
0 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's largely Sarcasm. And by large, I mean lots. Like, most, if not all of it. It's gonna be sarcasm.

Gonna take one fucking amazing d-brand wrap to make this shit look good.

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Alright Ivanka. This... THIS is your time to fucking shine.

Step up, be brutally honest. Sell that fucker out. Make a few clever remarks about him being a person who's too stupid to zip tie themselves and apologize for ever being near him.

Save yourself. Go full scorched earth on his ass.

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For the sake of piracy, and their message, don't buy from key Gen sites, as well. They not only are flat out stealing, profiteering like mother fuckers, but over and over again.

Don't pay for organized crime when you can do it yourself if ya gotta. Cut the scalpers out.

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Pretty new to the lemmy thing. Learning the do not and safe zones of the federation.

Lemmygrad is a bit of a rabbit hole from the outside view. Like, holy shit. That place got wicked dark super fast.

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The good guy with a gun once again saves the day by shooting a pregnant woman.

God bless America.

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Well, in my limited knowledge and general thoughts about it being treason, I agree with what he's saying as it doesn't come off as these recruiters are trying to be compassionate and save citizens to become soldiers.

Sounds like profiteering favoritism to keep rich and prominent men and women from serving.

This doesn't strike me as 16 year old Billy is getting handed a bayonet and told to die for oil.

Bottom line, against or for the war, people getting rich by saving the rich is a pretty shitty way to do your profiteering.

I know she's smarter, better, and stronger than I and would find a way to help explain and educate this woman on how she's pissing into the wind wrong....

But I can't help but imagine Janeway just kicking the shit out of that foxbot on principle and for the security of the federations reputation.

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I'd outlaw drive through.

No longer will that fucking line up for coffee reach down the road and over the horizon in the morning. The sitting there for twenty minutes, idling your car as you watch the person in front of you park in the middle of the intersection like an asshole. No.

Go, park, use the magic of being a biped.

Now there's no excuse. You either drink the coffee at work, or face that Starbucks barista you know secretly hates you. Biped your way in the door, get your morning fix with confidence because fuck mark, no barista is going to ruin your day.

Not while I'm there banning drive throughs to ruin it for you.

Edit: Barista. I don't even know what a batista is but could potentially be a bad ass.

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The sounds of the internet, volume one.

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Who didn't see this coming?

Don't worry, I see you with your hand up in the back. I know you're only doing it because it's funny to be the only one, but yes. Everyone saw this coming. That poor fucking Snoo deserved so much better than the waterbaording that is spez.

Won't lie, for a short period I had a Sony mini disk set up and I don't think I can ever appreciate other modern physical mediums of music as much.

And I can't explain why other than personal biast reasons, either.

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Great. Now I'm worried I'm a normie and not the "Manifest Destiny" nerd I have been trying to be.


Seriously though, from the comments, it's seems like the corporate rats gaining ground in places that are federated is going to be a lot harder, and more user resilient.

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But it saved, like, over a billions lives, and stopped acne in ugly babies. My reliable moms group on Facebook says the media leave out the really really good stuff like it didn't happen.

Like, how many drugs do you know saved a billions of persons? Wasn't a Vax, my totally well informed convoy prison group science rep said so, too.

Worth it. Money well spent.

my youngest brother had a lazy stick. It was a broom handle and a ruler taped together with a couple of chop sticks mixed in to help hold the two together. To avoid getting out of bed, he fashioned this up to turn off the lights in his room. Inspired by Homers broom in the episode of the Simpsons where he gains a ton of weight to go on disability.

This stick did the trick and even could turn the tv on and off.

Twenty years later, my brother is currently on a diet and losing a lot of weight. All the weight is post stick and much later in life, but we have a laugh about it every now and again.

The smell of a new book.

oh man. there's my drug from back in the day.

Multiple Personalities.

When you say you wanna see other people, they already are other people!

If you're Gen X, the entire three fucking ton collection of whatever encyclopedia itanica set out there and fifty time life books about random shit with pictures. Maybe sex by Madonna.

My parents, and those before them loved to appear as if they could ready but only really recognized the logos of gas stations and liquor bottles.

I am a hat person. I've worn hats since I was a toddler, and even my kids think look weird without one on. It's like my Linus blanket. Ain't bald, it could be perfectly fine weather for a fancy hairdo, still got a hat.

So with all that being said, gonna go with the popes hat. Any hat, I'm gonna be that hat. It will be shortly after that we will learn if my mind control tricks work or not. If they do, churches are paying taxes and women will be put in charge of the Vatican.

If they do not, I fucked up and am just a really stupid looking hat.

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The more i see and recognize the use of the term "Federation", the more my inner geek hopes this is how IRL Star Trek starts.

"The federation started as a group of loosely associated social media and information hubs where people would share ideas, porn and memes. The ideals and social structure would eventually spread to a much larger and more dynamic series of instances that built up to and even greater federation of the human online colonies. As it grew, first contact was made and the inter galactic trade federation was established to trade porn and memes, would eventually go onto to much more larger, important, totally not porn related causes. To explore strange new worlds, and seek out new......"

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The Matrix.

All of my fellow humans and brain driven meat related organisms love the matrix and would live to live there.

Don't you, fellow human.

Totally not a bot. Just another radical human having normal human conversations about the matrix.

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This is like they tied the uncle (the cool one, not the drunk thanksgiving gop candidate) to a stripper post and are making him dance for dollars now.

After they dug the poor bastard up after he'd just been unceremoniously raped to death by Spez. You loved your uncle, now pay to see whats left dance around.

Not gonna lie, if you asked me what I would think the increase would be and I would have assumed it be a lot higher.

But then again, that could be the part of the pirate crew that doesn't use a VPN and is easily identified upon entering the site.

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The year book page this is gonna make is gonna be fucking amazing.

Never really had much to say about the mods until the recent mess. What's left, holy shit. I now look forward to the funeral of the Snoo.

poor bastard didn't deserve the assholes he got left with.

Not something I would have ever thought of, but this is actually a pretty solid idea.

Especially un a time where AI is a pretty big issue for the entertainment industry.

Like, a lot of my favorite actors are old as shit. To finish unfinished work and put a close to a character would be an excellent use of the technology. End of life purposes with respectful boundaries

I was a big fan of G.G. Allin, so it's hard to pin point just a single moment, but we'll let google and your imaginations take you there. It's pretty trippy.

When I was super young and listening to ace of bass i learned one of the members was also a white supremacist.

Lead singer of L7 whipped her used tampon at an asshole like a fucking champ.

Someone out there is hurting bad after expressing themselves.

It's too early to see a face and get into a slapping mood.

Get fucked, u_spez

Phantasy Star.

For an 4mb 8bit rpg, it had an amazing story and so much potential held back only by the tech of it's time.

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Seven or Man on Fire. Not what you'd call happy endings, but the movies would be ruined any other way.

Except for in Seven, if it ended in a blast of colored smoke for a gender reveal gift box. That could have been very touching. /s

Bonus points! Double piracy!

Time saver. Fewer dremel related happy accidents. Less waste from the dremelless folks out there just throwing the fuckers out. Remaining stock could be recovered for re-branding (or as we here at shitty business like to call it, D-Branding) and remain in circulation, and out of the dump.

Shit, ask Madison to pick the design or color, throw her proceeds from the sale to a legal fund because, well, this kinda only ends one way so far.

Make sure you get yours for this because that's a surprisingly great one you got there if ya think about it.

"And you know who's sorry? Us, because we WERE the sponsors!"

Hopefully not a live action Cyberpunk 2077

While i know I wouldn't make it for very long, fuck yeah I wanna see a samurai show!

uhh huhuuhhhuhh Hey guys, get this. This guys doesn't know how the three sea shells work!

Gotta go with Alberta. Even our premier has openly stated that she wants to make Alberta more like Florida.

The rednecks can keep things pretty fucking weird, too.

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Learn a second language, see Paris, convince billionaires that for enough money I can take them to mars.

Perform blood soaked reenactment of Event Horizon/Titan submersible.

Make a human centipede of Crowder, Shapiro and Walsh. Give back women their rights and hand them power.

Go to mars and watch shit play out.

Maybe ask Christina Ricci is she'd like lunch or something.

Destroy Mercury. I don't like the look of what it's planning.

You know, #justgirlythings

There are a ton of people that decry reposts of any sort. I think the fact it comes from reddit given them more ammo in the sense that it came from reddit so it is even more poisonous to their pure and only new/original content online existence. If they have seen, so have you after all.

And on reddit, those folks were rampant. Like a circle jerk of gatekeepers reaching over to help one another out.

And buttercup don't like seeing things twice.

I'm actually the polor opposite of that, as are many.

Financial Freedom? I don't understand. You might as well be calling me an asshole in Greek.

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That dumb mother fucker u/spez