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It's a shame, but their request doesn't seem unreasonable. No one likes dealing with Nintendo's lawyers. I hope switching SDKs works out!

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The real lemmings are the friends you made along the way

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We'll all be in trouble when they finally invent an all-terrain puppy!

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"They'd find our backdoors T_T"

Oh noooooo! /s

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What if wheel referred to a wheel of cheese? Best of both worlds that way!

Because money

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What will the boys at Linux Incorporated come up with next?

Giving off a lot of mixed signals with this one, lol 😅

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What's funny about this comic now is the second one has become very attainable in the years since it was released. The concept still applies though. Some things are a lot harder than they seem on the surface.

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It's just a proof of concept. They wanted to keep it clean and easy to read while still showing off how to run the function in the background

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I think he said in an earlier video that the Lichee 4A comes with Debian pre-installed.

I own its predecessor, the Lichee RV. It recommends flashing one of their images to a flash card for that one, but I ended up compiling my own bootloader, kernel, etc just because I wanted to, for fun.

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My dream is to have a RISC-V phone running Linux

Thinly sliced, deli hamster! Nice!

From what I hear, doas is more secure. I don't think it matters though, as long as you keep your system updated. I use sudo still.

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Found a typo on line 172: quesiton -> question

Now I wonder what a threecan would look like. Must be fearsome

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Since OpenWrt is just Buildroot with networking libraries and a package manager, I would say Buildroot itself would be an even smaller Linux. Whether it's been condemned to eternal torment is another matter entirely, though, lol

That dragon sure shrunk a lot!

And make it double!

You're telling me Bowie has been a Houndoom this whole time??

I apologize for being pedantic, but he's not running Linux on the NES, since LUnix is not Linux. This is still a cool project, but the title is a bit misleading.

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In the uses section, it mentions Tux being shown at the top of the boot sequence for Gentoo.

It's kinda funny because I've been using Gentoo for almost 4 years and never knew that there was one Tux per CPU core until I read this article. That's fun!

Just thought it put out the same number on every system I guess, haha!

Good old Hackers (1995)

Looks more like an aspiring wolf in sheep's clothing!

The simplest way would probably be to just buy some external storage, like a usb drive, and move the files to that before switching. You can buy a 250GB usb hard drive for around $20 on Amazon.

If you're not worried about privacy and don't want to spend money on more storage, you could use a cloud storage service to move your files. I've used mega.io to do that in the past, but the amount of free storage is limited.

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Alpine is very lightweight. I think it was built so that it would run well inside docker containers, which means it should be fairly easy for low-end computers to run it.

Afaik, it doesn't come with a DE out of the box, so it won't be very user-friendly

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"Why do I hear boss music?"

*Turns around*

You need to pick a project to start out so you have a goal, then from there it's just google searches for each individual part.

I started learning in High School because I wanted to create a game. I had learned a little bit of Java from a book my dad gave me, but I was kind of in the same spot as you at first where I didn't know how to do anything other than follow along with the book.

But once I sat down with my goal to make a game, and just started Googling stuff, that's when it started to click.

Python has easy syntax, so that might be a good place to start. You could google: "Python game library" and it would pull up something like PyGame. Then you could look up "Pygame tutorial" which would give you a baseline on how to set up a window, etc. If you have a hard time with Python fundementals, you could just google "python for loop" or "python functions".

That's pretty much what my learning process looked like: start with a goal, google how to get started, google each problem as it comes up. I still follow that same process to this day, and I have a CS degree now.

At the end of the day, it's a skill just like anything else. Just takes practice. I don't think anyone is too dumb to learn it, but it depends on how much you want it. If it's not worth the effort for you then you probably never will.

Sometimes I copy and paste an awk command from online, but I can never remember how to write it myself

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I love that angry look like it's saying "Can't a cat get a little privacy around here?"

This concept is hilarious to me 😂

FPGAs can get pretty expensive. I'd say $300+

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Just a white blur! Amazing!

I use regular vim. I hated typing the extra letter for neovim and didn't find myself using any of its extra features anyway.

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Oh yeah, for sure

It might last a little longer if they don't burn themselves out. Just my two cents, though

You could set it up so that your root is on one drive and your home directory is on another

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Actually just Lanky from DK64

Sheepy McWeepies