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Joined 8 months ago

I know its everyone's personal choice and all that but in my opinion people should stop using chromium engine browsers. It was a good engine however the fact that chromium has the majority users is the only thing holding lazy developers from porting websites to work with other browser engines gives google more control.

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this is actual parody dystopian movie level crazy wtf

I just realized right now that it was a user and not a community lol

Yep, and i understand that im on a western instance so western politics is to be expected but it was getting too much that All page is overwhelmed with politics to the point that i don't see posts that interest me anymore. So i just blocked political communities and also communities related to twitter. Now I interact more with the fediverse cause i actually get a chance to see things that i can relate to instead american politics.

I’m not American, What’s with the coconut?

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English is not my primary language. Was the 'r word' a slur? I thought it meant someone who is stupid.

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I use lemmy on browser because lemmy apps seem too confusing to me lol

siri is still retard

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