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A federal judge has paused the lawsuit against Meade and Franklin County until after the criminal case. The officer had argued that simultaneously defending himself in both cases would put him in a no-win situation.

It seems a “no-win situation” is being Black while bringing sandwiches to Grandma’s house.

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My CS classes were 90% male, and every professor was male, too. They all genuinely enjoyed my participation, and it was the only environment where I wasn’t objectified or disrespected. Same with my coworkers (again 90% male) when I went into the FAANG workforce; the men were happy to see women excel in a previously male-only field.

The general public was a different story until recently. Women were thrilled, a disturbing number of men refused to listen to me.

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If you had read the article, you could see that the men are not white.

This is a well-written investigative story about politically connected parents covering up the violent assaults committed by their three sons for over 20 years.

Anyone who ate hot lunch had to eat everything on their tray, and we weren’t allowed to pass on any part of the meal because children in other countries were starving or something. Lunch ladies checked our trays before we were allowed to leave the cafeteria.

On the days when sauerkraut was served, we’d take turns being the sauerkraut smuggler, cramming that dank crap from about a dozen 8 year old kids’ trays into an empty milk carton, so we could toss it all without the lunch lady catching it. One day when I was the kraut smuggler, lunch nazi grabbed my carton and marched me back to the table. She said I had to eat every strand of the milky garbage we’d all stowed before I could leave.

I tried, but kept gagging and retching. I sat huddled with the collective slop at the table, crying for about 3 hours before my teacher found me and released me from lunch jail.

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It’s hard to know about all the wars and genocides, if they aren’t in the standard westernized nations. I only learned of the Rohingya genocide this year.

The best that most of us can do is be like ShittyBeatles and donate to legit charities of your choice.

I learned about lucid dreaming from an old book I found when I was 18, and I began practicing. Because flying has been my passion since I was 5, I focused on that.

At first, I would run and take long leaps, like I was in low gravity. After a few weeks, one leap would keep me about 6 feet above the ground until I wanted to drop back down. I’d remain vertical with my arms relaxed at my sides, and just lean a bit for direction. About a year after I began flying every night, I could lay down and then close my eyes while making one push off the ground with my right foot and I’d be immediately at tree line. I loved flying through my neighborhood and the city, hovering over streets, visiting the houses of my friends, sometimes popping in to see them.

My dreams were in real time, so it was late at night and they were almost always asleep. It felt like an out of body experience.

I’d learned from the book how to make recurring dream threats your friend, and I befriended the wolves that had terrified my dream life at least once a week for over ten years. It was an incredibly empowering experience.

After a few years, I was in a lost time in life, and my dream flying reflected how out of control I was. By then, every time I laid my head on my pillow, my right foot reflexively tapped and I was off. But now, I was shooting straight up faster than a rocket and zipping beyond the moon in just a few seconds. I started panicking that I’d “lose my earth tether” and never be able to find my way back. I believed that I needed to return to my body in order to wake up. So now going to sleep was a threat in my mind. It took weeks to de-condition myself to stop flying.

In retrospect, I should have taken control, but my day life had really gone off the deep end and I think this is how it manifested. I haven’t practiced lucid dreaming or flying since I was 28, but I miss that exhilaration of zooming at tree line in a place I loved.

I just read HB 269.

There’s a big list of hallelujah shit for Utah schools. IN GOD WE TRUST must be displayed prominently. Selecting excerpts (cherry picking for god) from the Magna Carta, the Ten Commandments, the Mayflower Compact, the pledge of allegiance, etc and displaying or distributing copies of these excerpts in public schools is an acceptable part of the curriculum. This indoctrination shall not be censored due to religious or cultural beliefs.

To answer your question, no, the 10 C’s is just a tiny piece of the dismantling of free thought. The “non-profit” church now demands to have carte blanche influence on all kids in public schools.

“Let’s consider the possibility that Teri Blair’s pattern of shoplifting is an indication that she could be dealing with an undiagnosed mental health disorder or biochemical abnormalities, so we should respond with compassion and treatment” is something an educated liberal might say, had not their books been burned and their schools loaded with hate.

Teaching children to hate? Where did that come from?

This is about teaching children how to recognize hate and avoid making hate part of their lives. It’s education and boundaries. Discretion isn’t hate.

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It is the position of the national organization. People here are going on about how a troop was allowed to raise funds for Ukraine, without reading the part that states how that troop asked in advance for an exception to the rules and took the required steps to do it.

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Wondering what is obnoxious enough to effectively budge them, without alienating climate activists. I mean, eliminating their bloodlines could get their attention, but would also probably be considered too violent.

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I was troop leader for GSUSA, and you called it. The organization is very protective of its image, in order to be open to kids from ALL cultures. The rules regarding political activities under the Girl Scouts banner are clearly stated, and if there are any questions or requests for an exception, the staff is always willing to help.

This troop could have simply cleared the plan in advance, or participated in political, humanitarian fundraisers without involving the organization. The fact that the leader decided to break the rules, take offense, disband, and publicly infer that the Girl Scouts values are questionable says a lot about who has what agenda.

JustAManOnAToilet thinks it’s a clever troll, but its just a lonely asshole.

Exactly. Synonyms for “conformity” include submission, obedience, surrender.

Important to keep in mind that the objective of public education is to prepare a productive workforce while conditioning that workforce to stay on its knees.

The telecommunications expansion of the 90’s resulted in fiber running under the street in front of my house. I’m not allowed to access it, though, because Century Link prevents the local utility company from connecting it to any homes.

Since Century Link doesn’t serve my area, I had to use cellular satellite internet when I moved here, which was too shitty for my WFH job of ten years. And there was nothing else, so I lost my job.

The lesson here is that opportunities to fleece the government keep coming around, and you can either come up with a way to join the pirates or walk the damn plank.

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Genocide now?

Genocide is the intent to destroy members of a specific nationality, religion, ethnicity, or race.

Your hyperbole in this thread is a testament to the comments pointing out that conservatives don’t engage with reason.

In the dog show world, there are no abortions if an undesirable pregnancy occurs; it could harm the registered bitch.

Unfortunately, the issue would contaminate the bloodline, so when the pups are born it’s common practice for the veterinarian to euthanize them. Think of all the problems solved, if only we let the republican veterinarian define healthcare for breeding bitches.

Well stated, although “stupid” might be harsh. In the 80’s I watched in disbelief as a large housing development was constructed on a desert hillside that was known to locals as a flood zone. Within 5 years, a flood destroyed many of those new homes, to the surprise of nobody familiar with the area.

I can only guess that greed and corruption paved the way for the permits, and that the buyers were not informed of the location’s history.

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Another thought: Eating beef is helping Nestle achieve its dystopias water vision.


I like the direction of this thought. I’ve imagined the same, until I remembered that before fossil fuels, humans used whale oil for lamps, lubricants, soaps, etc, and cut down trees for heat.

This is one of those “be careful what you wish for” scenarios. 8 billion people burning trees for heat and killing whales for lighting creates a whole new hellscape.

The summer I was 11, all the bored neighborhood kids decided to play a game of chicken with our bikes. We raced down a narrow ramp that ended at a huge concrete wall, to see who could speed the farthest without braking.

When it was my turn, I hopped on my hot pink Stingray with the banana seat and pedaled for all I was worth. I accidentally hit the wall at full speed, the rear tire flew up behind me and I was smashed flat against the wall like a bug. When the rear tire came back down and I could breathe again, I looked up to all the horrified faces and grunted “I won”, then got back on my bike and casually pedaled away until nobody could see me crying and bleeding all the way home.

I grew up with a lot of snow, skiing, etc in the PNW. As an adult I moved to Palm Springs, where my daughter was born. She and my friends had never seen snow, so one day I thought it’d be great to show everyone. We took the tram up to the top of Mt San Jacinto, where there was about a foot of fresh snow.

I loved watching them marvel at how oddly cold and bright the ground was. They tried and failed to copy me making snowballs, like it was some alien magic trick. I ran ahead and made a sliding jump down a small slope, then stopped and turned around, waiting for them to follow. They did, one at a time, and every one of them slipped and dramatically wiped out trying to navigate the slope. Gods, they just kept. coming. down.

I was horrified that I’d accidentally set them up to go careening everywhere, but the sight was too hilarious and I could only double over and belly laugh as they all crashed about like lemmings on ice!

Click the archive link to read the entire article - it’s definitely worth the time.

Also, as much as I thought I knew about the Colorado River and the western United States water crisis, fuuuuuuuuck this is so much worse!

I’ve been degloved - It’s not that bad. Now ingested is pretty final.

That’s just it! POTUS isn’t a dictator. It’s astonishing to see headlines ignore the fact that the powers of the office of the president are limited. No president has the authority to force Congress to pass any kind of foreign aid legislation or to impose peace on the Middle East.

The horrors occurring in Gaza, Ukraine, and throughout the world elicit deep emotions in us, but they’re beyond the control of one elected official, which is what keeps us from living in true tyranny.

It’s disturbing to see so many smart people lean toward a candidate who seeks chaos and destruction simply because they feel outrage at atrocities that can’t be solved by a POTUS, but could definitely be exacerbated by one.

It seems that the governor shut down the task force with no formal announcement or any response to inquiries.

Apparently no action has ever been taken on the recommendations from the now-defunct task force. This is unforgivable for the state with the highest rate of murdered and missing Native Americans.


Considering the facts that everything in politics is stupidly transactional, and that:

  1. The POTUS doesn’t control foreign aid and must rely on congress to agree

  2. The deeply religious House Speaker Johnson, who controls which aid proposals will come to the floor, is fervently in support of Israel

Is it possible that President Biden is throwing a bone to the hard right, in the form of support to Israel, in order to get desperately needed aid to Ukraine ASAP?

I mean, we ALL understand that a US President doesn’t have the unilateral power of a king, and there’s a shit ton of finessing behind what we can see.

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Russia plans to take first Ukraine, then Balkans, then Poland, then Germany, and collapse the EU, which is a threat even to you in whatever miserable little coal-rolling corner of the United States you happen to be griping from.

You want your share of “those wasted taxes” back? Send me your info and I’ll Venmo your fucking $50, big guy.

I was talking to this old man from South Dakota last week. He stated “we’re being invaded because our president won’t do anything.”

When I explained that a President can’t run around making laws - Congress is supposed to make the laws, but they haven't, he snapped “Well, he should MAKE them!”

Isn’t it frightening that adults believe a POTUS is directly and personally responsible for state and local decisions? Like he has the authority to break any law and force all elected officials in the USA to bow to his tyrannical will? And that when he doesn’t do this, everything is his fault, so he shouldn’t be re-elected?

Isn’t that terrifyingly absurd to you?

I’m pretty sure no reason was made public - I’ve never found any information in archives. I was stonewalled by the public utilities company for almost a year before they finally admitted, privately, that I’d never be connected due to the Century Link stranglehold. I did find an article from 2019 detailing the inadequate infrastructure that CL was refusing to upgrade, so maybe they can’t handle the load and won’t invest in a captive area? It’d probably mess up someone’s bonus.

Thank you!

Thank you. I was hoping you’re real - I enjoy all your posts!

Thank you!

This crisis is caused by every adult Texan who didn't vote against - or who voted for - Governor Greg the sadistic psychopath Abbott, who proudly values the protection of toxic waste more than human life.

The state of Illinois should place these 13,200 people in hotels with complimentary room service, and bill it ALL to the great state of Texas. I’m sure those taxpaying patriots are happy to put their money where their vote is.

Is stopthatgirl7 a bot?

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It’s the second cattle to human case in the United States. As I understand it, H5N1 isn’t a threat to us until it mutates to become transmissible from human to human. As for all the other things, I suggest you immerse yourself like I did until it completely breaks you, so that you can join me in laughing maniacally at all of it.

There are some originals that shouldn’t be touched, and I believed IM Bust a Move was one of them, but holy fuck this Bliss remix takes it to the next level! Thanks for sharing!