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Joined 12 months ago

If you had a Dreamcast you could look it up

This book looks like it would make an incredible movie

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I trained myself over years after realizing stress was killing me, I was unpredictable to be around, and struggled to eat with any regularity which led to really bad eating habits.

What ended up working is when something would happen that upset me I would close my eyes, take a deep breath, go to a room by myself and just sit down with my eyes closed and do box breathing until my nerves settled. Then when I opened my eyes I would say to myself, ok let’s go get this mud cleaned up.

Admittedly it doesn’t work in a car, crowded location, or even work necessarily. Over years my impulse control and roll with the punches attitude really developed. Maybe too much, when my ex wife said she wanted a divorce it was kind of just an “ok, do you want me to move out or did you plan to? I’ll see what paperwork we need to fill out “.

I enjoy life so much more though. My dog peed in the laundry room shortly after coming inside and I remember a time when I would have been incredulous about it. My response was to chuckle and say “oh buddy you know not to pee inside”, grap a swiffer and throw the pad in the load of wash I was starting.

Maybe I just got older, life experience and all that. I do think the separation from what happened and box breathing exercise really helped me in being able to put things into context and just let life be life though.

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I don’t mind as much when supporting equitable efforts but it always bugs me when anyone claims something wouldn’t exist without X like nobody else contributed and/or advancements wouldn’t have been made without a specific individual and I feel like their are more constructive ways to communicate the significant value of women without the absurd claim that the web wouldn’t exist without the specific contributions from a very small subset of individual women in a field with many brilliant minds.

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Training the AI isn’t a copyright violation though. Producing content from a single source of training information is intuitively different from producing content from a litany of sources. Is there a distinction I’m not understanding that you are pointing out?

I generally like Biden and I’m still more motivated by voting against trump. I’m amazed on a daily basis how many ignorant school shooter wannabes roam around here chanting fantasies without any basis in reality convincing themselves that they aren’t culpable if they don’t accept reality.

We’re going to adopt your proposal but all that’s in the budget is a 45 lb plate from a local gym that closed down. Next execution is scheduled for next week, we hope to see you there!

So I started looking at prices since my comment and I think you hit the nail on the head. It’s astounding to me what the difference in cost is for premade or hell even just not bulk. I had no idea how much I was saving with a vacuum sealer and apparent luxury of having a large pantry and large standup freezer to go with the kitchen fridge/freezer. I don’t think I could make it through more than a couple days using a top of fridge freezer if that’s all I had. So bulk buying wouldn’t even really be possible as a typical renter. Just the wasted time having to shop multiple times a week (not just grabbing something but legit grocery shopping) sounds miserable and the expense from extra trips doesn’t help any.

I'm hoping that the repeal of Roe vs Wade seals the fate of the republican party. With continued legal action against gerrymandered states, a solidified stance against women's reproductive rights, along with the overt racism I'm optimisticly hoping to see a functional dissolvement of the republican party in it's current form by 2028. The pessimistic side of me is worried about strategic division of the democrats "not wanting Biden" or other short sighted horeshit driving us straight into a hate filled fascist government we can never recover from.

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I was so scared about Ohio and had a lot of guilt. I moved within state four months ago and my registration has still not been updated after mailing in multiple forms and trying to get it sorted out before the deadline. I’m fairly livid and didn’t feel comfortable voting at my registered polling location since I have a new address. I was told updating your voting record was quick and easy. What a bunch of shit.

Older actually. The gentleman who came up with the word addiction was quoted as saying “I’ve been coming up with words for fifteen years and I’m still not…I’ll get back to you.”

The narrative of friends and family from the small town I grew up in and left, to rarely if ever revisit, reason that the immigrants work illegally for cash at meat packing plants, roofing, etc. This while drawing benefits, as unregistered/illegal immigrants. I don’t know how an undocumented person could collect benefits. Frankly I don’t know enough about any of it to say whether their narrative is accurate or not.

I have always held the opinion that even if their likely false narrative is true, those sound like extremely hard working folks being exploited and taken advantage of and points to an underlying problem that immigrants are not effectively integrated into our society through accessible legal procedures in a way that enables them to positively impact society to the greatest extent of their potential. I’d bet with living wages these folks would be filling up trade schools and all kinds of additional skilled labor roles that would be built upon and advanced generationally. I don’t understand why a country wouldn’t want injection of realized opportunity and advancement into its society, economics, and culture.

I have no idea what the comment was even though I’m up to speed in general on the backlash. Difference is that I’m already convinced Elon is a bigoted prick so I never felt a need to check? I’m not sure that makes me any better to be honest. For all I know it was something mundane and taken out of context, I just don’t think that’s very likely and even if it was I already think he’s absolute scum for enough other bs he’s said and done.

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So the answer is □?

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Wow, it’s incredible to me how much hatred that asshole spews. It would be sad if it wasn’t so destructive. He couldn’t be punching down from any higher of a perch than he sits atop. What a miserable and pathetic way to live.

Creating drafts for white papers my boss asks for every week about stupid shit on his mind. Used to take a couple days now it’s done in one day at most and I spend my Friday doing chores and checking on my email and chat every once in a while until I send him the completed version before logging out for the weekend.

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Oh no, who could have ever predicted that actions might have consequences. She killed someone, completely unprovoked to boot. It’s not revenge to lock her ass up, it’s the consequence of her killing someone.

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Need more people like this couple.

Meanwhile, the husband-and-wife of the Plaindealer have vowed to continue covering the case.

On X, Wiggins said those who are interested in supporting the local newspaper's journalism can donate to a Report for America campaign that helps fund its operations.

Founded in 1877, the Plaindealer claims to be the second oldest continuously publishing newspaper on Colorado's western slope.

The weekly newspaper covers local news in rugged Ouray County, population 4,874, just north of the ski slopes of Telluride.

Wiggins and McIntyre, both former reporters for the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, purchased the Plaindealer in 2019.

In addition to running the business, the married duo also write many of the articles that appear in the newspaper.

'We invested in the Plaindealer because we believe every community, even small ones, deserves good journalism,' the couple said in a 2021 interview.

'During a time when the headlines are full of stories about newspapers purchased by hedge funds and stripped for profits, newsrooms gutted and presses ceasing to operate, we've invested in a weekly publication and doubled down on journalism.'

The cameras on my Kia read limit signs and displays the sign on the dash. I can set my adaptive cruise to change speed based on the posted signs. I have to make a 8 hour drive six times a year and that adaptive speed changing is bliss. I can even set it to posted speed +5 mph. The display will even show a yellow school zone bar on the bottom of the speed limit sign on the dash. It’s surprisingly fancy. It even picks up charges based on construction so I know it’s using the cameras and not gps.

A way to easily find and join subs, from my phone/in the app, so I can have my own feed. I’m not willing to set my stuff up on my computer. I’ve worked in IT for over twenty years and I hate doing anything on my computer anymore and can’t get myself to even try. It’s a me problem but it didn’t exist with Reddit. From Apollo I could find, subscribe, leave subs and have my own custom feed. I’d still use Reddit instead if they didn’t kill third party apps. But they did, so I try to make this work but it’s sucks trying to see content so I just don’t spend much time here either, which is fine, I’ve taken to doing crosswords instead when I’m looking to pass some time.

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Great write up. I would also include the establishment of an ‘enemy’ to blame shortcomings or adversity on. I’m not going to be able to explain as well as you do but your post had be thinking of how young, depressed, disadvantaged, etc wind up indoctrinated into racism, incels, and other such hate groups.

Bye Felicia

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Ungrateful fucks. Mine at least pretend to be into it.


Politicians have straight up said it’s a reason they are against abortion…

The data follows: https://www.epi.org/publication/economics-of-abortion-bans/

I appreciate you sharing your interpretation and I agree. The sciences are even worse. If we hire a service we have my wife handle the first conversation while I stay in another room to ensure we don’t hire anyone that is openly misogynistic. I couldn’t even begin to count how many people we’ve turned away due to some variation of “can I talk to your husband”.

Existing without my consent (consent can be revoked at any time).

This insufferable shit is exhausting

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We’re in the US and my son has been walking home from school since he was six. It’s only a two mile walk. In the mornings I drive him up to half a mile from the school on my way to work. They don’t have bike racks at schools anymore it seems otherwise he’d ride his bike. On a few occasions I’ve had him walk to school also. His older brother goes to the bus and back but that’s only half a mile away. They regularly go roam the neighborhood alone or with each other.

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Not really, says Australia has a good system and 45 countries at least partially do it already. The IRS will be testing a free online tool amongst a small group of filers in 2024 but none in the information will be pre populated due to limited scope of the project. He seems nice but talks really slow, rehashes content repeatedly and doesn’t even provide an answer or any kind of analysis. At the end he briefly wonders if TurboTax lobbying Congress impede progress…no shit.

He never really addressed anything in the video, it’s honestly impressive.

I really enjoyed my Samsung watch. I was able to give it a face that looked like a nice watch. It was round. I could get notifications without taking my phone out of my suit jacket. I still have it and it works with my work iPhone and personal android. I hardly have any use for it now that I work from home though.

They switched to a water source that wasn’t treated with orthophosphates. This change in water chemistry created an environment where the lead would dissolve off and be replaced with other metal deposits. My layman understanding is the water was treated in a way to bind lead to the pipes and the untreated water created an environment where the effect was counteracted.

“Orthophosphates create a mineral coating that keeps toxic lead stuck to pipes.”

“The absence of orthophosphates made the lead vulnerable to dissolving off the pipes and into the water supply. Meanwhile, other metals like aluminum and magnesium appeared to take the lead's place.”


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It’s incredible to me that people need over $2k a month for food. I go to Sam’s once a week to replenish supplies and feed a house of six, two adults and four boys between 10-14, on $800-$1000 a month. That includes a ribeye or new york strip dinner every Saturday so theirs still plenty that could be cut. What the hell are people eating?

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See, I thought you were heading a different direction, and Amazon most certainly should get into sex work.

Damn, I’m fairly dumb but I think I could put this on my resume, I’m a lot higher in literacy than I expected.

It's illegal for me to have rain barrels off my gutters. I wanted them to use the water for my garden. I'm not in any area with existing water shortage or drought issues either.

Thank you!

Who is this guy and what’s the story?

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I do not disagree with you on any of your points and it’s why I said that it doesn’t bother me as much when done to support misrepresented groups.

Elon Musk isn’t a genius engineer that revolutionized anything. The brilliant minds at Tesla, women included did. The QB didn’t win the football game, the team did. The professor that has his or her name published and stuff named after him didn’t do all the work but it will usually be a white man unfortunately getting the credit which is garbage. Women and really anyone that isn’t a white male gets the short end of the stick.

I was saying that their are more honest ways of presenting these women’s accomplishments rather than saying the web wouldn’t exist.

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