
1 Post – 168 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

People. This is talking about the CEO for Onerep, not the CEO for Mozilla.

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Let's keep in mind that if this is a state actor or some sort of global organized crime, then they don't put all their eggs into one basket. If that's the case, they're going to have a bunch of other plans and backdoor attempts ongoing. This isn't the end and we can assume there's something else somewhere that went unnoticed.

Security is a constantly changing war of attrition, not a goal/product/configuration.

It also tells the website the OS you're running, as well as the browser, and various version numbers of stuff.

One interesting experiment is to use a user agent changer to view a website, and watch how the website changes every time you load a new user agent.

Google will remove search options if you're using Firefox (mobile?), for example. But if you change your user agent to say you have Chrome, even if you are actually using Firefox, those options magically come back and work. It's almost as if that's anti-competitive behavior or something...

It's also how a lot of websites know whether or not to give you Windows executables or Mac executables, or Linux executables, etc.

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To this day, you can still find conservative media that shits on anyone with electric vehicles, for some reason.

Now Musk opened his mouth and said stupid shit, and the other side doesn't want his cars either. All he's got left are the people who don't care, already bought one, or fall over themselves to kiss his feet.

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Bet it's done in such a way that they can claim "We're just optimizing for Chrome, not slowing down any competitors. It's not our fault our competitors don't using our web engine for their browsers."

I mentioned similar shading behavior on another post, when using Firefox with Chrome or native user agents on the plain old Google search page.

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As pretty much any political minority will tell you, the country constantly uses us like ping pong balls and cat toys to win elections or internal battles.

I am sick of my rights, welfare, sense of safety, and hope for the future being dangled in front of me and ripped away over and over again so billionaires and career politicians can be greedy.

So, yeah. Not interested in serving. If my country wants me to fight for it, then it should fight for me as well.

As a pescatarian, I would 100% be fine with eating non-fish meat if it was lab grown and not farmed.

This shit should be a revolution, not banned. Save animals and have cruelty free meat. Win-win

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Using the internet without everyone and their grandmother spying on them and blocking access to stuff the busybodies don't personally like.

Calm down there Satan.

To be fair, a lot of monopolies are great in the beginning. It's the inevitable power-tripping downslide that sucks.

I still love Steam and Valve though.

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When companies tell you they respect your privacy and you should give them your data, you tell them it doesn't matter. Because policies can change, and at the end of the day, your privacy isn't always up to an single company.

Wait. This was last year, so not the capitol riot. What happened in January last year? I'm in a decent mood today. Just going to skip looking deeper into this one. I have Factorio to play!

The far future: A man sits at a table, staring at a floating hologram display. He watches as an indecipherable block of alphanumeric characters wiggles and splits into two segments. He nods slowly.

He takes a breath and closes his eyes, broadcasting a message to everyone on duty that day.

"Merge the request. Tell Linus#3418 that Wayland is now the default display manager."

Man, I got to say that as a cis gay guy, it absolutely warms my heart to see our trans siblings in the community have support and understanding as they grow up. I never had that, and even though there's a lot of transphobia and shit in my country that needs to be fixed ASAP, the fact that things are even just a little bit better for the next generation truly gives me hope for the future.

The part about them going to the beach and just having fun without having to give a shit had been grinning like an idiot. I know that was made possible by the top surgery, but still. It was such a sweet moment in the article.

This is the exact reason I don't trust anything hosted online. If it's something I want to enjoy more than once, I download it.

Companies hosting things online tend to become authoritarian dictators in all but name, which is their right as they own the services and hardware. But it almost always makes the end user experience shitty and overly complicated, or filled with spyware, or requires you give away your rights to privacy or lawsuit, etc..

So if there's a song or something that I like online, I'm downloading that and keeping it on my computer to listen to whenever I feel like it. I don't have the time or energy to play games with these greedy ass corporations.

And the ironic part is, that while they would absolutely froth the mouth about me doing this, they're the ones that drove me to it. It feels like an emotionally abusive relationship, are they keep making our just a man some gaslighting me, then getting angry when I fight back or tell them no.

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"I'm so used to getting fucked by Chrome and Edge that I just feel like something's missing if I don't."

You didn't have to deal with random re-balancing changing your gameplay, spying and tracking embedded in everything, hackers ruining the game or targeting you, invasive DRM (consoles), being forced to update your system for an hour before you can play, being forced to sign up for bullshit accounts in order to play the game you just bought, games that have required updates the day they come out, your games disappearing forever because the publisher changed their mind and removed it from the store, game content being removed to sell as DLC instead, being pressured to link social media accounts, bigger companies buying the game and forcing you to use their services to play it, companies monitoring and recording player interactions, companies going under making it impossible to play the game you already bought...

Holy shit. I never realized how bad modern gaming has gotten.

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The headline is ambiguous here. The CEO in question is from Onerep, not Mozilla.

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I mean, I freaking love how AI is advancing, but I also think unions are basically a requirement for all workers at this point.

Besides, hasn't the point of machines always been to reduce the workload on people?

I welcome some kind of UBI, or maybe a post-money society that uses AI to handle most jobs and lets people pursue what they want to do with their lives.

Not disagreeing, but I think the point is that no single person or company should be in a position of that much power. All it takes is for one thing to go wrong, one law to change, or one financial scare to happen, and BOOM. Suddenly this great monopoly is doing things people hate and there's no alternative.

It's this political cycle's go-to boogyman word.

I would love someone to use it in front of me as a pejorative just so I can ask what it means and watch them squirm.

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He's so persecuted. Guys, guys, be nice to Elon. He's just the victim here. There's no way these strikes are a direct response to his policies and business practices.

Poor thing.

Don't forget Nintendo.

No my friend, our overloads have decided that you shouldn't have control over your desktop either.

Don't be fooled. The real issue here is that Nintendo is trying to use this case as a wedge to eventually outlaw or effectively ban all emulation software because they think it somehow massively affects their bottom line, or they want to have a scapegoat for weak profits.

I've never once in my life had a Gamecube, for example. I never will. So if I wanted to pirate Gamecube games and play them on my computer, it is literally victimless, and has zero negative affect on Nintendo's profits. In fact, I might love the games and decide to buy official merch. Same with the Swtich. I haven't pirated either, but you get the idea.

Even if you can somehow prove how many people pirated a game over the years, that tells you absolutely nothing about lost potential profits, because people that pirate probably never had the money to buy your hardware and games to begin with.

This is all just corporate propaganda.

How the fuck?

Or poorly implemented cash grabs.

I'm of the opinion that Microsoft was tired of losing money on OpenAI, so made some kind of plan to out the current CEO, tank the stock price, and be in the perfect position to buy the company and monopolize AI technology. It wouldn't be the first time they pulled shady crap like that.

I bit the bullet and was the cringy person at work who said "peeps". After a few months of do this, it was amusing to see the word spread until my boss's boss started saying peeps in meetings.

I'm autistic. I always apparently seem weird to people. That means any time I use a self checkout, the minders stare at me because they think I'm about to steal something. It makes me nervous, and I start getting uncomfortable and self conscious, which I'm sure makes me seem even more suspicious. And either security or the automated system have triggered the "please wait for an associate" so many times. But they always look at the video and tell me "Sorry, this thing is just sensitive/weird/whatever excuse.", then leave me alone.

I'm not going to call it discriminatory, because I don't think it is? But it feels like I have to be on my best behavior or I'll get arrested because I was so focused on trying to pass as "normal" that I missed scanning a tomato. And for the record, I've never stolen anything, even when I was low on food and really needed some stuff I couldn't afford. Hell, I have forgotten to scan something once and went back in to pay for it.

Self checkout sucks, but it's normally still better than waiting in line and interacting face to face with a cashier.

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Repeat after me kids. It's not an "oversight", or "mistake", or "bug", or "misunderstanding"...





Basically, use Twitter or they let people impersonate you.

$50,000 is nothing to pretend to be a major newspaper and ruin their reputation.

Fuck Musk.

Huh, that's an interesting point that I never thought of before.

Do you think there would be a way to make them easier to differentiate that would make them more useful, or do you think there's a fundamental problem with using them?

I'm thinking of workarounds like making emoji SVG to scale to whatever size you need.

Or maybe an optional setting to insert text after an emoji for users that want it. Example:

😊 (Smiling face)

What do you think?

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And I found my new wallpaper. It's adorable.

Yep. Like I'm a cis guy. I was assigned to male at birth, and I'm perfectly comfortable with that.

Other people are trans, or intersex, or non-binary. Biology is messy and we've got lots of variety.

Note: I might be missing something, because I'm not super familiar with all of it. I just wanted to add a little more info. I think it also helps for cisgender people to talk about this stuff too, to help normalize it. So, I chimed in.

Other offline tools I've found:



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Damn fine work all around.

I know this is an issue fraught with potential legal and political BS, and it's impossible to check everything without automation these days, but is there an organization that trains and pays people to work as security researchers or QA for open source projects?

Basically, a watchdog group that finds exploitable security vulnerabilities, and works with individuals or vendors to patch them? Maybe make it a publicly owned and operated group with mandatory reporting of some kind. An international project funded by multiple governments, where it's harder for a single point of influence to hide exploits, abuse secrets, or interfere with the researchers? They don't own or control any code, just find security issues and advise.

I don't know.

Just thinking that modern security is getting pretty complicated, with so many moving parts and all.

Honestly, as long as the video itself doesn't have interruptions, I'm okay with the ad-free experience having a small delay or even lower video resolution. I don't have to have 4k 120 FPS video on everything.

What I don't want is constant interruptions, wild changes in emotional tone or volume, obnoxious and manipulative ads, politically sponsored bullshit, or constant pestering to disable my ad blocker and tracking protection. In short, once the video starts, leave me alone.

I can appreciate that Google has spent its entire existence trying to find another revenue stream beyond advertising, and largely failed, but I don't care. If my choices are to continue being manipulated and lied to by companies and politicians paying for the privilege, and not using YouTube, I'll just stop using YouTube. I've done it before with other services I used much more frequently.

Either they shut up about using ad blockers, or they give me an alternative.

And yes, I realize this is a very selfish and entitled response. If I get value out of something that costs other people time and money to provide me, it is fair that I give back in some way. Traditionally, that was done via companies serving ads and spying on its users.

But enough is enough. Modern advertising and tracking keep getting worse, and trying to enforce them is not the way to move forward.

When I was a teen looking for a job, I checked the classified section of the newspaper. Saw a job post I thought I could do and called them. Ended up giving them some of my info, and maybe my social security number, don't remember. All I know it I put them on hold to ask my parents a question about something, and they said "anybody can put things in the paper". That's when I learned that scammers just post their shit in public with little to no consequence.

You fool!

Just make a pact with the devil instead. ... Adderall helps too.

It could be an interesting idea, but would be terrible to implement for anything where accuracy mattered.

Generally when you're doing video or image editing, you don't want the image to change after you're done saving it. That would be a loss of hundreds of hours of work in some cases. And if you're working on something where, small details matter, those might get lost in translation.