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Sauer later argued the threat of prosecution could have a chilling effect on future presidents’ decisions, saying they would need to look over their shoulder and ask, “Am I going to jail for this?” when making controversial decisions.

That's exactly the fucking point, you chode! The president should be weighing that consequence.

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Except this one isn't even a Boeing issue - this is a plane Delta has operated since 1992. This is entirely Delta's maintenance's fault. Boeing will still get blamed for it, of course.

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This is the same problem ICE cars faced when they were rolled out. It isn't like there was a gas station on every corner when the Model T rolled out. As more and more EVs hit the road, charging availability will increase until we reach a point where chargers are ubiquitous. It may reach the point where every parking space has a charger.

This is a transitional issue that will resolve itself.

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Because for the previous 15ish years before Musky got a hold of it it was actually decently regarded. Many people turned to it for up to date news and trusted it. It was a place where brands could interact with customers, celebrities with fans, etc. It had built up trust. People are having a hard time letting that go.

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I'm not even involved in a STEM job any longer but I still see tons of STEM employed men spewing manosphere bullshit all the time. I'm also starting to see more and more well educated, articulate women parroting it. These women also tend to be overwhelmingly conservative in their political positions, too. Especially well educated white women.

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They're the single largest name in virtualization. Almost half of all companies using virtualization are using VMware. And that's a lot of companies. Companies who have to pay licenses to use it. That's a lot of worth.

Users will limit Google Chrome starting June 2024.

A lot of search results still take me to Reddit. It is still a source of knowledge.

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No? Because despite what they said they were still companies. All those words about not being evil, etc, etc, etc were just PR, nothing else.

Yep. Other than thrill seekers, the only reason any business does something is for the money. If you can go, "Hey, you don't need to spend $12k on a new battery pack! Bring it down to Bubba's Batteries Bazaar and we can fix it for less!", you will get business.

Google thinks anything that isn't Google is harmful(to their bottom line).

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Am I confusing him with one of the other dozen or two choices they floated, but wasn't he against aid to Ukraine previously? I can't keep all these christofascists straight, they're such cookie cutter clones of each other.

Just a conspiracy of cartographers, then?

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Right? What could possibly go wrong by putting our future in space in the hands of a bunch of narcissistic dickbag billionaires?

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Our modern economy and world are built on the need for wage stagnation. Unfortunately that only lasts so long and we're reaching the end of it. That is going to come with a massive correction that is going to be pretty painful for the masses because the last thing the rich want to do is not be making as much money. So how they handle it will determine whether they live through it or find out what it's like to be looking at the inside of the basket at the end of a guillotine.

Won't happen in Texas. There are so many people in this state convinced that unions are a horrible evil. Then they complain about how their job mistreats them, doesn't pay them enough, etc, etc, etc. You know, all the problems a union fixes. These people here are the very definition of sheeple.


Apple is run by some absolute morons who were happy to try and steal the tech

Xerox PARC intensifies

If you look at almost everything "iconic" that Apple has ever done they have "borrowed" or outright stolen from others. This is entirely on brand for Apple. They just ran up against someone who was willing to push back.

Did you check out Lutris for mod managers? I know Vortex is on there and is supposed to work with all steam games.

A little detective work got me to this Linux specific mod manager that targets BG3 and CP2077 - https://github.com/CHollingworth/Lampray

Given how RICO works, every guilty plea increases the odds just by virtue of being a guilty plea.

You can run the android version or use the Linux VM. Neither are great but are workable. Unless they've changed it recently, you can also dual boot them and run Linux off an external drive.

I'd honestly say skip the Chromebook, get an older used laptop that is known to be fully supported by Linux, install a lightweight distro, and off you go if all Grandma needs is a web browser. Older used laptops are usually far better powered than a cheap Chromebook for the same price anyways. Plus it fights e-waste.

A further option is to do adblocking at the router or through the computer's own networking system or something like a Pihole. These all come with their own pros and cons.

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Generally the reason why it is like this is because you know others have resources to do the same to you and you don't want to start a trend of doing that thing. Also, it's their leverage against the people it could be used against. You're asking an amoral group of individuals to act morally - that flies against everything they stand for.

It made sense. There were also university CS departments doing the same thing. The Cell processor in the PS3 was pretty damn powerful for the price at the time.

Yeah, that half would be perfectly fine with throwing them in a deep pit and forgetting they exist.

No, you're the product. They're selling your data and viewing time to their customers.

Should have figured it was clickbait. They've done this with several previous versions after EOL security support ended AFAIK.

Conservative ideology is based on bigotry. Always has been. The fact the Republican party has so easily and wholeheartedly embraced white supremacists, misogynists, rapists, etc, proves the point. Indeed, the de facto leader of conservatism in the United States proudly embodies all those things and more. All the while he is the clear leader in their presidential candidate race without even having to participate in the process. It is impossible to extricate conservatism from bigotry - if you're a conservative in the US you are a bigot either directly or through association. You know, the ol' ten people and a Nazi having dinner is 11 Nazis having dinner.

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So typical rich tech bro.

The futuristic version of never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway.

Uh, it's far worse. That's a mere 9k transactions. According to https://ycharts.com/indicators/bitcoin\_transactions\_per\_day 12/3/23 had about 71k transactions. So bitcoin is using 7x the water that all the golf courses in Utah use. So in one day Bitcoin used as much water as Utah golf courses use in a week. Low point for this year was around 19k transactions. So still 2 days worth of Utah golf courses.

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It's streets ahead, though.

The linked article has a table that gives 1.74 uW/cm^2. However glancing over the rest of the paper there's a ton of variability of output.

Healthcare and profit motive should never, ever be allowed to mingle. That's how you're going to wind up with a pacemaker that requires a monthly subscription or even a prescription - meaning if you don't see an authorized doctor, you can't keep your pacemaker running. If someone like United Healthcare could do this, they absolutely would.

I get your anger, but if they no longer have the license to play the song, they cannot allow you to play it, even if the file is on your device. I don't find it scummy in the least. You didn't own the file, you were renting it from Spotify.

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I remember back in /r/Pixel on Reddit that Google had a mid tier or higher customer service rep in the subreddit. Why? Because their regular customer service sucked so bad they needed someone in /r/Pixel to do damage control. If a person wasn't in the subreddit, they'd basically be left twisting in the wind.

I had my OG Pixel XL get compromised and my Google account stolen. Asking to get it back was basically "Fill out this form and we might get back to you at some point. You won't receive any communications from us except to tell you your account has been recovered. And there's no way for you to talk to a real human."

I think it comes to down to the definition of "dead". Both are certainly dead for the reasons they were created.

There absolutely should be no free speech is what he meant.

Yeah, people shouldn't look to their government to protect them from this. Hell, I'd be willing to bet no small amount of taxes go to purchasing the leaked info at places like the CIA, NSA, and FBI.

Given the recent successes of other streaming platforms integrating ads into previously ad free levels, I think you're right.