
1 Post – 199 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Here it is: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/169002413/grip-an-intense-futuristic-combat-racer

I vaguely remember hearing something about them wanting to try and make it without the funding but as with many failed kickstarters I just forgot about it. Great to see that it happened, I'm gonna have a good old-fashioned nostalgia trip next weekend.

Cult problems require cult solutions

Wait what!? I remember joining the Kickstarter for GRIP but it didn't reach its target. I've completely forgot about the game since then.

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What is this life you keep talking about?

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I know that World War I started on a Tuesday so that's 50% of all world wars right there.

"Our business model isn't sustainable unless we remove worker rights"

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Water written backwards spells retaw. If you adjust it a little it says retard. Are you gonna take being called a retard by water? Ban water today and stop the insults!

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Every time I turn to politics. Our ex justice minister once said:

Surveillance is freedom

I'm not kidding. Word for word, that's what he said.

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where they belong!

Sounds like you take the generosity of open-source devs for granted.

Donate to a human rights organization and/or volunteer in one. I'd say that's the best you can do. And remember that however horrible it sounds don't lose sleep over the suffering of people you don't know. There's a high risk it'll just consume you.

Funny how different situations can be. I can't get an IPv6 address unless I pay for insanely expensive business tiers.

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That style is so last year

This might be a stupid question but now that you're on Linux, why not use something like LibreOffice or Collabora?

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Plus how do you spot the difference between a good bot and a bad bot? Web crawlers from search engines are for example inherently good, so they should still be able to operate, but if it is easy to register a good bot in WEI, it is also easy to register a bad bot. If it is hard to register a good bot, then you're effectively gatekeeping the automated part of the internet (something that actually might be Google's intention).

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until profits improve

I doubt they'll stop at that point.

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According to EU regulations I think they're obligated to inform users of any changes, so removing the repo doesn't really do much to hinder people in tracking changes.

Y'all need some Light Dims (yes, that website didn't enter the 21st century, but their product is luckily solid).

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There is though reasons to stray from certain consumer products for server equipment.

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Please no

Good news everyone! We've apparently tripled our customer base in Europe!

That was me on a mail-chain about an issue that would result in us losing our licence to operate in a certain market if we didn't have a fix before the end of Easter with the first mail arriving the week before Easter.

That was until I figured out I had to fix the issue though...

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While I still support UBI, last time robots replaced people doing repetitive tasks, people did find other jobs. Actually there was much bigger unemployment in Britain where the auto industry crumbled since they couldn't compete with the rest of the world using robots.

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Direct link for the lazy: https://srgrafo.com/series/Chloevely

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That poor MF have been me a couple of times. I hate being interested in niche content sometimes... On the positive side, I have a strict no-delete policy on any public torrent with less than 5 in ratio or private torrents, so I carry forward the gesture so the previous seeder can take a break.

Case in point: Sweden and Finland were Third World countries.

IIRC you can't turn off Fitbit devices. You have to drain the batteries completely so that the device powers down by itself. Utter shit design, but it is what it is.

We can go further. Just recently I saw a website that supposedly "is best viewed full screen, 800x600 or better, in Netscape"

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That was fast...

Liquid "cheese"

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IveI've recently moved to AirVPN and can confirm that port forwarding works nicely. Their UX is terrible, though, but the service so far seems good.

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No illegal content

Illegal in which country? Copyright infringement isn't illegal in my country for example, except for severe cases where you're profiting off of it. If we have to cater to all countries' laws we might as well ban music as well since it's illegal in Afghanistan.

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Fortunately present is present.

There was some thing about NewPipe not liking that they used the NewPipe name in the app name and a logo that resembled a bit too much. The NewPipe x Sponsorblock dev decided to rebrand to Tubular and everything is as you expect it otherwise.

Unfortunately I don't have time to find the issue right now, but it was discussed somewhere in their repo.

they tell you they want someone with 5 years Java experience.

Or 6 years of experience with that framework that's 3 years old which is par for the course for dating apps; unrealistic standards.

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Usually the best way to find language specific content is to join a private tracker that focuses on the given language. I don't know if Spanish is like that too, but it's worth checking out.

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Why is the text "Lorem Ipsum" written in black over "Mediazona" and just above "refusing to fight" in the first bullet point?

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The equivalent would be that you pay a million for a Lambo which is just an indefinite license they can revoke at any time. Renting isn't comparable at all.

Enterprise distributuions can hot-swap kernels, making it unnecessary to reboot in order to make system updates.

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