
2 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Please don't fuck toothbrushes :(

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He actually was on the 1337x comment section defending himself and at a point he said he downloaded it from [Russian website] and only repacked it. He said we could go download it from there if we didn't trust him, but I also got a virus warning from that one...

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Impressive, but imo still not as good as No man's Sky redemption.

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Downloaded that torrent, thought it was weird that it triggered my AV. Usually I just assume it's a crack file or something, and even Windows defender will say it's a "game crack" file or something on the threat information.

However, BG3 being released on GoG I found it odd... And it wasn't even detected as a game crack file or wtv it's called. Ended up downloading one uploaded by InsaneRamZes which ALSO was detected by AV...

I've ended up downloading about 4~5 clients to finally find one that didn't trigger it... The amount of trash that was going around is insane.

The one I finally found that doesn't have a virus was from a private tracker. (which was the RUNE release)

Edit: Just checked on 1337x and this one that I had from InsaneRamZes has also been removed it seems. I can't actually find a BG3 full game torrent on there atm... But I did manage to add the tracker to my private tracker's RUNE download so I'll be sharing with you all too 🤝

This reminds me of the "you eat X amount of spiders in your sleep every year". It's also been debunked so many times and I see it popping up from time to time.

Even more ironic, this was created by some professor (?) to prove that starting fake viral facts was easy or something...

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Change dns provider and it's no longer blocked. Going by you're username we're from the same country :)

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EU is usually very pro consumer but not long ago there were (and there still are) some shit takes on piracy and stuff.

I don't think they'll ban VPNs though. It's not pro consumer and it's anti-privacy which EU is also very strong on.

Honestly, having know this I wouldn't have bought D4 in the first place.

It was expensive as fuck for a game that I played a week at most, and got boring. Not saying the game isn't great on some aspects. The story and graphics are amazing but... other than that it's not that interesting late game.

Spending 60€+ on a game that has battle passes and an ingame shop on top of it, for them to add one expansion a year after, yearly? Wtf

It's true what they say. Blizzard has gotten greed af.

This has probably been the last game I will ever buy from them. There are already Diablo 4 private servers, I think I'll just wait until those catch up with those expansions...

(reposting from the D4 community since this community is larger and likely will have more discussion here)

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Currently playing Baldur's Gate 3, 2 player co-op and it's been an absolute blast.

Recently a friend started playing No Man's Sky and I joined in to help him get started and give him some tips... Only to get re-addicted to it myself so now I'm split between BG3 and NMS 🥲

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Massively agree with gw2.

Overall good costumer practices (not perfect). Buy to play, no worries that time is running out and you need to grind like a maniac for the next days...

Great community and story.

WOW is algo a good option, if you're going to a private server. Those seem more fun honestly and less bullshit

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Portugal 🇵🇹, we drink tap water here it should be fine unless you're in an old building and the pipes haven't had any maintenance. Been in old buildings in Lisbon that had brownish/tan water and I had to let it run for a good 30secs until it came out clean.

Never drank water from there unless I was desperate, always used bottled water. However, where I was raised the tap water there is sooooo good.

Also I'm absolutely biased and conditioned by living here my whole life, but I've visited a lot of countries. And no tap water is even close to Portuguese tap water.

P.S. Been to HK just about a month and I really found it charming. The way "western" culture is applied there. Mostly on buildings and lamps etc. While on the other side you have traditional temples. Very cool

Shame for the past couple of events there (cough CCP cough)

It does work with epub now. They changed it not long ago (afaik)

Both. Sim card for my country's provider. eSim when I'm abroad for cheaper rates.

Not sure what platform and app you're using but on qBittorent you can set it to run on windows startup.

There's also an option to prevent the system from going to sleep (could be why you only get +0.5 ratio during the night). This last setting you can actually set it to download and/or upload.

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I could've swear I wrote this... Only thing I'd say is to pick your WoW server well. If you like the story pick a server than has good scripting. Imo the one that has the best scripting is TauriWoW but they are still on Pandaria. If you want something more modern try Felsong. Still alright scripting bit naturally, the closer you get to retail on Xpacks the less polished they are on private servers.

Also, FFXIV trial is a bit limiting. If you're playing alone you might be alright but with friends on trial it's not so fun... You can't start parties. You can't PM/DM people... To play together with my SO, the workaround we found was to go to limsa to beg someone to create a party for us and then they leave the party, leaving just the 2 of us there.

Also, but not least important. Unlike WoWs trial, on FFXIV if you ever pay for the sub/buy the game, there's no going back to free trial. This is actually why I don't play ffxiv that much...

(sorry the text got this big, didn't mean to :( )

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That's true, I didn't embark on this journey of testing all the clients on my on will though.

Something I realised is that "Baldurs Gate 3" will wield very different results from "Baldur's Gate 3" . The files with the apostrophe seem to be legit, or... At least legiter

As a gw2 veteran (in the sense of owning the game for a long time, not that I am very good at it) I'm pretty sure you'll like it! I honestly feel sad for how overlooked GW2 is...

The community is great, don't be afraid to ask for help if you're stuck on a quest or a puzzle. More often than not people will go out of their way to help you!

Never heard of skill up but now I'm curious about their review :)

Edit: I haven't tried the new Xpack yet, but I've heard it's great! Might buy it later on discount since I'm not planning on playing for a couple of months at least.

Wow How had I never heard of this game before?!


Also, !opensource@lemmy.ml

Using Xiaomi 12T Pro running xiaomi.eu rom on it. At first I didn't like their ui but now I think it's pretty good. I used to go for AOSP roms but I'm getting used to MIUI now.

I don't want to install nothing that isn't the default stock though, with some changes in this vs, but stock.

In the last I'd instal a custom rom as soon as I got a new phone (Cyanogenmod or wtv name they came with after), but after 4 years or so of doing this I noticed that my pictures looked like crap when compared to photos with the stock rom.

Apparently it was due to drivers and some of the drivers not being public. At the time whenever I went on vacations, is change back to stock to have the best photos possible. But I don't really feel like doing that all over again.

Yep! I've been taking ADHD meds for a month (?) now and I get that.

I feel like it gives me just enough willpower to get things started, after that I just feel like I forget why I didn't even want to do whatever task I'm doing and just go with it.

Brain is funneh

God no... Please... :(

This is what I've seen them used for! My FIL scares the crows away from his figs like that. But crows being smart as fuck, I think they know now and just ignore them. Other birds might still be scared though

Perfect! Just what I was looking for.

Also on the 2070 boat :( I think I might sell it 2nd hand soon before it's worthless hahah

I meant by default.

On RIF is fun for instance, I had it setup so that child comments would only appear when I clicked on them.

Great redemption but they did close the servers so I kinda feel like that's a whole new game hahaha

Also, FFXIV has been great for a long time now I think... NMS had more incremental updates with improvements for longer I guess. Maybe that's why that's the first thing on my mind when I think of any game redeemimg themselves.

Nevertheless still an amazing improvement on FFXIV.

That's me as well. It's night and day.

I think at this point I still prefer D3 to D4 (maybe also nostalgia?). I do think that D4 will improve given enough time, I'm hoping. But it's sad that I paid full price for a game that, not only is expensive and has battle passes but will have yearly expansions on top of it.

I'm not made of money blizzard...

Another one to add to my growing collection of lemmy clients.

Yep! Slowly we'll eventually get rid of it. Just like any migration :)

Yep... I just loved Diablo too much but I guess this was the last time...

I am curious how this acquisition from Microsoft will go though. I don't think it can get worse so maybe it'll get slightly better.

heavily breathes in hopium

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I never thought about the camera but that could be one of the things that bothers me, now that I think about it...

I thought that with season 1 I'd be more hyped to play it, but it seemed so shite I couldn't bring myself to playing it... And now, knowing that there'll be expansions yearly, I don't think I'll ever bother lol.

I am very tempted to buy a fair phone. Unfortunately I do play a lot of demanding stuff on my phone occasionally so right now it's not the best option for me...

But I'm hopeful for the future. Someday fair phone will be able to get a phone that is more capable. And I'm jump in no regrets.

I think I haven't slept as little as these past few weeks. 🥲

Get off work, play NMS for 3 to 4 hours and have dinner. Join my brother for BG3 co-op. Look at the time and suddenly it's 1am. Start getting stuff ready to leave only to get lost on some side quest... When I finally have enough it's 3am...


What do you mean you can't co-op? I'm playing with my friend and we're actually a party of 3

I'm on steam, he's on gamepass on PC, and his SO is on gamepass on xbox. So considering all this madness works, I don't see why you should have issues :(

Let me know if I can help you somehow :)

I've been on the same boat. Luckily someone on XDA had made the stock rom googleless and it's been working great. Im not using that gone anymore though (it was either my GSIII or my GS7).

Next time use the cross post feature please.

The only thing that somewhat bothers me is that, if I Google something 8/10 times I'll have a reddit thread(s) as the top result. I don't feel like giving reddit revenue or clicks though. (I do have adblock on PC and revanced on the reddit app so I try to minimise it).

But instead of using reddit every 1hr or so for 15min, I now use reddit 1 a week maybe for 10mins.

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Thanks! I decided to post it there if it doesn't get much traction I'll do it here as well after.

That's a great question... But I have no clue if its exposed or not. The thing is, apparently they fixed it in a way that it should, in theory, work out of the box.

HomeAssistant should be running on 8123 if I'm not mistaken.

I've tried [virtual adapter]:8123 (not at my PC atm, don't know the op by heart sry) localhost:8123 and

You're right. I didn't even buy it pre order because I hate doing that and never will. So, after the game was launched, I watched some streams, the game seemed fun and no really big complaints anywhere. A couple of friends also bought the game, and told me it was fun.

And, to be honest, they weren't wrong. The game WAS fun... Until you end the story and it's just boring.

I played on both betas too and did enjoy the gameplay and such. Couldn't wait for more of the story...

So that's how I ended up buying it 1week or so after release.