
1 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

This is not gaslighting, but it is odd.

What would have happened if you had just said "sorry I'm really busy with work today and won't be able to meet you at the drop off"?

If this would cause her to act the same way, then there's something wrong. Maybe she recently did a true crime binge and is feeling insecure about her safety? Or maybe she's showing signs of mental illness. If you guys are in your early 20s, that's when schizophrenia typically shows up, and can definitely have some paranoia to it. But, you'd need to get a professional to diagnose something like that.

If it wouldn't cause her to act like this, then she's probably just pissed you didn't do what you said you would do. Maybe you have a track record of this kind of behavior and she's starting to get tired of it?


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Maybe we should switch to a single term limit... That way the president never has to be distracted by campaigning.

Still would be nice to see the results if they had been included.

Gen z and millennials are far more progressive than Gen x or boomers. The "swing vote" this election is going to be young people... And they want a progressive candidate to get excited about or they are unlikely to show up enough to defeat Trump.

It doesn't necessarily have to be Bernie, any true progressive will do... Bernie just has the most name recognition.


When healthy people are angry they use healthy coping skills to deescalate and then approach the conversation in a calm and rational way. Regardless of whether this is a full-blown mental illness or not, assuming this was really her reaction, something is not okay.

Gotcha... I disagree, I think we need to eliminate corporate control of government

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Well if we could do that, then all that's left is a government that serves the will of the people (assuming we still have a democracy). So in that case, the bigger the government the better.

Although in reality, I don't think we'd need nearly as big a government to fully serve the will of the people if corporations weren't mucking things up.

This table is worthless

Gonna need that debate to be at 2pm... 9pm was way past Joey's bedtime.

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Yeah... We're all going to vote for him if he's the nominee... But he's still going to lose... That's the point, the point progressives have been making all along. BIDEN. WILL. LOSE. Like the sun will rise in the east, it's just a fact of nature. They need to nominate someone who will get Gen z excited to come out, so at least there's a chance of stopping Trump.

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People staying home historically effects Democrats far more than Republicans. That's why Dems win when people are excited about a candidate and more people actually show up.

I would have loved to see the results if they had included any progressive possibilities in there... especially Bernie.

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I feel like the opposite is true?

According to this recent study, young people who want a more progressive option

"A majority (60%) think the U.S. should increase spending on social programs and increase taxes on businesses and wealthy Americans.

This survey finds no evidence that a rightward ideological shift would solve Biden’s problems with swing voters. Swing voters broadly think Biden needs to take more action to solve our country's problems and broadly lean left on economic and social issues. Only 16% say that Biden being “too liberal” is a reason they might not vote for him.

The top two issues swing voters select as actions that would make them definitely vote for Biden are raising taxes on the wealthy (23%) and raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour (18%)."


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They forgot to give him his stims last night /s

Well yeah... Him winning and then getting out of there would be ideal. Sadly, he is very unlikely to win at this point.

Nazis are people... They're just shitty people... It's important not to allow dehumanization of anyone

With national name recognition and wildly popular policy plans

They show up more than millennials, x, or boomers did at that age

The Dems could still push Biden to drop out and replace him with someone who might actually have a chance

Okay, but if we do this, we're gonna need the whole rest of the world to stand against the US and decide to fight against our corrupt government. It'll suck for us, but let's be honest, we've had it coming. Some of us are willing to sacrifice to make the world a better place. Probably a good idea to all stand against Russia and China too... Everyone just stand together against the 3 big bullies... Deal?

Both are very true... I wish the DNC was willing to do whatever it takes to defeat him, even if that means going with a progressive candidate

"One weak point" as in progressive's only weak argument, or as in the only thing Biden is weak on that they want?

Because there are quite a few other things Biden is weak on that progressives want.

It's not that Biden is old, it's that he's senile... Bernie is sound of mind, has the national name recognition, and is wildly popular

Kinda seems like crime spiked during the pandemic, and now it's actually just getting back to normal.

Where's do you live that you have a pension and free healthcare?

Fear... At the bottom of it is always fear

Oh no, the rich will keep doing what they've been doing for 50 years!

Bernie would tax the shit out of the rich and use that to create tons of jobs... Maybe not useless McDonald's jobs though... more like rebuilding the infrastructure jobs

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Ineligible? Bernie could be on his death bed, he'd still be more "eligible" than Trump or Biden. Honestly, at this point, does the US even have eligibility requirements for POTUS?

The best we could get from the DNC would be to have Biden resign and Kamala step in... Technically she'd be "the incumbent"... She'd probably still lose though

Unlikely to vote= because there's no one worth voting for

Undecided= probably mostly non existent

Run a Bernie or AOC and pull far more "unlikely to vote" people off the bench than the handful of fence riders it'll lose

No one who was going to vote for Joe wouldn't vote for Bernie... It's not like anyone is voting FOR Joe, they're just voting against Trump, and if that means Bernie then so be it


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The DNC needs to accept that this is the group they need to go after... And accept it for what it is, not think they're magically going to change... Convince Biden to drop out and nominate a progressive if they want to win.

This was vitamin D for me... When I finally got checked I was at a 6... The lowest you're supposed to go is like 40. I could hardly chew food I was so exhausted. Winter is still hard for me, but I take a crap load of vitamin D and it helps a bit

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"any institution with an endowment as large as Harvard's isn't a school, it's a hedge fund that offers classes, and should lose it's tax exempt status"... Sorry I forget who said it, and I'm paraphrasing

If you go back will you be forced to fight in the Israeli army? (Deal breaker as far as I'm concerned)

Huh, I wonder if any of those refugees they keep murdering might have been able to do some work?

Bernie Sanders would be my first thought

Well... A lot of US corporations and businessmen DID help Hitler and the Nazis. It's just that now-a-days those corporations control the government too... So supporting fascists is official gov policy

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I absolutely hate it when news corporations say any form of "here's what you need to know"... What I hear is "here's what we WANT you to know"... And I assume what follows well be mostly bullshit and propaganda

Give me all the information in an unbiased factual way, and let ME decide what I need to know