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I'd still 100% let them drive me instead of a sociopath conman.

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I don't think you need to be a diehard to recognize that handing the keys over to a frail old person is an easy choice to handing them over to a felon fraudster. It's crazy that this is even a question.

Designing for a huge amount of users costs money and expertise, so more money, and not even their most optimistic predictions included this many players. If they hadn't made it big, that money would've been wasted. Which games are going to go viral is just insanely hard to predict.

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I'm not sure how anybody can look at the way GTA 5 online was monetized to hell and not seriously question how far they're going to try to go with GTA 6. I'm fully expecting it to leak into GTA 6's single player with an intense focus on getting more and more out of mtx.

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So this was a left wing plot and for the first several hours, as Republicans begged Trump to do literally anything and he refused, he was actually doing what in your mind? Fighting a hidden battle against the deep state? All evidence suggests that Trump was more than OK with what was happening as it furthered his goals and supported his many other schemes of fraud, deception, and intimidation in order to remain in power.

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How does the math on that work? Number of indictments / number of Presidents = 1.54 would imply that the number of times Trump has been indicted exceeds the number of Presidents the U.S. has had and that ain't right...

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I mean, other Presidents and high level defense officials seem to be handling it just fine. I'd also bet that there are pictures, charts, and supporting information in that 50 pages, and that the actual meat of the document is going to be smaller. I've read plenty of 50 page documents like that. It doesn't take that long and Trump definitely had the time. He spent many mornings live tweeting Fox News

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Sure lol. Plenty of Republicans have blamed Antifa. But call it what you want, left wing plot, deep state plot, whatever. Whatever it is, it must be a master class in false flag operations considering it played right into everything that Trump had been broadcasting, desiring, and preparing for. They got him to play right along, vocally support the rioters, and withhold any assistance for the targets? Truly the greatest conspiracy of all time.

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I'm not. You just missed a few words from the original post. "The average US President has been indicted on 1.54 felony counts." That makes more sense. There have only been 2 indictments but many felony charges within them.

He ain't gonna do it. This is just another in a long,long line of things Trump says he's going to do but won't.

How's the concurrent player count doing? The number of people playing it on my friends list has declined significantly.

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Well she is surrounded by lawyers buh dum tiss

People are saying that the rubber band on joystick trick doesn't work, at least. So they at least are checking for changes to input events.

Eh, people have their own tastes in TV. Streaming companies buy exclusive rights to certain content and if that's where your tastes lie, you're pretty SOL. It's about as close to "lock-in" as you can get.

Your definition of enshittificantion is also far too strict. It's just the shift that companies inevitably make from trying to attract new users quickly by providing a great service, to trying to extract maximum profit by degrading the service quality and cramming in as much revenue generation as they can.

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Ahhh. That makes more sense.

Yeah they should've gone with something even more specific - like pictures of Joe Biden eating ham sandwiches. Something with limited content options so that the sub is essentially forced to become inactive.

This is the thing. There's an incredible number of inaccuracies in the picture, several of which flat out ignore the request in the prompt, and we laugh it off. But the AI makes his skin a little bit darker? Write the Washington Post! Historical accuracy! Outrage!

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I can think of one: a parent who installs this before letting their child play it to enforce their culture of hatred within their house.

Sure, and that's what's so dangerous about Trump and the Republican party's rhetoric surrounding the election. But you also have a patriotic duty to start with some actual solid evidence of the election being stolen. You don't get absolved for playing out a "save the country" fantasy if it's clearly based on, well, a fantasy.

Too bad it was only one season long.

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I'm guessing this is it. The setting is a 1950's culture but without the racism and sexism that were rampant at the time. Women and POC holding significant positions in the corporate world, which never would've happened in the actual 1950s. It is a fictional world, of course. People seem to forget that.

It does and they're kinda weird (if you're used to more like Java-style interfaces). It flips the dependency between the interface and implementor on its head. Worth looking it up, it's interesting.

Which one is important is going to depend on the context for sure.

If it's an open source library, they probably won't care about 1.

If you're working on internal software used by other developers within the company, management probably really does care about 1 because it's going to impact their timelines.

If you're working on a proprietary user-facing API, then even if it doesn't cost your company anything management might still care because it could piss off valuable customers.

I think that, for what ever decision OP is trying to make, looking at that context is more important than quibbling over what exactly constitutes a "breaking change."

If a state passes a law saying "All ice cream must be free." don't be surprised if all ice cream producers refuse to do business in the state, leaving the people there with no ice cream. Some rules are just stupid and the legislature needs to be cognizant of the consequences. They brought it upon themselves.

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You could try some alt-history paths (though they're usually locked behind DLC). You can do some wacky things like restoring monarchies or the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, or in the new expansion restore Norse paganism in Iceland. There may be some RP opportunities there for you to get into.

Ultimately, though, HOI is a wargame that doesn't pretend to be anything else. If spending most of your time planning, preparing, and engaging in world war doesn't sound like something you want to do, then it may not be for you. You won't find any deep economy, diplomacy, or political systems that make it all that fun to stay out of the war.

We're getting off on a little bit of a tangent about proper memo reading but usually the point of supporting information is that you don't know if the reader is going to need it. You don't have a full picture of what the president knows already and you have no way of knowing how the president's thought process is going to go. They might need more information about something that happened or a decision being made to help inform their decisions or they might not, because it's not really relevant to the direction they want to go. Sure, 50% of it might go unread but you never know what info will fall into that 50%, exclude it and the document is incomplete.

Ultimately, though, the point remains that the memo sizes haven't really been a problem for others. Typically you don't make it that high up without being an extremely effective reader. It's just that this time we wound up with someone unfit and in way over his head.

C is just a work around for B and the fact that the technology has no way to identify and overcome harmful biases in its data set and model. This kind of behind the scenes prompt engineering isn't even unique to diversifying image output, either. It's a necessity to creating a product that is usable by the general consumer, at least until the technology evolves enough that it can incorporate those lessons directly into the model.

And so my point is, there's a boatload of problems that stem from the fact that this is early technology and the solutions to those problems haven't been fully developed yet. But while we are rightfully not upset that the system doesn't understand that lettuce doesn't go on the bottom of a burger, we're for some reason wildly upset that it tries to give our fantasy quasi-historical figures darker skin.

Guns may not cause the mental health issues that make people turn violent, but they do allow violent people to become mass murderers. Video games do neither.

I'm in the same boat (as far as free time goes) but I have the opposite outlook. Strategy games, and other games with some amount of crunchy complexity, keep me engaged even when I'm not playing. I can spend some time on wikis, crafting theories, and cooking up plans throughout the week and that keeps me coming back.

I can't do story games because it's too easy to forget what's going on when you spread it out that far. Or there's online action games (shooters, mobas, etc) but it's rare that I can guarantee I'll be on long enough to complete a match.

I never said story games are shallow. But if the games you like are ones where you can feel like you've experienced all the game and the story has to offer in a single playthrough then they are, by definition, shallow. Even a great movie is worth watching multiple times of its story has any appreciable depth. Video games, even more so since there should be more to the story to experience.

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I wouldn't be perturbed at Ben & Jerry's for avoiding the state lol. I'd be perturbed at the people we elected to write those laws.

I mean "taking pictures of people who are smiling" is definitely a bias in our culture. How we collectively choose to record information is part of how we encode human biases.

I get what you're saying in specific circumstances. Sure, a dataset that is built from a single source doesn't make its biases universal. But these models were trained on a very wide range of sources. Wide enough to cover much of the data we've built a culture around.

DVDs (how many people even still own a player?) are not a real alternative to streaming for a number of reasons. Nor is "just watch something else on another platform." Or, at least, if your claim is that entertainment is interchangeable then you've got no real complaint about YouTube. Hell, YouTube has its own ad-free subscription. By your own logic, the ads can't be enshittificantion because you can just pay more to avoid it!

The enshittification of Netflix goes beyond just charging more. It's any decision the company makes to make the user experience worse so they can make more money. That's things like hiding your list and your recently watched shows so they can make you scroll through more recommendations. So then they can autoplay the content they stuck in your way. Recommendations that, like YouTube, are more concerned with what they want to monetize than what you actually want. And it's restricting the way you used to be able to use the service, like on multiple TVs even within the same house, to get you to wade through a bunch of payment plans.

But my point still stands. Enshittification doesn't require them to become a monopoly and start producing nothing but reality TV. It just describes the strategy shift that these companies inevitably make from making the platform better to attract more users, to making it worse to extract more money from the user base they've built up.

I know Netflix has been enshitifying for a while now but that's accelerated a bit this year too. I work in tech and it's been happening everywhere.

Idle games, good ones at least, are about developing a strategy and watching it play out. Complexity comes in how wide a variety of strategies you can play around with and how much they impact how things go.

Ex post facto just means you can't charge someone with a crime that wasn't a crime at the time they committed it. It doesn't mean that you can't change someone's benefits at will.

Sounds like what you enjoy are shallow, linear story games. To each their own, of course. Glad you're happy with what PS5 offers you in that regard. But the industry has a lot more to offer than that.

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I was just thinking cartoon dicks lol

Like I said, call it whatever you want. It's still stupid.

To be fair, "95% of the mass/energy in the universe is undetectable to us except for how they impact the movement of entities at a galactic scale" is kinda wild too.