
7 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

I think your comment is not displayed correctly, it stops after ":". Which would mean Nvidia does nothing 🤣🤣 that would be so stupid of them 🤣🤣

That kind of means that Qualcomm will open source some of their stuff, so the kernel can communicated with the CPU?

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I agree with most of it. But Linux can just be a pain, and is not always obvious. Specially if you have no real knowledge of Linux and just wat to use it like Macos or windows. I would say it just is not a drop in replacement. Just starting out and choosing a distro can be overwhelming

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Uugh I'm so sick of proprietory licenses and software.. all this licensing shit.. I'm just fed up

I though so too, but got fed up from installing fucking video codecs for YouTube, nebula and other platforms manually. And all the configuration.. then I tried Ubuntu and it just worked (untill now, got some weird things, but better than fedora so far)

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Unpopular take: A more complex installer that lets me choose what I want to use:

  • what de?
  • what theme of de?
  • what package manager?
  • all the video codecs or minimal?
  • what office programs?
  • graphics card? Nvidia or AMD?
  • developer pack? (Python, java, some other stuff, vscode/codium)
  • graphics suite (Krita, incscape, gimp)
  • KDE connect, syncthing?
  • Firefox or chromium?
  • cloud connections? (OneDrive, Google drive, nextcloud?)

I don't know what else could be interesting, but I think that would take away the annoying "what distro to I want" and would make Linux more like "I like gnome, everything installed, I'm a developer" or "KDE plasma, graphics and office, the rest inwant to install myself"

Maybe I totally don't understand what distros are, but isn't all the same, just some differen configurations?

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I actually thought Qualcomm was quite cool, but that's an ass deal. On the other hand, it's Microsoft and I kind of hate them at this point

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Everyone has different opinions. In the end the different versions, or distributions, are basically the same.

It starts with the Linux vernal, that as far as I know, handles communication with the hardware, and things like directories, storage, users, permissions. On top of that, every distribution creator puts a destropenvioment, like gnome or KDE (plasma?). Gnome is kinda like Mac is, KDE can be what ever you want, very customizable.

Than there is the package manager. Fedora for example uses yum or dnf (dnf is the new version I think) and Ubuntu uses apt. The package manager is like your app store, that you access over the command line. It is managed by the owners and ist mostly safe to download anything. (Installing Spotify would by 'sudo apt/dnf install spotify'. So pretty easy to use.

On top of that the distribution has preinstalled programs, like the browser, writing tools, and some useful apps

That is basically the only difference between distros. You can even get different spins of a distro. If you like fedora, get it with the KDE desktro envioment. It's all the same basically.

So put something on a usb drive and boot from that, try it out for a few minutes and than look at others. There are also websites that allow you to boot into different distros.

If you like something, just install it, maybe as a Dualboot first next to windows (best is on a different drive) and just try it out. If you don't like it, just jump to another one.

Linux can be a little bit pain sometimes, but in my opinion it's worth to invest the time. Have fun!

I think they are pretty funny. They don't matter, it's just a nice little colorful image that has to be there. There is no information transported or displayed incorrectly, because there is none 😄

Seems pretty unexcited and rather expected. Doesn't it?

Hello there! :) I'm a cis guy, so maybe not the very best source, but honestly i would search online for a nice spa where they offer waxing or something like that and just have a nice day there, and ask for advice from the staff there what would look good on you. And also maybe some ecosian and pinteresting? I guess there are a lot of examples. Maybe even some drawing guides to see what effects different shapes have? I hope this gets the ball rolling, and hope I did not overstep any boundaries

Good luck on your journey! :)

Racism is a Problem when certain groups do not get the same chances or their safety is in danger. In this case no one is at a disadvantage through their work, quite the contrary

Just annoying things like missing video codecs in fedora. Why the heck do I have to install something just to watch a video online?! Or the fingerprint reader in Ubuntu only works for the one session, after that it forgets all my prints again. Or using proton and missing dx11 drivers in pop os, I know they are crappy Microsoft software, but are required for some games. Or that Ableton, fusion360, affinity are not available for Linux. I know it's not Linux fault, we need big companies to invest in Linux in order for it to gain more traction. Or all the package managers. Which should I use? Snap comes with Ubuntu but people say it's bad and flat pack is better. Or that there is no sound output selection or mixer in the gnome top bar, I need to install an gnome addon for that. There are just little things compared to Mac or windows that Linux is missing or has difficulty with. Don't get me wrong, I use Linux full time on my laptop now and try to move to Linux on my desktop as well. Those are just things that tech savvy people would struggle with, and I can't blame them form calling Linux difficult then

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I loved to play uncharted (for pc, I don't have a ps) and I am searching for similar games. I still have not played the second part of the "master of thieves collection" on steam.

Any recommendations? Lara croft is fun, but not as mysterious and does not have such a fun story imo.

And also I loved all of the broken sword games. I can highly recommend them! Any alternatives I could try?

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You forgot Bosch! It's a shit company in my opinion though.. they also produce in Chinese prison camps

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I use Ubuntu at the moment. Where are the differences?

I have the first European batch

Thank you for your reply. It says: [s2idle] deep I don't think i have the swap partition, I will try to create that. Thanks!

Thank you so much for all your time and thought! I'm lot super new to Linux, but it's my main OS for a few months only. I will look into your steps that you listed. Thanks again!

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I have 2 HDDs with a speed of 180mb/s with a burst of 6gb/s according to the Seagate website. Usb3.0 has a data transfer rate of 5gbit/s

So the usb connection will be the bottle neck, but 1. My network speed is not that fast and 2. 5gbit/s is still plenty I think?

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Makes sense. Thanks :)

Haha thanks! I actually have an docker project planned next! I want to make my own little home server with a raspberry and rum nextcloud and some other services in docker containers. I'm a little afraid but also very excited 😁

Thanks! I took a look at tailscale a while back but was turned off immediately because it requires an account at their site. Would headscale run on my own server at home?

yes (even though i now have 2 fedora instalatoins shown that apearently lead to the same installation.

But i just noticed, that only the fn7 and 8 do not work, airplane mode does work!

I Dualboot as well, because the programs I want to use are not available on Linux and this keeps me from switching 100% to Linux. If I would need to use Adobe for my job, or just like it, it would keep me from switching to Linux as well. To be honest, if all programs would run in Linux as well without tinkering, the market share would go up to 10% immideately almost guaranteed.

The thing is, Linux and most open source and free software feels like it's not quite there yet. A lot of things are a little unpolished and weirdly complicated. I am happy to pay for good software, as I did in the past. I don't need to have everything open source. Yeah, there are alternatives for almost everything but comparing them side by side shows what the free tools often lack, like freecad vs Fusion or solidworks. Or gimp Vs Photoshop. It's not the same. You can get it working if you want it to, but most people are lazy and want stuff to be working like they are used to. Or just require it to work fast without workarounds. I could not find a good alternative for Ableton, and all my project files are from Ableton. So I sometimes hesitate if I want to boot into Linux or windows, because everything I need just works in windows and is already there

The only correct way of collaboration and sharing code.

Why is that? Are they so difficult as a company?

I have read this about the expansion cards and only use 2c and 2A. A bit stupid considering you can hack the hdmi port into suspending on its own.. Did not expect this from fw.

I will check out the link, thanks!

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What do you mean? To be honest if there are no working open source video codecs that work and are installed out of the box I am happy to use proprietary ones

Thanks for the suggestions :)

I will look into them

That is almost equivalent to 1h of browsing in Linux! :D \s Other expension cards are drawing about 1W of power, even without use! That's crazy much I think..

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In Linux?! That's quite a bit. With heavy workload?

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Yo lol, that's impressive :D

Worked ok the last install flawless immediately. I have the first European batch of fw13 with i7 11gen

On my last install they did work without changes. Any reason why it would not this time?

The exported one. The original was normal text

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I just opened the Google drive folder in the terminal and listed the files. They all have the similar 33 letter name. When I "ls -ld" on the files, it shows -rw-------

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And chmod 777 returns "operation not supported"

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Thanks dor the link. I ran the command with sudo and the fill path to the file, permission still denied. User group and user is me, still only rw permission for the user.. It confuses me, that I don't have executive permission on my own folder. Should I try to disconnect and reconnect to Google drive?

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Yes to both. Ubuntu should be up to date