8 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

He'll, even an Intel based thin client would probably be enough. You can get them on eBay for like 30 bucks, which is about as much as a pi costs. You'll probably have to replace the ssd though. That'll set you back an additional 30 bucks.

It's bazzite with a custom UI instead of Steam Big Picture and no desktop mode. Their big claim seems to be that they say that they have solved anti cheat on Linux: the system generates a checksum of the kernel space, the anti cheat then compares this checksum with the one on file. No custom kernel module needed on the part of the anti cheat dev. At least in theory.

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Also just getting 100% in 7 countries is not ging to be enough to reach 1 million votes total.

So you should keep signing it either way. Every vote still counts

Of course the incels don't like him. He argues that childless people should pay higher taxes. How did anyone think that would go over with the "never even had sex" constituency?

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To add to that I'd like to quote Ian Danskin (aka Inuendo Studios) from his guest lecture about Gamergate at UC Merced:

Bob Altemeyer has this survey he uses to study authoritarianism. He divides respondents into people with low, average, and high authoritarian sentiments, and then tells them what the survey has measured and asks, “what score do you think is best to have: low, average, or high?”

People with low authoritarian sentiments say it’s best to be low. People with average authoritarian sentiments also say it’s best to be low. But people with high authoritarian sentiments? They say it’s best to be average. Altemeyer finds, across all his research, that reactionaries want to aggress, but only if it is socially acceptable. They want to know they are the in-group and be told who the out-group is. They don’t particularly care who the out-group is, Altemeyer finds they’ll aggress against any group an authority figure points to, even, if they don’t notice it, a group that contains them. They just have to believe the in-group is the norm.

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Although this game has a Linux-native build available, Steam does not list it as having Linux support. This can happen if a game has an unofficial, unfinished, or unsupported build. You may need to force Steam to enable Proton for the game in order to run properly.

Square where early adopters of Linux back when Steam Machines V1 came out commissioning ports for a bunch of their Eidos (western) IPs. And then they stopped support for those ports when Proton came around

(even including countries which have already passed the threshold, I'm assuming).

You assume correctly

Can't I just not update the microcode beyond what the manufacturer provides, and instead keep updating the kernel and userland and in essence keep updating my android version?

You can't update the kernel because your phone isn't running mainline Linux. The device manufacturers (which in this case mostly means chip manufactures) don't upstream their code. All the device specific kernel drivers are only in special device specific branches. You can get the code for the drivers (because GPL) and do the work to mailine it yourself. In fact that's what Postmarket OS does to get "proper Linux" running on phones.

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exactly. In the next paragraph Ian even has some examples of how that works in modern day American conservative political culture:

Reactionary politics is rebellion against things they dislike getting normalized, because they know, if they are normalized, they will have to accept them. Because the thing they care about most is being normal.

This is why the echo chamber, this is why Fox News, this is why the Far Right insists they are the “silent majority.” This is why they artificially inflate their numbers. This is why they insist facts are “biased.” They have to maintain the image that what are, in material terms, fringe beliefs are, in fact, held by the majority. This is why getting mocked by Stephen Colbert was such a blow to GamerGate. It makes it harder to believe the world at large agrees with them.

This is why, if you’re trying to change the world for the better, it’s pointless to ask their permission. Because, if you change the world around them, they will adapt even faster than you will.

Honestly the whole talk is worth a listen. It's depressing because, well, it's about gamergate but it explains so much (and it's probably one of the parts of his alt right playbook series of video essays getting shared the least on social media

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In the case of Germany: a lot less, but it's not impossible.

The German equivalent to the supreme court is the Bundesverfassungsgerichtshof (BVerG, federal Constitutional Court) and in stark contrast to the highest American court, it is not an appeals court. A lower court might refer a case to the BVerG, or ask it to clarify a constitutional question, that has come up during a trial but most case don't even have a theoretical path to Karlsruhe. Political parties and NGOs may also go to directly in front of the Constitutional Court to protest the constitutionality of laws.

New justices are confirmed with a 2/3 majority which means that you need to convince roughly 30% of the opposition to vote for your candidate. That in turn leads to more moderate candidates put forward. Justices are also limited to one term of twelve years. Outside of that a justice may be removed from office by the German federal president* if 2/3 of BVerG justices vote to impeach their colleague.

So far so good. Unfortunately there are some weaknesses in the entire setup. The law responsible for needing a 2/3 majority to elect a justice can be changed with a simple majority. A right wing government could also expand the court by introducing a third senate and pack it with their appointees. But that requires them to get into power first.

German late night show Die Anstalt did a segment about that problem a while back: (Video in German)

Tldr: the highest German court is not going to stop a fascist government from doing fascism but it is also not working to put the fascists into power, the way the US supreme court is.

  • Yes Germany has a president. The role is largely ceremonial though as he isn't head of government


I don't even read this as allowing proprietary apps. They are investigating allowing different monetarisation methods for open source apps and building open source tooling to help with that.

Then please, enlighten us!

What is a game that brands itself as a web3 game (not a game that just uses blockchain tech but specifically calls itself web3) that isn't also play to earn.

Because I am a believer in death of the author. That means that a developer doesn't get to decide what their game is or isn't about.

A dev could have put in a theme unintentionally. Does that mean you are not allowed to talk about it?

Why do they get to decide what a work of art means to me?

I would probably go with bluefin. KDE is great, I myself use aurora on one of my devices, but it can also be kinda fiddley with all of it's options.

The user has never even used a PC and therefore won't profit from the familiarity that KDE's default desktop layout provides. Gnome on the other hand offers a more simplified experience with few options and big icons. All of that might be an asset here. You can use menulibre to hide menu entries from the menu and use the official documentation to remove command line access:

Plus it's still atomic which I actually think is helpful here. For once all the important system stuff is read only. Secondly if one manages to screw something up you can just rebase.

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Here is the quote I paraphrased in my comment (I'm sure I got something wrong):

The immutable file system from Fedora Silverblue will be very helpful in implementing our anti cheat system but it is not our anti cheat system. We are planning to generate signatures for each version of our OS (easy with Silverblue) as well as all the DLLs we install dynamically. Basically using our SDK, a game developer will be able to obtain a signature of the current config on the device then call our backend to verify that this is a genuine Playtron version.

There is a UK petition in the works. It's not quite ready yet, because thanks to your recent election the team behind the initiative had to redo all of their work. (Your government requires everybody to resubmit petitions if a new parliament is elected)

Yes there was one but the Tories didn't have anything to do with it closing, at least not directly. If an election happens all open petitions are closed as a matter of process, because "it's a new parliament". And then you need to resubmit.

A UK petition is in the works. But it might take a month or two until that goes online.

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Sure, but you get rewarded, they would get punished. The outcome might be the same, but for a ideology built on grievances, the vibes matter

Right, I knew I forgot to mention something in my post. 1000% this

I mean that's established political wisdom: establish yourself as a progressive in the primaries and then move towards the centre for the general. That has been the democratic playbook for many elections. And it kinda makes sense: You need the base for the primary but those voters alone are not enough for the general.

Biden was actually an outlier in that regard. He actually moved left in his campaign rhetoric after Bernie dropped out.

You link to communities like this: !

Yes they would. And yes they do. And yes they are


Incels also hate the cruel world that made them and the politicians upholding it. The problem with women isn't, according to incel ideology, that they refuse to pick a partner. It's that they pick the wrong partners. That's where the dreaded "nice guy" comes from.

So according to incels this doesn't harm women enough but rather creates a tax on "normal men" for being "normal". (And then they turn around and call themselves degenerates because their ideology isn't the most consistent)

Also if you are in these communities for long enough, then it becomes part of your identity. That's how we get stuff like wizardchan. (People who believe that still being an incel at 30 makes you a wizard). And this is an attack on that from the outside.

Palingenesis: Rebirth, Reincarnation. The term has a distinctively religious connotation, it contains "Genesis" after all.

You can try Linux out without installing it to get a feel for it before you make the jump. Set a weekend aside (or at least a couple of hours) to test drive a Linux distro and check if it is your cup of tea.

This is one way of doing this:

  • Install Virtual Box on your (Widows) PC
  • head over to and download the latest iso
  • In virtualbox create a new VM
    • set the OS Type to fedora (64 bit)
    • after that you can keep all the standard settings, just be aware that performance is not going to be representative of an actual install
  • Then select the newly created VM and open the settings panel
    • here you go to "Storage" and click on the slot under "Controler: IDE" labeled "empty"
    • click on the CD symbol on the right side of the window, in line with "optical drive" and select "choose a disk file"
    • pick the iso file you downloaded in step 2
  • close the settings window and start the VM
  • go through the installation wizard to install Aurora OS in your Virtual Machine
  • Profit

I know that these instructions can seem daunting but it is easier than it reads, I promise.

Why Aurora OS

Aurora OS is based on Fedora Silverblue meaning that it is what is known as a immutable distro. That in turn means that it's harder to mess stuff up and break your install. It also means that some things are harder to achieve. But I also think that you are probably not interested in the hard stuff anyway.

Aurora uses the KDE Plasma Desktop, the same desktop used by Valve on the Steamdeck. It has a familiar Windows like layout by default but also allows you to customise it like crazy to fit your particular need (whatever that may be).

Aurora flatpak as it's app format. To see what kind of software is available for this distro you can check . It's not going to be as much software as Linux Mint for example (Mint uses flatpak and deb), but everything the average user needs should be there.

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Update: Yesterday the German government introduced a constitutional amendment that would protect the Constitutional Court from some of this. It's not perfect but it is still pretty good and it has the necessary 2/3 majority to pass

White House staffers even have a nickname for it. It's called the "hug Bibi strategy" which reportedly has been in place since the Obama administration.

So I think the reports are accurate. Biden seems to think publicly supporting Israel is the best way to arrive at a ceasefire. Of course doing something ineffective and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity.

What complicates matters is that there are actually good reasons to supply Israel with some military equipment. Many Israelis are living there in 3rd or sometimes 4th generation. Putting the let's call it complicated circumstances of Israels founding aside, they are a people and deserve self-determination (just like the Palestinians do). The often repeated line "Israel has the right to defend itself" is not only a line it's also true. You can't just cut them of from all military assistance. So any policy is going to look kind of contradictory.

All of this isn't me defending the Biden administration. It's just me pointing out, that a substantially different policy would look very similar. You would hear a lot of "friends tell friends the truth" and Israel would only get the weapons they actually need to DEFEND itself (iron dome missiles etc.)

And that's something they should definitely do

I considered that. Unfortunately silverblue doesn't do live systems and aurora therefore doesn't either. So a VM is the only way of trying it out. OP stated that they have someone to help with the actual installation so I left the whole create install medium for bare metal install out intentionally since I assume this person will be capable of helping with that.

Also small Markdown help: If you use dashes lemmy will automatically format bulletpoints correctly. You can't use •s for it. Doesn't take anything away from your comment, etcher is still the best tool to create a bootable usb drive, but for the future consider using dashes.

Maybe? But I am not that cynical. I think the answer is actually both easier and more complicated. The US' public position has always (or at least for a long time) been support for a two state solution. And I don't think the Democrats are capable enough of convincingly lying for this to be untrue. Someone would have leaked something etc. Plus it plays into their compromise fetish. And to satisfy that it helps to actually have some land for the second state left. That's the easy part.

The complicated part is in understanding why they keep sending weapons. I think Dems have genuinely convinced themself that if they didn't arm Israel, Hamas would wipe them out. And for a two state solution it helps to keep the first state around. So they keep sending weapons but they also want everybody to know that they are really disappointed whenever Israel uses them to kill civilians. Plus Biden thinks he can push Netanjahu more effectively if he stays on his good side. That's the "hug Bibi" strategy. I think we have more than enough evidence that the strategy doesn't work.

Also there is a difference between "enough weapons to level Gaza" and "enough weapons to secure the border". And maybe someone should tell the people in charge of weapon shipments.

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Would they be mandated to give out the server code that people could run their own servers?

Sort of. The Idea is that people should be able to run their own servers, but developers wouldn't need to give out their code. All you need is the server binary. After all server software is just that software, just like the client and they don't need to give out the source code for that for you to run the game. Alternatively they could patch the game so it's peer-to-peer. (and yes in this case that would be unreasonable as the game is not successful enough to even break even)

The initiative is so ambiguous (to the extend that it is - I'd argue that it's a lot clearer than many people claim) because it's not actually legal text. It's not supposed to be. All it should do is describe the problem and explain why the problem falls under EU jurisdiction. Everything else is supposed to be handled by EU lawmakers after the initiative has met it's signature goal.

Then you should probably file an issue on github about it. That seems like a relatively easy problem to fix. And I agree that is a too large amount of white space.

This is what it looks like on thunder

Plasma is the desktop environment developed by KDE. It's for example desktop environment used by SteamOS 3.

As to how you learn this stuff: looking things up on the search engine of your choice helps. Not trying to be rude here, but you could have found all of that out yourself by searching for "plasma Linux":

Also the arch wiki. There you can find all the info you could ever ask for.

" just use Linux" is a great piece of advice for most people because most people don't care about the OS they use. They just use it. And they shouldn't need to take a course to do so. Of course you are missing some things with this.

If you want more than you will need to go out and actively look for it

That sort of depends on the type of electoral system. There are a couple of systems that are not fptp but do produce a winner for each district such as "open list" and "mixed member".

Gerrymandering doesn't do as much harm in those systems as it does in FPTP but can still be an issue

That they leased

As far as the initative is concerned such a game would not be covered.

However there is a chance that shutting down the servers and therefore robbing players of part of the product they bought is already illegal under EU law. And if that's the case then it will ultimately up to whatever consumer protection agency takes on the case. (The initiative has been trying to get either the French or German organisation on the case for months)