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Joined 1 years ago

"r/Horny is now a “Christian Minecraft server.”

That shit is genius. Not a fan of all this mess. But it has led to new and cool places while creating some funny as hell content with the fallout.

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The disapproving and insulted look of a Canadian when you've done something so stupid that they can't even apologize for it.

It's when there's no apology or jokes, just the look, that you know you've become the stupidest fucker north of these here prairies and bears ya know.

Sorry guys. Shit's kinda fucked up here, but there are some real heroes getting busy up here. We're almost out of stuff to burn I think, and people keep stealing fire fighters gear to try and save their own property so yeah, at this rate, climate will win shortly and there won't be anything left soonish.

Again, sorry guys.

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Depending on which subs you see, the assholes have won. Holy shit the amount of right wing bullshit that got into the place. Like wallstreet silver. I didn't much give a shit before it started looking like the front page of diet stormfront.

The remaining mods are at large, S class window lickers and ableist who have been applying to get a position for years and just now get their chance to goatse the corpse of what was once a great website. Started seeing tons of people getting banned for the most petty of shit. Buddy of mine got a 30 day ban for linking another sub reddit in his comment.

Of course, I got banned too. on my 12th cake day no less, for saying a kids attitude was going to get him beat up in high school or worse.

But if anything, there are so many folks out there that can say they were there before they got spez'd and the assholes took over. It was nice for a while, but in the end, fuck reddit.

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Oddly satisfying. I kinda want a piece for my desk.

No lie, I thought the whole time that smug asshole was gonna show up online, or twatting away on the Internets true haven for hate speech, and say he bought reddit or was trying to.

He's rich and fucking dense enough to do it.

I am so excited to get to eat this. when I can afford it.

But when I can, fuck yeah let's go.

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I dunno man. If that joint hit's like old fucked up Ben is sayin' there, I might be swayed.

It's not even their company and just the suggestion here has their legal teams on high alert and ready.

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Does he look like a bitch?

Well, yeah. This ain't Marcellus Wallace. Tump's a bitch.

Not so much a company, but the small town I grew up in had pride days. It was not a real big or fantastic affair, but it was fun, and lots of people were out in the pride gear that I would have never thought for a second would attend a pride event. Even the hillbilly term of "gays days" was tossed around insert the redneck with good intentions meme by older boomer guys as they waited for rainbow soft serve.

I left when I was twenty. Even before then, constantly trying to get away from the redneck small town. My childhood here was miserable as a poc and as someone who was/is as socially well adjusted as bum pickles. Racism, Phobias for each color of a skittle, and a very entitled population where being a hate filled asshole was all but encouraged.

BUT! 23 years later i find myself coming back. Only been back a couple months and it seems like a much friendlier place than i remember and the fact that this event was in the downtown, advertised and endorsed by all the local shops, left me speechless. This is not the same place I left, but replaced by a much more optimistic and caring community.

And as a jaded old dude, the town as a whole, recognizing and celebrating, well that was meaningful as hell to me, and I am sure many of the kids who had to stay deep closeted because of the town they lived in, so many years ago.

Patriots break under pressure and get plea deals from Mr. Jack Smith

I am grinding my teeth and my youngest says "I don't like that"

fuck that thing.

All my homies be lovin' this Kibin shit!

I keep going back. Not the level of user before all this spez is a twat shit, but enough that I still cannot deny I have an addiction.

What I have noticed is that the quality of content and users has plummeted. Tons of the people who always complained about reddit being an echo chamber and the worst place in the world for free speech are now louder than ever posting some pretty racist shit and and it just gets worse from there.

Even google users have been reported as upset with the content that is coming up in searches.

Oh dude, what you need to do is start collecting video games.

As I grew up i found myself still playing. Not wanting to stop. Looking at it from a far more mature perspective than i ever had before and thought "Fuck it, horde video games" and these days it is on the same level as those who collect comic books. Can be seen as an albeit childish hobby, but is recognized as also an investment. I mean, my collection of video games is insured for more than new sedan.

Much like dad who collected hot wheels, mom has hutch of ultra expensive china, you have your games and can explain and tell stories in much greater and entertaining details than any tin car. I mean, explain Last of us, or Hentai vs. Evil, it's gonna be a better story than "It's a tbird"

93' Sid Miers Civilization on a Macintosh LC III.

I still cannot find that game anywhere or emulated. Anytime there's hope, or anyone gives a link, it's always the chonky dos version.


Seriously how the hell? It's fairly basic and unless you have the chops and patience to rebuild a minecraft new york city, not much else going on

But then I fire that pixelated crap up again and off i go trying to recreate a giant tower that looks like a penis.

As a new comer, seeing shit like this is refreshing and may be wildly addictive. Road maps, open communication, user base oriented initiatives. This is like heroin when the only update you got from reddit usually was the last one you can't remember them sending.

I for one am excited to see this, and look forward to being along for the ride.