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My experience has been that most of that is either the lights just being left on or cleaning crews. Oh, or coworkers hooking up.

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Imagine how much tax revenue we could get if we started taxing churches!

Knew who the judge was without having to look. This piece of shit needs to be removed. Can US Circuit court judges be impeached?

The only message the GOP has is fear mongering. If they stopped that they'd have to stand on their record of helping the people, which there is none in the last 50-60+ years.

I mean not only does he have to compete with Harris and Walz, he has to compete against his own running mate. The press doesn't care about a Harris/Trump debate because they know how it is going to go and it will be as dry as the Sahara, but a Walz/Vance debate? With Walz's comedic timing vs Vance's complete lack of awareness? That's gonna bring in the ratings. At this point Trump is a distant 4th for ratings for them.

This campaign has shown just how much of a little bitch that he is. Every time you turn around it's another example of him just whining like an entitled child instead of doing something about it like an adult. I know there's cognitive dissonance, but damn, it must be working overtime in a lot of Trump supporters.

Yeah, they bitch about not getting their piece of the pie, yet they've eaten 99% of the pie already. They refuse to understand that the discrimination against non cishet white people has already enriched them.

He's an Uncle Ruckus for sure.

The only thing that would top this would be using punch cards. I think that'd be around 58 million punch cards for Win11.

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Yep. Guarantee every male who is at least semi or partially able bodied who takes him up winds up conscripted and on the front lines.

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Okay, I cannot be the only person who saw a cat in the bag before realizing it was more bags?

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Did they change it? Because now it says "Allows Deep, Virtually Unfixable Infections" and that seems to say exactly what you are.

Texas is really fucky. My wife needs a new ID and has to go in in person. Ever since the pandemic the DMV has been by appointment only. When I went to make one the soonest I could get was almost February of 2025 and that was something like 40 miles away. I decided to check Austin and San Antonio as I'm between both. Neither had any availability for the foreseeable future.

Texas requires that you present you driver's license or state ID to vote. If you need either and can't renew by mail, you either have to travel a hundred or more miles to a DMV in the middle of no where or not be able to vote. Maybe it's the tin hat wearing part of me talking but this all seems awful coincidental.

"My juice packs are the best juice packs. I was just talking to the inventor of the juice pack, Hannibal Lector, the other day and he says to me. He says, "Donnie," he calls me Donnie because we're that close, Hannibal Lector and I. So Hannie, I call him Hannie because we're, like super duperly close, closer than brothers. So he, Hannibal Lector, inventor of the juice pack, he says, "Donnie, you always have the best juice packs. I don't know how you do it, but yours are the best juice packs, and that's why you should be president for life." Very smart man, Hannibal Lector. Really, really smart."

The only country I'd trust paid help in is Japan. Anywhere else and it is very likely a considerable portion are either thieves or one unlocked door away from thievery. Doesn't matter if it's in my home or in their shop(like for a car).

America is not a meritocracy. It is big racist misogynist shithole with misogynist racists usually in charge of selection processes. "But we have legal protections against that!" you cry. Yeah, as long as you can prove it. If they don't say something or leave a paper trail, you can't prove shit. The system is still absolutely rigged against minorities and women and set up in a way that protections against any form of bigotry are so fucking vague as to be virtually unenforceable in all cases except the most extreme. Affirmative action is one of the ways to combat that. It, too, is not a perfect answer, but it is better than letting the bigots win. Indeed, the end game of Affirmative Action is to get enough women and minorities lifted up that the US can actually become a real meritocracy.

Nah, they do win fair and square when it's rural. Their problem is that the population of rural America is dwindling fast. Most rural kids don't want to stay in the sticks. For starters there's just really no decent jobs there.

he was charged with battery because police said Scott resisted arrest, including kicking and head-butting an officer

Granny has some spunk left in her!

Yep. The fuckwitted GOP and their MSM lackeys boned it by constantly attacking Biden's age. He did the thing that they'd find unthinkable when he bowed out. Now they've unleashed the blue wave they've been fearing all along.

That is not what is being discussed and was never being discussed. You're sounding like you're being pedantic to try to pick a fight

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Can you notch the corner and make a card double the capacity?

Most of what he, Abbott, and Patrick do is just political theater and has no real benefit for the people of Texas.

Except they don't "melt" when properly sealed, as the article mentions. I mean, 107 is like a cool day in Phoenix or Tuscon during the summer.

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Is it me or does it seem that Coney Barrett might be reading the room better than the rest of the corrupt justices? Been seeing her dissenting from the rest of the conservatives more and more.

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Not really. The vast majority of refineries in the US can't use Texas crude. It's why the idea of shifting to using American oil over imported is laughable. Not only that we have no pipelines from our oil wells to the refineries, so those would have to be built, as well. Basically, it'd take decades and tens to hundreds of billions of dollars to shift from foreign oil to American.

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Not to make light of your situation, but I cannot count the number of times I have put something in a "very secure location" then been unable to locate said item for months.

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You forgot non-rich and non-land owning.

I think that's called a Red State.

It only mentions ring 0 access in your link, ergo they responded to your post because it was the most appropriate. At least that's how I see it.

What people don't get is that it is just using your body's naturally produced feel good chemicals - endorphins - to make you feel better. It is no different than relying on alcohol or drugs, legal or illegal, to treat your symptoms. You still have to do the hard work to try to cure or lessen your mental illness.

My wife has stage 4 colon cancer. One thing people who don't know some who has had cancer don't understand is that you can have it for a long time before it becomes so obvious that you have it. So while she has been far more susceptible to diseases before we figured it out, she found out because she went into the first stage of sepsis due to a necrotic tumor in her uterus that got infected. Sepsis isn't a disease, it's condition. Any infection can cause sepsis so it isn't a symptom but something caused by the symptoms, an add on effect, if you will. If not treated in time, you die of septic shock. Again, septic shock isn't a disease but a condition brought on by a disease. So no, dying from all diseases does not cover everything that you can die from that cancer or emphysema or COPD can have an effect on. In my wife's case, had we waited 24 hours more, she would have likely died because her organs would have started failing due to acidosis. Again, not a disease, a condition. Even if they had been able to treat her in time, her cancer would have likely made their treatments less effective than as they would have been for someone without cancer.

Let me try to put it in better terms. A disease can create a condition which can have a negative effect on the body. This condition is not necessarily solely caused by that disease, so it isn't a symptom. This condition, like acidosis of the blood, can then go on to create further problems, like organ failures, which you can die of. So in this example, the cause of death is organ failure, not acidosis, not the disease. and not the cancer. Without the cancer, the disease might not have spread as fast or happened at all. And thus, quitting smoking improves your chances of not dying from all causes, not just all diseases.

As those with privilege feel their privilege slipping many will do whatever they can to hold on to it.

Trump won Texas by only 6% against Biden. At 5% it means he's slipping here. If the apathetic Texas Democrats can bother to get off their asses, they'd see this state flip. At the very least we can kick Fled Cruz to the curb. Hell, he's polling with less of a lead than when he won in 2018, too. Texas is primed to flip and show the DNC that they can take it from the GOP.

Having made this sort of move several times in my youth with my parents, and a couple times as an adult, stick to the interstate as the others have said. Don't worry about the mountains unless you're doing it in winter, the moving van will be able to handle it if it has been properly maintained. 99% of the gas stations next to the interstate will be able to accommodate your situation, as well. If you can, break it into 3 days of driving 6 hours or so. Figure each stop will be about 30 minutes long with any food stops being up to an hour.

Yeah, people are looking at this all wrong. These numbers are incredibly close. Trump about a 5 point lead over Biden in 2020 and 8 against Clinton in 2016. Now he has 1 point versus Harris in 2024? Dude is losing, badly.

You have no idea how interconnected the world is, do you? How reliant the US is on its ports. Not just any place on a coastline is big enough to pull a cargo ship up to, as well as having the infrastructure to unload it and coordinate all that. All they have to do is hose every port capable of handling cargo ships and we are entirely fucked. The cherry on top would be nuking the oil refineries, completely wiping out our ability to move goods even if the ports were open. We will not have enough food to feed the country within a few days. Mass starvation starts a week or so afterwards. Two to three weeks later and at least a quarter or more of Americans will be dead from starvation. Then comes the massive waves of diseases due to all the unburied dead. Inside of two months at least half of America will be dead or dying. More likely to be closer to three-quarters.

All out nuclear is not something we survive.

She has the closest percentage in 16 years of any candidate. In males, Trump led Biden and Clinton by at least 5 points. He has 1 on Harris. She is trouncing his ass.

This isn't the bad thing it sounds like folks. He led Biden by 5 and Clinton by 8 points in the male vote, on average. Having a lead that could be wiped out by the margin of error is nothing. It shows Harris is an even bigger threat than Biden or Clinton were.

If you look at the all the elections of the last 28 years, men, especially white men, have strongly leaned Republican. If you look at 2020 and 2016 the only racial group that voted overwhelmingly for Trump have been white men. The only time men have not had a >1 point support of the Republican candidate were in 2008 and 1996. In 2008, Obama eked out a 1 point lead over McCain while in 1996 Bill Clinton was in the same spot versus Bob Dole, only one point behind.

Also consider that she is now the closest a Democrat has gotten with the male vote in 16 years. Trump led Biden and Clinton by at least 5 points. She is kicking his ass.