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individuals pointed to a major event, like the death of a spouse or a medical emergency, as the trigger.

Gee, if only we had a healthcare system that wasn't solely focused on making a profit and growing the amount of profit quarter after quarter.

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The NYT has additional information that may add context.

Harris Wolobah is not the first child who has sought medical care after eating the chip. School officials in California and Texas told the “Today” show website last year that students had been taken to the hospital after eating one.

Also last year, about 30 public school students in Clovis, N.M., experienced health issues after eating the chip, KOB-TV of Albuquerque reported. As a preventive measure, the Huerfano School District in Colorado banned the chips, according to a post on its Facebook page.

In a 2020 study, researchers at the University of Mississippi Medical Center detailed the “serious complications” that can result from eating the Carolina Reaper pepper, noting that a 15-year-old boy had suffered an acute cerebellar stroke two days after eating one on a dare. The Carolina Reaper has been measured at more than two million Scoville heat units, the scale used to measure how hot peppers are. The Naga Viper has been measured at just under 1.4 million Scoville units. Jalapeño peppers are typically rated at between 2,000 and 8,000 units.

But that has not stopped the curious.

Colin Mansfield of Beaumont, Calif., and his nephew Cole Roe, 15, ate the chip together over FaceTime and Mr. Mansfield shared the video on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. Mr. Mansfield, who makes his own hot sauce, said that it was like a “really spicy curry” and that the heat began to wear off after about 10 minutes. (His nephew, he said, needed a drink after 30 seconds.)

But that’s when another side effect kicked in for both of them: a crippling stomachache.

“I was on the floor, in a fetal position,” Mr. Mansfield said, adding that he wouldn’t have eaten the chip had he known that it would feel as if “somebody put you on the ground and kicked you in the stomach.”

Devin McClain and Jade Dian, who live in Houston, said they had also experienced stomach pains after recording themselves eating the chip — and then chasing it with water, milk and ice cream — for their YouTube channel.

“It was instant pain,” Ms. Dian said. “The milk was not helping, the ice cream was not helping.”

Mr. McClain said that even after the intensity of the heat had faded in his mouth, he could still feel it in his body.

“You could feel it spread; that’s the worst part, honestly,” he said.

Clearly the stomachache response is not unheard of. In addition, stomach distress can be a symptom of anaphylaxis. I have to wonder if it's people with very, very mild allergies to capsaicin and the amount and strength in these peppers are pushing it into extreme allergic reaction. One thing that gets me wondering is that nothing listed in the ingredients, to my admittedly limit knowledge, should turn your tongue blue. So how are they achieving that, what ingredient is not listed? When trying to find out through Googling it, I found even more cases of people getting hospitalized because of the chip, especially teenagers, in previous years.

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It's almost like their workers should form some sort of association so that they could collectively work to negotiate with Amazon on a more equal footing. Too bad that never happened ever in the history of the human workforce. Sure would be nice, though. Oh, wait...

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Racist misogynist white piece of shit says racist misogynist white piece of shit things.

And "philosophers of rock"? Talk about having your head up your own ass. Fuck him, fuck his facetious book.

Article really makes Tom Wright seem like a psycho piece of shit.

I'd argue that Tom Wight does that all by himself without the article.

Angry shareholder noises

After the decades of one child sexual abuse case after the other coming out and time and again finding out higher ups in the church knew about this but just kept hiding it, are we really at all surprised? That level of corruption originates from the top down, not bottom up.

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Because rather than have empathy for others and realize how their actions might affect others, they'd rather focus solely on themselves and make everything about them and how they're inconvenienced.

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Well, they say they do, but my experience in rural towns says they believe otherwise. Hell, growing up our married pastor was banging the married organist and then they ran away together.

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Right? It's like people forgot about that one Republican talking about how he knew women who'd gotten married when they were 12 and were happy when defending their state's child marriage laws.

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Google is first and foremost an ad company. Everything else they do is only to improve the worth of their ad business.

I’d assume the surgeons wanted to spare her from having to undergo sedation and surgery again at a later point in time, just to get her consent.

That is still performing the procedure without her consent. Are you really that dense? Or are you one of those types who believes that "no" doesn't always mean "no" or that if someone doesn't say "no" that means they automatically consent?

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It's an abuser controlling his victim. They will go to whatever lengths they think they need to. Nothing is too dark except maybe murder, and even that's iffy.

There has definitely been a trend in the media of downplaying CP and CSAM recently. I thought others were crazy when they said it, but after paying attention a bit, yeah, it's happening. My theory is that it is because of algorithms filtering stuff like that out.

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He still faces felony charges

He's been facing felony charges for almost a decade now, hasn't he? Yeah, he can be facing them, but no one is doing anything and they likely never will.

Y'all gotta face the sad fucking truth - Ken Paxton will now be the next governor of Texas.

I'm less for term limits and more for age limits. At some point between 65-72 they get booted off the bench.

Honestly, though, it is unlikely either term limits or age limits would prevent shitstains like Thomas and Alito from being on the bench. They've been there and been shitstains this whole time. Now they're enjoying an uncontested majority that agrees with them, that's all that has really changed.

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They owe them quite a lot...

The idea of a life after death where an idyllic eternal life can be simply purchased with belief demeans and devalues this life. You will never convince me that someone believing such things would be more moral and ethical than someone who believes that this life is all we get. I would argue that such belief is a cornerstone to a lack of ethics and morals because it implies nothing in this life really matters.

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Told my wife we should start referring to handjobs in public as Boeberts.

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Alabama just straight up ignored them.

I dunno, I kinda see it as a toddler trying to haggle about their bedtime or getting a cookie.

Honestly, if he hadn't smack talked them the day after they got that 45 day budget passed, they probably would back him. Hell, if we didn't need to get the big budget passed in 45 days, they'd probably do it just to fuck with the Republicans. Or they could fuck with McCarthy by voting for him and making the GOP think he's cut a secret deal with the Dems.

Wow. Even a child could have told them arresting people at the vigils would be hugely bad optics and lead to immense blowback. One would hope whoever gave the order to start arresting them has been sacked, but more likely have been promoted.

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Were they really independent if this is all it takes? I've known so-called "independents" which were just people who sided with Republicans on everything except their cultural politics. They're not really independents, they're embarassed Republicans who are afraid to admit to themselves that they don't give a shit that some people will be discriminated against or attacked so they can hopefully pay less taxes. Say what you will about them, but at least Libertarians are up front that they don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves.

Welcome to capitalism! Ain't it grand!

The problem is Texas Democrats and those who'd stand against Republicans don't vote. I don't feel like digging out the exact numbers, but the 2022 gubernatorial race shows it best. Abbott got nearly 80% of the votes Trump did in 2020. Beto got 60% of the votes Biden did. Republicans show up, Democrats don't. Until that changes. nothing in this state will change.

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it’s never, ever, ever going to happen

That's been said about a lot of things that have happened in the last 7 years.

I'm also more fond of something like "Sexually assaulted a minor" or "engaged in sex with a child". You know, something that hammers home what he did.

In doing some research, I found that there have been quite a few people reporting stomacheaches and being hospitalized from previous years of the chip. There's also been a case of 15 year old dying from a stroke caused by the Carolina Reaper pepper. I hate to say it, but I think that maybe we're taking these peppers too far to the point that they are becoming hazardous to our health.

As someone who came of age during Reagan's presidency, y'all just ain't been around long enough.

The average Republican voters doesn't care what the facts are.

Whelp, whole list of people who can get fucked and whose work I will not be patronizing.

Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a thing. These are people who refuse to admit when they're wrong, so rather than admit that they were wrong about the Republicans, they just find ways to justify it instead to soothe their psyche. And the people running the show know this and use this to great effect.

So what you're asking for is a deterrent to keep people from filing suits for fear that if the case doesn't go their way they'll have to shell out what basically amounts to a court tax a la poll tax. Because that's what you're asking to happen. How about instead we elect people who know what the fuck they're doing and aren't waging a culture war that flies in the face of the US Constitution? That's the source of this problem. So let's focus on the real problem instead of deflecting.

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Could just be a psychopath.

Dude knows he's going down hard in the next 12 months. He has managed to skirt the law this long, but that long arm is tugging at him and he's scared shitless.

He isn't saying to do something and fail at it, but to do something and do a terrible job at it is better than to have never done it. You're conflating what he said with sayings like "It is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all."

It makes it easier to tell who is part of the in group and who is part of the out group. It also helps in establishing control over people.

California is not right to work, that means that a person can work in a union shop without being a member of the union. You are thinking of at will.

Clorox owns Fresh Step, amongst others.
