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Do you actually want to know? Because I'll happily explain it to you.

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Well, you shouldn't have gone after their kids. You go after people's kids, they aren't going to sit down and take it. They're going to see you as a threat to their children, and if you make people choose between tolerating you or protecting their children, they're not going to choose you.

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It really has nothing to do with people choosing sexual and romantic partners, and that's not really what Pride is about. That's why there are many LGBT people who don't participate in or support Pride events.

Choosing who you love, as long as its between two consenting adults, is part of true freedom.

That is the hedonistic principle. Not everyone agrees with that principle, and almost no one agrees with it when taken to its logical conclusion: That all expressions of sexual desire are expressions of love, that all expressions of love are equally valid, and that no expression of love should be repressed.

For example, very few people would agree that scat play -- eating other people's feces as part of sexual play -- is a healthy, normal, or acceptable expression of love. Most people would agree that scat play is sign of sexual deviancy and degeneracy. Yet, the queer movement must necessarily present all forms of sexual deviancy as being equal in value, which is why This Book is Gay -- one of the books that parents are calling to have removed from classrooms and school libraries -- includes a friendly definition of scat play in a list of bizarre sexual fetishes presented to children as normal, healthy expressions of sexuality.

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No, it's really not. In any election, there are a multitude of voices on either side. Joe Biden isn't the only person in America carrying water for Joe Biden. That's just absurd. Would you say the same about Donald Trump? The whole liberal media establishment is backing Joe Biden, and a lot of them are using the "anyone but Trump" argument. I was convinced to vote for both HRC and Biden by exactly that reasoning. It's just ridiculous to pretend that isn't an argument being made by Democrats.

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Harrison Butker is a religious nutjob, but the Catholic nuns aren't religious nutjobs? lol

They didn't found the school. They founded the smaller women's college that was absorbed into Benedictine because it was going to otherwise close.

Sarcasm is a poor substitute for thinking. Taken literally, you appear to be agreeing with me. Your tone suggests otherwise. But what are you actually saying? That there is no such thing as the liberal media establishment? That would be absurd. MSNBC, The View, etc. all definitely exist. So then what can you possibly mean? And why obscure your point behind sarcasm?

Could it be because you don't actually have a point? I think it just might be.

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About 50% of American families are single-income families, with half of those being single mothers and the other half being single-income, two-parent families. Single-income, two-parent families are found at every income bracket. The idea that it's impossible ("there is no way") is a myth.

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He never said women should be homemakers.

Because they are soft, lazy, and weak geeks who have been envious and resentful of people with athletic talent their entire lives.

He's not the one extrapolating from one woman to all of womankind, you are. He never once said that all women should become homemakers. You are taking his praise of his wife, which was meant to communicate to the audience that if you abandon your career for a family as his wife did, then you will probably be happy like his wife was. You people are so rabidly misogynistic and anti-family that you can't even comprehend what he said when you have the speech laid out in front of you. It's truly amazing how bad at reading comprehension you all are.

A bunch of conservative Catholic women who gave him a standing ovation. Because, you know, you're completely misrepresenting what he said and don't actually understand that not everyone in this country agrees with your worldview.

Also, you people are literally incapable of reading with basic comprehension. There is literally no way to read his comments and arrive at the conclusion that he was telling anyone to "give up" on a career.

I think OP was obviously being hyperbolic and didn't mean that it was literally the entirety of their strategy, but if you want to claim victory through pedantry, you do you.

I didn't have Chat.GPT write my arguments. I had it provide the conventional definition for the terms I was using because you, like all liberal/progressives in 2024, won't actually argue the point, You're just be pedantic and argue definitions. Or make other excuses. It's pointless trying to engage with liberal/progressives. None of you understand anything about your own positions, none of you can argue of defend your positions, all you people can do is make up excuses why you don't have to engage in real arguments while declaring yourselves "on the right side of history" and calling everyone who has a different opinion a stupid, thoughtless bigot.

Because that's what you are, a thoughtless bigot, incapable of making real arguments, because your entire worldview is founded on emotion and indoctrination.

The “media establishment” such as it can be recognized as singular, and with specific regard to political reporting, is conservative. Not liberal.

lol. Who told you that? The liberal media establishment? In a UCLA study of the 20 major media outlets, 18 scored left of center, with CBS’ Evening News, The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal. Only Fox News’ Special Report and The Washington Times scored to the right of the average U.S. voter.

Sarcasm is the inevitable result of hearing right-wing talking points unendingly.

No, you're sarcastic because you're absolutely terrible at making arguments, you don't actually understand your position, and you're a self-righteous bigot who thinks you're so intellectually superior to anyone with a different worldview that you don't even have to bother to actually engage, you can just mock, deride and dismiss. You're an NPC. That is exactly how NPCs act.

And where do your stats come from?

The Department of Labor.

Additionally, your statement ignores that someone has gone to a university graduation ceremony and made derogatory remarks to the female students who’ve worked hard to get to where they are.

That never happened. The media made that up and you swallowed it without actually using any critical thinking skills or reading his comments yourself. If he had made "derogatory comments" towards the women in that audience then he would not have received a standing ovation from those women. People don't give you a standing ovation for insulting them.

A degenerate who has made a career of degeneracy bashed a decent Christian living a godly life? So?

The Benedictine Sisters are known radical feminists who have been subject to orders of silence from the Vatican due to their overly broad, feminist revisions of Catholic teaching. It would be correct to reject the nun's definitions, as they are borderline heretical.

You progressives are forcing an ideology onto children that was literally developed by a pedophile to justify pedophilia. Queer theory, which underlies the entire gender ideology that you have confused with "morality," was developed by Michel Foucault as a means of challenging the norms around pederasty, because he wanted to have sex with young boys.

How do you think you have a moral leg to stand on? You people don't even believe in morality! You literally think morality is just a subjective social construction that has no objective basis.

How very NPC of you.

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The Catholic bishops in the Northeast have all been cowed by bullying liberals into downplaying and ignoring Church teachings in order to be more appealing. This is why it's lost so many Catholics, such as yourself, to the world. You have no understanding of actual Catholic teaching, and have embraced the godless degeneracy of the modern world. This is not your fault, it's the Church's fault.

If you’re equating culture with movies and . . . Broadway?

"Culture is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses the beliefs, behaviors, values, customs, symbols, language, and artifacts that are shared by a group of people. It shapes their worldview, influences their social practices, and provides a framework for understanding their environment and interactions with others. Culture is both dynamic and adaptive, evolving over time as societies change and individuals contribute new ideas and practices. It is transmitted from generation to generation through socialization, education, and communication, and it plays a critical role in shaping individual and collective identities.

Cultural production refers to the processes and activities involved in creating, disseminating, and perpetuating cultural content such as art, literature, music, film, fashion, and other forms of expressive and symbolic materials. This encompasses not only the creative acts themselves but also the economic, social, and institutional frameworks that support and distribute these cultural products.

The cultural elite, on the other hand, consists of individuals and groups who hold significant influence and authority within the cultural sphere, often shaping trends, tastes, and norms. These elites typically include prominent artists, intellectuals, critics, curators, media moguls, and others who have the power to determine what cultural products gain prominence and how they are perceived by the broader public."

The above was written by Chat.GPT. Just in case you think I'm making up terms.

The cultural elite in America, who shape the mainstream culture, have very liberal/progressive values and use their position to push those values on Americans. This is then reinforced through the public education system, including state universities, which are also liberal institutions.

In a necessarily very non-threatening, centrist kind of way.

There is no "centrist" position in the culture war. The left has embraced queer theory as central to its cultural values, and queer theory is necessarily completely and totally opposed to the traditional Christian values that have been the bedrock of Western civilization for 1600 years. The one must necessarily destroy the other.

Liberal elite media establishment - thats some Russia Today language, man. Or Fox News. Same thing, I guess.

This is a non-argument, just an attempt at poisoning the well. "The establishment" refers to the dominant group or elite who hold power and influence in a society, typically maintaining the status quo and resisting significant changes. There's no point in denying that a liberal media establishment exists. Fox News would be part of the conservative media establishment -- hell, Fox News practically defines the conservative media establishment, with the Daily Wire and a network of podcasts defining conservative media counterculture. The liberal media counterculture would be things like The Young Turks, Hasan Piker, The Hill, etc.

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Ah, yes, the South and Midwest. Famous centers of American culture production. I was, of course, referring to Los Angeles and New York, which are the major cultural meccas of America. Hollywood, Broadway, Madison Avenue, the major labels, the major publishers, the major networks, etc. It's funny that you accuse me of being a foreigner when you don't know that you just listed the two regions infamously referred to as "flyover country" by the elites who actually shape American culture.

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Biden has almost gone out of his way to avoid mentioning Trump.

Unless you want to pretend that Joe Biden is the whole of the Democrats, that hardly seems relevant. As a counter example, this writer for the San Francisco Chronicle seems to think Biden is running on "at least he's not Trump."

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But the Democrats only care about maintaining the status quo at all costs.

Isn't that the same thing as caring about power and whatever it takes to hold onto that power? The Democrats are representative of the liberal establishment, which controls the bureaucracy, the culture makers, social media, etc.

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what I didn’t say - and what I was clearly referring to with that quote you’ve pulled about me not saying a thing - is that I don’t view them as human, as you insinuated I said. if that’s your interpretation, you are incorrect.

I said "You’re utterly incapable of even considering people who disagree with you as fully human." What I meant is that you see them as "actively proud of being gullible, stupid, victims to their celebrities," which portrays them as less than fully human. You are viewing them as caricatures of people, not as people.

i doubt it too, because there is a constant fundamental disconnect between what conservatism purports to be and what it actually practices. I doubt it’s possible for you to explicate it either in a way that isn’t immediately contradicted with the actions taken by your leaders and community, too.

Conservative ideology emphasizes the preservation of traditional institutions, values, and practices, advocating for a cautious approach to change. It values individual responsibility, limited government intervention, free-market economics, and the protection of personal freedoms. Conservatives often stress the importance of maintaining social order, national security, and a strong sense of community and cultural heritage. They believe that established traditions and institutions are time-tested and should be upheld to ensure societal stability and continuity.

Any contradictions are likely explained by a liberal's misunderstanding of the concept of personal freedoms, which is best understood as the freedom to act within the bounds of moral behavior. Because conservatives value sanctity and liberals do not (see Haidt), liberals are often confused why conservatives can claim to value freedom while seeking to repress sacrilegious activities.

i’m sleepy so let’s wrap it up like you all like to do: This has been fun, thanks for taking the L.

When you have to declare premature victory, you are only making it obvious you can't defend yourself.

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I’ve said and believe nothing of the sort.

So you didn't say "They’re actively proud of being gullible, stupid, victims to their celebrities?" Because it's right there on my screen and I was able to copy and paste it from your comment, which shouldn't be possible if you didn't say it.

this doesn’t surprise me at all. your entire political ideology would collapse if you didn’t unconditionally loathe someone.

You're projecting. It's your political ideology that is based on unconditional hatred. I doubt you could even begin to explicate the conservative ideology in broad strokes, let alone specifics. Like many liberals, you think conservatism is entirely an expression of bigotry and closed-mindedness. That is a deeply ignorant and self-congratulatory belief that people like you cling to because it prevents you from questioning your own ideology, and is, in fact, an expression of your own close-minded bigotry.

I actively try to remember there’s a real person with a rich internal life on the other end

Wow, You have really pulled the wool over your own eyes. You reduce everyone on the right to idiots who are proud to be gullible victims, and then pretend you try to think of your political enemies as people with actual internal lives? No you don't. Stop bullshitting yourself.

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I love how you people don't even question your own absurd narratives. Just pure self-righteous arrogance and the certainty that everyone but you is stupid. You're utterly incapable of even considering people who disagree with you as fully human, and then are legitimately surprised when the people you look down on with arrogant contempt loathe and hate you.

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Kind of missing the point there, bub.

You're trying to paint the GOP as hypocrites, but it doesn't work because your own hypocrisy is too obvious. Liberals don't care about law & order. Trump isn't being prosecuted because the left has suddenly become champions of justice. Everyone can see how the law is being perverted to persecute Trump for the political threat he represents.

The only people you're fooling is yourselves. Nobody else is buying this.

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Nelson Mandela was a convicted criminal when he was elected president of South Africa. Vaclav Havel was a convicted criminal when he was elected president of the Czech Republic. Corrupting the legal system to criminalize political opposition does very little to make a political figure less popular. Often, it just makes them martyrs.

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