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Joined 1 years ago

Professional game and software developer from Finland.



Keep in mind that during the US Presidential Election of 2016 Assange had already spent 3~ years living in the Embassy of Ecuador in London. Add in how the United states wanted him extradited to serve potentially life in prison and was probably using all sorts of surveilance and information gathering methods against him and wikileaks to prevent and mitigate any future leaks.

Now when you're facing an opponent known for its power to assasinate world leaders and powerful political figures, power to spy, hack and survey even their close allies for years, influence other goverments and politicians through blackmail, extortion and economic means you're bound to get a bit stressed and go a bit paranoid. When it comes to Russia the oppinions towards them where a lot more favorable in 2010-2022 as most of Europe wanted to keep access to affordable oil and gas. Meanwhile Anti-imperialist sentiment against US was probably at it's alltime high with the War in Afghanistan and Libya.

Wikileaks was never really a beacon of free speech its always been more of a platform where people can leak information about goverments and other powerful individuals or organizations doing bunch of shady or downright evil stuff behind our back. These often offer rare glimpse behind the scenes allowing us to be little less blind when voting during whathever election comes next.

Assange is a citizen of Australia and since The United States is known for spying on its allies the act of exposing US informants would be closer to serving ones own country than act of treason.

With hundreds of games, updates, dlc, mods, merchandice, videos and streams appearing each passing day gaming communities would get flooded by spam if no such rules would be in place. If you want to advertise on a commercial platform then you should do so through official channels.

Generally lemmy and reddit communities favor more organic content like for example solo game developer could ask for a feedback on piece of art of game mechanic they've implemented to their game in gamedev related communities. They could also participate to community events like screenshots saturday, share your progress friday or anything similar.

Now /r/gaming and /r/pcgaming are probably huge communities that are mostly about discussing gaming news, articles and just general topics around gaming. These communities are probably hard to moderate as is and allowing people to self promote there could lead to flood of indie or mobile game ads, streamers and youtubers trying to get more views for their vods or streams, etc which could really annoy the community.

Hopefully he can safely return to his home country and take a long deserved rest from this all.
It'll probably take a decade or more to recover mentally from all the shit he has gone through.

I just hope he takes his time to recover and passes the wikileaks torch as all the accumulated resentment and paranoia will probably take a while to shed off. Going all out on anti-american frenzy on social media and whatnot would likely lead to undesirable outcome for him in public eye.

I’m wondering if it was worth the sacrifice. The governments and tech companies are spying more than ever on everyone.

Snowden revelations and Wikileaks have made E2EE pretty much a standard for most internet services. People are also far less naive when it comes to online privacy which has spawned bunch of regulations like GDPR and bunch of investigations on how well services and products handle information security.

Allowing people to copyright A.I generated art could lead to huge issues where someone could just churn out generated images like no tomorrow and throw out copyright claims left and right. It could even lead to situation where you can't really create any art because it's probably something that's already been generated by someone or close to it.

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Can't wait for something like this get hacked. There'll be a lot explaining to do.

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I don't pre-order games nor do I really buy any games new.

I mean why should I when I can buy complete version of the game for like 10-20 bucks 1-3 years later. Honestly I've simply discarded the idea of being consumer and shifted to thinking myself as customer instead. Its not my job to support the developers and keep their studios afloat its their job by making good games that are actually worth their price tag.

I already have backlog of games that would take years clear thanks to steam sales, playstation plus and all sorts of bundle offers. I am in no hurry to buy new games and I can easily wait for the developers to actually finish the game and buy the GOTY/Ultimate/Definite edition that includes most if not all the expansions and dlc for a discounted price.

As for free 2 play and live service games I simply don't have the time and interest to play those. If I ever make an exception to this then I'll be using only default skins/cosmetics, no gatcha and ignoring the battle pass completely.

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Well hopefully your population is intelligent enough to see through the lies after the populists take in to office. It's usually when their incompetence shines right through as they'll just start making excuses and keep blaming the opposition for their failures. It's also the point where they usually start breaking most of the promises they made during the elections or while they where in the opposition.

The French also have history of not so peaceful protests so the people in the ivory towers need to take that in to account.

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This time the software giant is trying out having PC Manager suggest that you 'repair' your system by reverting to Microsoft's default search engine, Bing.

These are sound like things that are just begging European union to milk out some cash from Microsoft through fines.

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Hopefully EU and US regulators will stomp that site to the ground as selling user generated data for AI companies sounds like something most people on Reddit did not sign in to.

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Just whatever you do, do not use Google docs to share information that belongs to a wiki. That's is by far the most annoying option and 100 times worse than just having to deal with a fandom wiki.

I think there's good chance for Lemmy and mastodon to become mainstream but I don't they can replace their centralized counterparts. Mainly because I think that the social media in its current form is changing.

While platforms like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and Tiktok are likely not going anywhere for a while, each time these platforms break the trust of their users the more cracks start to form to the service that leak out users. Some of these users will look for something new, some of these users will look for alternate services, some of these users will create their own services.

Many of these platforms rely on the attention economy, so all it really takes to make these platforms struggle is to divide that attention more and more to competitive platforms and services. This fragmentation has been happening for years now with people dividing their attention between multiple services like reddit, twitter, discord, facebook, tiktok, snapchat and whatnot. Now creating similar service for smaller audience is easier than ever and with A.I tools it'll probably get even more easier.

Its a bit similar to video games and live services, with competition for players attention getting more fierce by the day.

This sounds very amateurish from Plasmas part as allowing themes to run bash scripts sounds like a very bad idea no matter how you look at it.

Themes should probably have something like their own domain specific language (DSL) that can be fed to the "theme engine"(?) which will make the requested changes. If additional functionality is needed it should be provided through separate modules/plugins or something.

Here's a few:

  • Grim Dawn
  • Titan Quest
  • Sacred Series
  • The incredible adventures of Van Helsing
  • Warhammer 40k: Inquisitor - martyr
  • Divine Divinity
  • Torchlight series

Then there's Last Epoch and Path of Exile

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Fandom hosts a lot of wikis for long forgotten nich'e games and with these games there usually isn't enough interest to move to another wiki. When it comes to these wikis theres rarely if ever a team behind updating the wiki and more often than not the content is just being updated and maintained by random invidividuals who just happen to be engaging with the content at given time. The very low barrier of entry makes this possible as you don't really need to join a team to edit pages or even coordinate with other people.

When playing one of these games I like to record and share some my observations and findings about games mechanics etc but more often than not the only wiki I can find is fandom wiki that is either incomplete and possibly even abandoned. I cant be bothered to create my own Wiki for these games so I'll just start editing that one instead because it's easy, the foundation is usually already there and I don't need to bother taking any sort of responsibility/mantle of maintainer or admin.

While Fandom may not be the most optimal choice and there may be better ways to host wiki out there its still better than some obnoxious google document or poorly formatted steam guide that no one else can edit.

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Sad but honestly not surprising.

There's so much polarization going on left and right so its only matter of time before something like this happens.
Add in year after year of austerity measures and Income inequality and some people become desperate and very vulnerable to extreme views.

I find Dark pattern games site to be fairly informative on which mobile games are good and which are not. The Healthy Games section has bunch of good games while the dark games section has games you should actively avoid.

If game is listed as healthy and has a good rating there's a pretty good chance for it being actually good.

Finding people to follow in Mastodon mostly happens by:

  • Search topics using hashtags
  • Randomly browsing local feeds of different instances
  • Randomly browsing the federated feed
  • Randomly browsing local feed

There are instances for different interests like game development, art, information security, foss etc so there's a lot of places to dig for good content.

There are more things to a stable and sustainable society than economy.

With many European countries doing budget cuts to education, social security, healthcare etc many people are dissatisfied with their goverments. This can make it very hard to justify spending said budget on migrants or programs with aim to integrating migrants to the society.

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Being able to contribute to a community can feel very rewarding even when you get little to no compensation for it. Many open source contributors know it all too well that their contributions can and will be used by big tech to make even more money.

Honestly all these tech layoffs could really come bite back publishers and the big tech in the near future.
Theres a lot new talent for competitors to snatch and fraction of these developers might even form up new studios to make the next big thing.

That approach works for some studios and some game projects but it's no silver bullet. A lot of times gamers don't know what they want until it's handed on them on a silver platter which can make taking the correct kind of feedback really difficult. Sometimes outside influence may also stray the developers from their original vision.

That being said, developing game in complete secrecy for years and expecting it to become a success has pretty much the same chance as winning in a lottery. Getting MVP out there asap to see if the game will receive any sort of traction and feedback is generally the best approach unless it already has an audience (sequel or well known developer). It can be prototype, demo or early access as long as it's something.

[edit] Removed some repetition

While Meta might have ulterior motives for fediverse integration this might also be just one way to comply with Europes new DMA regulation.

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Prisoners are not really in a position to negotiate, meaning you can push this work on them in a sort of non consentual way that is below what modern society should strive for

Well the article does mention that the prisoner "Marmalade" was not forced to do any of this.
In fact the article mentions that she could have spend her time in her cell, doing online courses or doing chores for the prison for little cash. The fact that wired managed to just book an interview with the prisoner also makes it quite risky for the company to subject the prisoners to any traumatizing material.

The only problem I really see with this is the fact that this doesn't really prepare the prisoners for live outside the prison in any way.

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This is only to be expected after politicians have applied new austerity measures year after year.
Peacefull protests seem to have no effect on goverments and a lot of people are just looking for someone/something to blame for all the problems in the world.

The party that has come off the worst is the Greens, the junior partner in Chancellor Olaf Scholz's coalition. Its members reported 1,219 incidents last year, up sevenfold from 2019.

Honestly it's only matter of time before we start seeing more extremism when it comes to protecting climate. The current peaceful protests, chaining oneself to a tree, blockking traffic or vandalizing art galleries are cute in comparsion to stuff attributed to earth liberation front.

Does this mean self-hosting the wiki?
Because that increase the barrier of entry by tenfold as a lot of publishers/game studios do not host their own wikis.

Sounds like good opportunity for US and Europe to whip out some fines over Anticompetitive practices. With Microsoft sort of being repeat offender the fines should reflect that.

Honestly with Edge being not too bad alternative for Chrome this sort of shady behavior from Microsoft doesn't do it any good at least in my eyes.

Hopefully this wont be full of microtransactions even of the cosmetic kind. Monster hunter world was amazing but Capcom has become more and more greedy for the past few years.

It's probably really tempting for them to convert Monster Hunter franchise in to a modern live service with bunch of premium cosmetics, battle passes and Fomo traps. Exoprimal and Street Fighter VI are already suffering from these.

  • Full of microtransactions
  • Single character slot
  • Denuvo
  • Performance problems (even on consoles)

Yeah thats an easy pass for now

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While large language models are impressive they seem to still lack the ability to actually reason which is quite important for programmer. Another thing they lack is human like intuition that allows us to seek solutions to problems with limited knowledge or without any existing solutions.

With the boom bringing a lot more money and attention to A.I the reasoning abilities will probably improve but until it's good enough we'll need people who can actually understand code. Once it's good enough then we don't really need people like Jensen Huang since robots can do whatever he does but better.

Honestly would love to use signal to chat with my whatsapp contacts. Signal could just throw in privacy notice when messaging with someone whatsapp or facebook messenger.

Currently I have signal installed and used to use it to message with my so but we have both moved to discord and use whatsapp to communicate with those that do not use discord. Still holding on to signal if and when some oddball from my contacts decides to use it instead.

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Looks like more doom which is all right in my book. Now If they can keep out the always online and live service bullshit out of this one and focus on single player it might turn out to be yet another good doom game. Not sure about the dragon and mecha though, I would rather not have any vehicles, mounts and anything like that in Doom games.

AI may lead to less hiring but it'll also lead to more software developers creating new competing software, services and technologies.

The likes of Microsoft, Google and Meta may have greatly underestimated the change this may bring to the industry.

With all the guns around in US I am genuenly surprised that most of these shooters just go on random killing sprees instead of political assasinations. In japan a DYI gun was enough to kill former prime minister Shinzo Abe so would think country so divided as United states would have far more of these cases.

Guess the people on top truly are untouchable at least for most of the time.

Torchlight 1-2 are decent fun for normal playthrough but plagued by bad design decisions and downright silly difficulty spikes on harder difficulties. Mods probably fix many of these issues but in vanilla the build diversity on harder difficulties is quite bad with only handful of viable builds with skill trees full of "trap skills".

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They're still microtransactions in a full priced game which can break the trust between player and the developers/publishers.
Worst ones are probably the portcrystals and metamorphsis ones which both solve artificial problems created by the developers.

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Gameplay looks fine but also very similar to most triple-A action games on the market. Combat is fluid and cinematic meaning you can probably pull off all sorts of combos by mashing light and heavy attack buttons then do bunch of acrobatic moves to dodge any enemy attacks. You can probably also counter attacks execute all sorts of cool cinematic takedowns with single button or QTE.

But this often means that the combat lacks any sort of meaningful weight, emergent gameplay is non-existent and actual player choice is very limited and thightly controlled by what the game and level designers allow.

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Adblocker is pretty much mandatory in this day and age. Reader view in Firefox also works pretty well for the rest.

Thats likely due to lack of algorithms with goal to keep you browsing forever. Twitter likely harvests all the data it can get from you when you browse twitter. They can also track your browsing habits using your IP (among many other things) and sites that have embed twitter content like share button or embed tweets.

Broforce is great fun with 2 players, plethora of playable characters, destructable terrain and pretty good campaing mode.