
1 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Bro can i just say that i fucking hate that anti-semetic is even an argument used when someone demonstrates support for Hamas? it doesnt even make sense because by definition both parties are semetic.

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Aw sweet, republican astroturfing post!

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Jesus christ that headline is the most satirical sounding headline ive ever seen period. It spunds more satirical than actual TheOnion h eadlines

Dude aside from the wack implication that you can develop autism, this is super fuckin... Like i dont wanna say ableist cause i dont view autism as a disability. obviously it can be but literally anything severe enough can be a disability, but i digress. This ad is just super fuckin agressive to people on the spectrum for no reason. I knew peta was bad but goddamn

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I hope Epic adds him to fortnite for no reason other than they can

How is this legal? Is bro gonna throw up a "No Darkies" sign next?

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This is honestly just people hating it because its different? There is no feature removal, its just built differently. Also i find it disgusting that THIS is why people are boycotting nitro. Imagine being comfortable supporting probably the largest service hosting CSAM (and not doing much about it) but drawing the line at it taking an extra tap to view server members.

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It's almost definitely B. Most people on the spectrum would not say "im gonna go masturbate" and those who are would use autism as an excuse for why they behave that way, which is just not valid. Autism can make it harder to behave in a way that is socially acceptable, but not like this, hence why others on the spectrum dont like people like this. They use autism as a sort of sheild to allow them to behave in ways that are just not right. The best example of this i can think of off hand is Chris-Chan, but they are an extreme case of this. Anyways, people like this make it harder to be upfront on the fact that you are on the spectrum, because the first thing that comes to mind will be people like that.

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God I fuckin... Like dude the fucking right gets upset when the fucking left wants to increase gun laws when there's a school shooting, but the fucking right is too stupid to fucking realize that if they stop being literal facists than maybe, just fucking maybe, kids won't be as depressed. Maybe if these kids could actually fucking see that its okay to be different, they'd be fine. And it fucking sucks because anti bullying shit like literally never features LGBT scenarios. Like actually fuckin run it back in your mind, cause I know damn well I never saw ANY anti bullying thing for gays. Hell, I fucking got suspended from highschool because a kid called ME a [that one really mean word for gay people D:]. If I wasn't such a narcissist I legitimately would not have made it out of highschool.

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I don't care enough about the subject to actually look into this, but the title reads like astroturfing.

We are so back

Land of the "free" Home of the "brave"

Its a tweet wi a bumper sticker that says "if a cop pulls me over they're gay" and a picture of a police badge above a pride patch

Dude im sorry but i think this whole movement is Republican Astroturfing. Sooooo insane that Joe Biden has had no major backlash from people who vote blue until the Republican presidential campaign ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Yeah nevermind that the constitution says "shall not be infringed"' If abortion rights were in the constitution there would be no way of banning it, just as it is with firearms.

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OK real shit if you shot and killed a dolphin, why in the fuck would you not harvest the meat? Like when else are you ever gonna get to try dolphin? Obviously I wouldn't personally shoot a dolphin but if I did you can bet your ass I'm gonna try its meat instead of letting it rot

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Im begining to think that billionares are just weak to water.

Waiwaiwait... We weren't already doing this?

Not their Erotic Role-Play system!

Daily reminder that execution costs taxpayers more than life in prison.

"Regla" is feminine; title should be "La Regla" rather than "El Regla"


"Cultural apropration" is a nothing burger championed by people who often have no ties to the culture that they claim needs their protecting. A white man speaking for indigenous american culture does not give indigenous americans more of a voice, it takes their voice away by revoking their ability to speak for themselves.

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Yeah and what are you wanting to regulate 3d printers and 80% lowers while your at it? gonna regulate sheet metal to prevent people from making guns?

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People who are in support of the death penalty baffle me. Next to no one is happy about the government right now, and you trust these people with the power to kill whoever they want?

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Woah, with how much the US does for Israel, it almost seems like Israel controls the largest political lobby in the US!

Oh wait.

"Mass shooting" refers to any shooting where 3 or more people are injured, and it usually happens in areas with high unemployment. Kinda sounds like a class issue to me.

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Bro touch grass and get over yourself

I think that may be a state restriction. For sure you can get a permit at 15, and 16 should be provisional, but iirc the only restriction is that those under 18 cant drive after 11pm, atleast in FL.

Also i just want to point out that Israel controls the largest politcal lobby group in America, period. No president will EVER get in office that does anything to oppose Israel's interests.

Work cited is crackpipe on this. 76% of americans have access to a firearm right now. I dont need to be a rocket scientist to tell you that if this were a party issue we would only ever have rep presidents.

Looks good man. Id just make sure your shirt is well ironed. It looks great right now, but id make sure it looks like that again next week for your interview. at my old helpdesk job ive literally been sent home to re iron my shirt before.

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Work cited: crack pipe. You cant legally buy a glock switch, and there are plenty of exanples of glocks with switches on them (which usually come from china), and seeing as the ATF considers the switch themselves to be a machine gun, these are guns that were never legal, and yet theres an ungodly number of them on the streets

Then why isnt this a problem in say, switzerland? They have lax gun laws as well, but you dont really hear about mass shootings there. This is a mental health issue.

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The frying pan, mask and coin are definitely the best 3, in order. The frying pan is good for QOL, and if "while in use" is for an unlimited time, you could definitely start a business with it, as it would most likely make supernaturally good food. The mask just straight up effectively make your life longer because youd be concious for more of it. The average lifespan is 75 years in first world countries, so assuming 8hrs of sleep a day, most people will sleep for 8212 days in their lives (~22yrs) however, assuming you got the mask at 18, and only slept using it thereafter,by the time you are 75 you'd only have slept for 2470 days(~6.7yrs), meaning you are concious for 24905 days, which is almost the same as having lived to 115 with normal 8hr sleep. However, the coin is objectively best. The only real drawback to the coin is the 2 week wait period, which seems would be triggered regardless if you land a tails.that being said, a 50% to be capable of limited reality bending for 12 hours every 2 weeks is still super fucking good. You could just try to do something thats physically impossible and it should work anyways. The capabilities are actually almost limitless with it.

Deadass would pay $100 for a Xavier skin.

3d printers and illegal markets

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Snapple group iirc

Haha i didnt know the charged lemonade was a thing before today. I was tired when i originally read this in the morning and immediatelly ordered it.

Electric cars will not save the planet, they will save the auto industry. Use a bike to get around whenever possible if you actually care.