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Joined 10 months ago

Punk, Furry, Anarcho-communist. Happy to help :)

CEOs and high ranking business people, what they get to do is not work or work significantly less than a working class people therefore I have no respect for most of em

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Its obiviously fake but funny nonetheless thats the point

Rare boomer comic W


Petty AF. Massive update that overhaults the game and dlc its common practice to restart at updates like this

You don't really need to make a post about not buying a produck ya know?

I started pirating because it was the default for me. I was a young child and I had access to the family computer I had no money so I learned how to pirate before I learned how to buy games also piracy is real popular in my country because its poor af. Later on I became political and relized mega corps didn't need my money, lots of other people were throwing their money into these bottomless pits anyway. About indie games I try to buy them but since I now am a teenager with no money and in a lot poorer country I tend to pirate them anyway even though its wrong


I am not reffering to small business owners, but big corporate executives

Are you me, I have experienced this 2 days ago

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Yo what the fuck

Yes it degrades security, yes it is worth it for my usecase at least

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But now space travel is reduced to fast travel through menus which sucks so bad

It needs devs to be usefull

Morrowind lore and FNAF lore

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Uh no. People are barely doing 30 fps in the lowest settings with this game

Stremio + torentio or downloading your movies + jellyfin

Because the engine is behind the standard set by decade out games

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I have turquoise pill for alergies

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I don't use it at all anymore

/e/OS is a fork of lineage os and replaces google play services with microg and open source apps annnd it doesn't break safetynet

Being bi. Also an atheist

Why not google

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I will plug the essay that I have written for school: Technology is advancing rapidly and while this creates lots of new possibilities for humanity such as automating the jobs that require heavy labor and hopefully making life easier for the people but our society can’t always keep up with all these technological advancements. The reasons for the increasing skepticism towards these technologies that workers have is also important to take a look at.

First of all the benefits that new technologies that are coming out such as artificial intelligence and machine learning are hard to ignore. Even a mundane and boring task such as replying to work emails can be automated. This helps people to free up their schedules and lets them spend more time with their friends and family.

Another pretty significant benefit of artificial intelligence is automation of hard labor such as construction work. Thanks to AI both simple and tedious tasks that people don’t want to complete can be automated, therefore the improvement of these technologies is very important for our society.

Even though the benefits of the ever improving technology and automation are significant, there is another more sinister side to them. Automation is supposed to automate difficult tasks and help free up time for workers but it instead hurts workers by encouraging employers to replace their workers with artificial intelligence. Since AI is cheaper than real workers, people are losing their jobs or working under living wage to be able to compete with AI.

Moreover the huge corporations developing these automation technologies aren’t trustworthy. Most popular and mature Artificial Intelligence models are profit driven which means they don’t care for customers except for the money in their pocket, and the data that they can provide them to develop their AI further.

All in all the new technologies that provide automations can on paper be incredibly advantageous for people but under a capitalistic society that is profit driven, the benefits they bring are mostly for corporations but not for the regular people.

This sucks

No lol I mean why not search this question on the web instead of asking others to search about it

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Thats crazy I unsubsceibed from him just yesterday

Just use the android? Only thing Apple does better than android is camera and doing professional photography using a phone camera is pretty nonesensical anwat

Baldurs gate 3 is the vetter game anyway soo.. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ my personal plan is to jump on starfield much later when the bugs are fixed and the modding community is matured a little

Man is sexy

I picked my current device for it to be compatible with a custom ROM

It went okay but I had trouble sleeping

You haven't "arrived on lemmy". Stuff aren't being cencored people just hate the people who randomly start fights in bad faith and call it a debate. Or chronically online people who for long haven't touched grass who randomly DM you and say that they want to debate.

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Nah lol its genuinely for allergies, I don't have any spesific allergies but my doc says I am prone to allergies it also helps me sleep better

It is mid

This way space travel is reduced to fast travvel

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So true

Todd was hungy and ate them all

I stuck with thunder from the start it is great