like Notion or Coda would not fit the bill? You need to do some work to fit your usage (configuring tables/views)

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I don't have this optimism 😅

I haven't tested it on programming yet. Have you tried it? How is it?

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Thanks for your inputs <3

Just found this N100 as NAS looks good.

IPC N100 The same on Aliexpress

My I5 is around 25$ by year, so it would need to run for 10 years to break even with the cost of the motherboard alone.

But that's incredible what they were able to do for low energy/compute.

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I have already had a lot of trouble to change family for signal. I can't even imagine forcing your audience (people you don't know) to find you on a niche platform

Yeah, but it's the storage capacity that is interesting. If you don't need a lot of storage, go to the NVME/SSD option for sure. If you need more, price/capacity is still on the HDD side.

Totally agree with you 👍

Well, can't find it and they talk about open-sourcing since 2019. Not sure it's still on the works.