
2 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He/Him or They/Them

It reminds me a bit of the US intelligence saying that Russia was going to invade Ukraine and attempt to make it all the way to Kiev while Russia was adamant that it would never happen.

The other thing to note is that all countries have an "obligation to report" which requires them to report evidence of terror attacks to any county that would be the victim, even if they are a hostile nation. As much as "US bad" is true, it's frankly refreshing to see us do the right thing so publicly, even if it was only as a way to make Putin look bad.

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In 2019, Ginsburg helped establish the award with the Opperman Foundation to celebrate “women who exemplify human qualities of empathy and humility.” The organization later opened the award to men, renaming the trophy as the Leadership Award while claiming to aim for gender equality.

Ah yes, because when I think of empathy and humility I definitely think of Musk and Murdock.

Biden does a bad thing: See? He's just like Trump!

Biden does a moderate thing: See? He's not as left as he should be!

Biden does a good thing early in his term: See? He's not doing enough yet!

Biden does a good thing halfway into his term: See? It's just to help the Dems in the midterm!

Biden does a good thing late in his term: See? He's just trying to appease the people who might vote for him!

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Brb, gotta make a Grindr account real quick...

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God the fucking privilege on display in these anti-Biden posts.

"I shouldn't have to vote for the lesser of two evils, I should get to vote for a candidate that 100% aligns with my desires. Who gives a shit about what will happen to the people around me and the people I'm virtue signaling about, all that matters is the feeling of clean-hands I'll have as my trans homies are marched off to the death camps or the Palestinians are eradicated. For I, the enlightened leftist, didn't vote for Biden."

For every reason you have to dislike Biden, you have an even larger reason to fear Trump. Want to support LGBTQ folks? Surely Trump will be better for them right? Want to support women's rights? Surely the guy who put three anti-abortion judges on the court will give us abortion back, right? Want to support Palestine? Surely Trump will put BB in his place and stop the genocide, right? Are you really willing to risk that for those groups just so you can feel superior? Just so you can hope to get a shit party to the 5% threshold and have them still fall on their face the next election?

If you feel comfortable enough voting third party or not voting it's because you have the privilege to be mildly inconvenienced for 4 years and be ok, unlike the groups you claim to be supporting with your protest vote.

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Do you even know what that means? How exactly is reporting allegations made by others libel? You know you'd have to prove that the statements are untrue and (since he's a public figure) you'd have to prove that the people making the claims knew they were untrue at the time right?

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Same. I was looking for alternatives to the R word and I saw lemmy and was interested, until I saw the ".ml" and immediately heard the amungus noise.

I was very happy to see this here. While I'm still working on blocking all the ml and genzdong communities I see in all, it's already a lot better than I expected going into it.

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I am obligated by my work to offer this to customers when they buy an HP printer and I make it really clear that it's a bad deal for most customers. There are some edge case examples, like a lady with a small business who always prints exactly like 3 pages a day. The other customers who agree to buy it are almost always the super old people who don't want to have to come to the store to get more ink. I think it's a shit program that should be scrapped entirely, but some people really don't care if it's a bad deal as long as they get the convenience. No different than 7-11 up charging shit because it's easier to buy it at the market down the street than the Walmart a few miles down the road.

Yes, because that worked out so well last time a block of Dems threw a fit and decided not to vote. The party definitely learned a lesson and would never do something like 2016 again, right?

It literally is crazy. It's psychotic to think that the party would change their mind about the system that holds them in power after another 4 years of Trump, assuming we even get to have a real election again at all. Project 2025 anyone? It's psychotic to think that all the harm that will come from another 4 years of Trump, now with a grudge, nothing left to lose, and a playbook of how to not be stopped is somehow worth the hope that Dems will change their mind. You know what made the party pick Biden in 2020? The four years of hell before it. You know what will guarantee a "moderate" Dem as the only option in perpetuity? Another 4 years of Trump. Allowing him to win doesn't move the party left, it moves them right to try and get people who actually fucking vote from the middle to move over. The closest we ever came to an actually left president was after 8 years of a moderate Dem.

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Are the officers not part of that culture? Do they have no discretion in what laws they enforce and when?

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See? He's just like Trump! And he's not doing enough! And the things he has done are only to help secure votes!

Edit to add: Also, my dude, did you forget which post this is on? He's literally protecting trans people with this move but it's still not enough. Fact is you wouldn't support him even if he led the revolution himself. He's not perfect, but he's done more to clean up Trump's mess and help marginalized people than any president in history.

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HP sucks donkey balls. Printer, computer, laptop, all-in-one, doesn't matter. Friends don't let friends by an HP.

That said, ET-2800 is an Epson brand printer, specifically the base-model "Eco-Tank" printer that uses bottles of ink instead of cartridges. HP makes a few under the "Super Tank" line. If that's the right model number, that might help explain driver issues if you have an Epson printer being controlled by HP drivers.

If you plan on keeping it, make sure to set a calendar reminder or set up a task to print at least one color page every month to keep the ink from drying out in the print head. If you decide to replace it, consider a brother laser, especially the black-and-white only models. They are tanks

Oh my God, he's getting better, he finally invented a conspiracy theory that doesn't implicate the Jews! Progress!

I feel like I must be reading this wrong, but it seems like 4 are dead, not 3. Are they not counting the suspect as one of the dead?

It says the officer died, two victims inside died, and the suspect died. That would be four dead not three. Plus the first victim could have died or been close to it since we don't know anything about her condition.

From what I've previously read the agency that had the frozen embryos did not let them die off, they stored them properly in an industrial freezer kept at far below 0 temps. The issue was a person who didn't work at the clinic snuck into the room with the fridge, opened it and then dropped the embryos and ran away (the article said the assumption was because the containers were so cold he got freeze-burned). There might be a case here that they didn't do enough to stop the individual, or check on them often enough, I don't know enough details to know, but it doesn't sound like they just simply didn't care or didn't store them properly.

States have long had laws against forcibly ending someone else's pregnancy and those have stood up even before Roe died. It's not usually on the level of murder/manslaughter, but at a minimum it's been treated as a destruction of property. You don't have to treat the embryo as a person to charge someone with aggravated battery or something similar.

The main issue here is the broadness of this ruling (besides the whole quoting the Bible thing) which equates embryos with full-human life. It won't change a whole lot in this case, the families could have still sued for negligence or destruction of property, or any number of other civil remedies of this was denied, but now it's laid the ground work to do much worse things in the future.

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🎶The Worrrrrrrrrst🎶

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All garbage stinks, but it doesn't all stink the same.

Or, as I've seen before, both speeding and murder are crimes, but certainly one of them is worse than the other.

I think they meant "citizen*'s* arrest" as in "arrest of a citizen". Not a citizen doing the arrest, as in "citizens arrest" .

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Even if that were the case, which it's clearly not, wouldn't it be better to move slowly towards full-on fascism than speed run it?

What is with all the both-sidesing and accelerationism on here in the last few weeks? Some of you all are either too young or too privileged to remember what living under Trump was really like, and he's been abundantly clear that his next term will be far worse.

You won't find very many enthusiastic Biden supporters, but I'd much rather have four more years of this than four-plus more years of Trump with a grudge and nothing left to lose.

Because that totally worked in 2026 right? They obviously just need to lose to Trump and they will suddenly realize the error of their ways and become a full leftist party overnight. All we need to do to save America from the evil DNC is let Trump win again! It makes perfect sense!

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Definitely not all communists or socialists, at least that was not the case for the subreddit. I'm pretty sure the mod for this community put out a clarification post if you want to check it out.

The right-wing party in Israel (the party currently in control even after losing multiple elections) will also never support peaceful co-existence. They will never allow a real two state solution where the other state has control over its borders, air, water, import rights, etc. They want Palestine completely gone, and in fact Bibi was just at the UN arguing that Israel already has complete control and ownership over the Palestinian territories. Palestine is allowed to defend against the longest running occupation in history. There is no happy ending here as long as the Israeli boot is on the Palestinian neck.

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HP laser is still markedly worse than Brother laser. Much more expensive toner, harder to find and use off-brands, and (in my experience) much higher failure rates.

In general, toner is more robust than inkjet, but also HP is worse than Brother.

It will never end as long as the Israeli government keeps treating the Palestinians as subhuman. That's what creates more terrorists every day. Hamas is a response to Israel's continued occupation and oppression. The Nakba has been going on for over 50 years and people still out here acting like Palestine started all this.

then there's all the other stuff like student loans, the child tax credit

I see someone isn't following what is happening or how this works. The President, leader of the Dems, changed federal policy to forgive student loans (or at least a big chunk of them for a big chunk of the population) and it got struck down by the Supreme Court thanks to the other party. The Dems passed the child tax credit and then couldn't get it through the house to renew it because of the other party.

Generally voting for democrats on the federal level just means halting or slowing down the inevitable ratchet towards fashism, not actually improving things

Let's say that's true, it's objectively not but let's pretend it is. Isn't that still the obviously better option? How the fuck is fascism today better than fascism tomorrow?

WTF are you even talking about? You keep using super vague phrases to try and argue that (and I'm just guessing here since I legitimately can't tell what you are trying to say) LGBTQ advocates are ignoring history?

What history are you pointing to? Why would that history matter in fields like medical science? Would the history of gender help us understand that some people identify as trans? Would it help us understand the best practices in helping them?

Was this all just a way to complain about "men" going into women's spaces?

Religion is the coat of paint put on top of an occupation that is actually the root cause here.

Both the Zionists and the Jihadists claim to be inspired by their religion, but the actual cause of the decades-long conflict has little to do with religion and much more to do with decades of occupation and oppression.

I kinda thought you might put it together, but ok. Yes, those were rhetorical and obvious.

Police are responsible for police culture so pointing to culture doesn't absolve them or change any of the math here. Same with the laws, they may not directly make them or have a say in them (unless you count police unions), but they can choose when to enforce them, when to not, and against whom. Again, your arguments aren't changing any of the math here.

The problems of police are caused by the police and sustained by the police so they are entirely the fault of the police. Your comment seemed to imply that at least some of the blame should be taken from the police since it's not them it's the culture and the laws. I'm saying, it's still all them. The culture and the laws are still on them.

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^ Found the dumbass who didn't even read the article and has zero understanding of how abortions work.

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It's the same "pick-me" behavior we see with Blaire White and Candace Owens. They either truly think they will be seen as one of the good ones, or they don't care and just want the power and money that comes with being the token.

They've got their own issues (at least the first few gens had an ink sponge that would become full and was not replaceable at all so you had to throw it out and buy a new one), they are definitely better than any HP inkjet, especially the "instant ink" ones. The best option, especially if you can avoid color prints, is a b&w Brother (or similar) laser printer. They are built like tanks.

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Sorry, you expect Biden to undo it if he is elected? Or do you just mean that it will be removed if Trump wins. Of course if Trump wins he'll undo whatever of Biden's work he can. I don't have any reason at all to think Biden would remove it after the election if he won. Why wouldn't he maintain it?

On your first point, does the evidence show that taking puberty blockers makes you more socially isolated? I have seen no evidence of that at all, and instead there's a mountain of evidence that social transition and puberty blockers lower suicidality in trans kids and increase mental health outcomes.

We've been using puberty blockers, not just for trans kids but for precocious puberty for decades and have more than enough long term evidence of their effectiveness and safety. No drug or procedure is without risk, but why is that only a problem for this issue? Are you also against kids getting chemo? I mean, they certainly don't fully understand the risks of chemo do they?

The question of consent and knowledge of risk is a red herring. Kids can't consent to any medical procedures or sex because we've defined consent that way. But consent from the patient is not always needed for medical procedures, especially when the patient is unable to give consent. Should coma patients still get care that has risks? They can't consent right?

Consent is given by the parents and the medical professionals who have the authority to make those decisions. You can ask the kid, and they usually do, but their consent does not matter. That's how all medical procedures work with kids.

In reality, your statements lay bare a bias, which is why you're getting downvoted. You only seem to care about risks and consent for this specific highly-politicized topic and not medical procedures broadly. Because this is not about a broad critique of consent, it's about trying to excuse your uncomfortablity with this one subject and trying to justify it in any way you can.

You don't have to understand it, and you don't have to agree with it, but you should at least recognize why the majority of major medical institutions make the recommendations they do. And, shockingly, it's not because they somehow forgot it was involving kids, it's because they know a little more about the topic and nuances than you do.

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Ya man, those 3000+ children really fucked around.

The lengths some people will go to to support ethnostates...

That's a pretty wild guess given how China keeps doing military drills involving amphibious landings and flying into Taiwanese airspace/going into Taiwanese waters. You wouldn't practice amphibious landings to prepare a defense against the US, you'd do that to prepare for an invasion. China talks a lot about not using its military outside its borders, which has been mostly true, but they see Taiwan as within their borders so it doesn't really tell us much.

If China wants to limit imports of goods from Taiwan they absolutely could, and it would be difficult for the US/Japan to respond to, but if by "restricting trade" you mean a blockade then that is an act of war that the US/Japan would respond to much more aggressively. Just like China would respond if we blockaded them.

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The guy who is doing interviews now defending Israel even harder than Biden ever has? The guy who's most well known for being rabidly anti-vax?

They only get out on parole if the board (or whatever the UK's equivalent is) believes they have learned a lesson and are safe to reenter society. If not then they stay until the next board meeting. I have a hard time imagining they would get out after 20 years for murder without the board being pretty damn sure they are no longer a danger to society.

As gross and heinous as these crimes are, I will never favor life-without-parole or the death penalty for minors.

Don't pull this shit again. You are against the use of puberty blockers because there would be no use for them after the person is done with puberty. You want them to wait until they are 18, when they are done with the vast majority of physical effects to start treatment. And the only reason you've given is "I just don't think they need it yet, they need love not drugs." Present evidence of harm or shut the fuck up. You're fear-mongering over something you don't understand and it has actual harm to other people.

If you think the use is so different that the dangers outweigh the risks then prove it. The institutions that study this don't. The organizations that make policy based on those studies don't. You don't get to just "but it feels different" you have to provide evidence that it is different and harmful in a way the other studies wouldn't have caught.

It's "not at all" for puberty blockers because, again, you want kids to go through puberty before undergoing any gender therapy. If you had studied this at all you'd know why the medical organizations recommend starting before puberty. Puberty is the harm they are looking to alleviate and you can't do that by waiting until after puberty to start treatment.

I'll read your intentions as much as I want because you're a fucking book. It's easy to see exactly why you are here and making the arguments you are. Do you really think this is the first time most of us have seen a "just asking questions" and "this is pedophilia" argument? You don't have to tell me you're a duck, you already walked and talked like one.

I don't give a fuck about your family or friends. Do you have a medical degree? Did you do any studies on this matter? Do you have any relevant training or expertise?

They are changing, but not in the way you think. I've read this book before, I know how it ends. That said, I'm enjoying wasting your time and calling you the bigot you are. I have a feeling you don't hear that enough in your life so I'm happy to provide that for you.

You are advocating for your own feels. If you actually gave a flying fuck about the kids this affects you'd follow the recommendations of the people who actually studied this shit. Or at least present even one piece of evidence.

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It's the second half of your claim you'd have to support with evidence. Of course we help fund them, but it's not so clear that they "benefit Hamas"".

If you read something like this article here, you'd note that of the 19 alleged ties to Hamas (of 34,000 workers btw) none have been found to be supported by evidence. Some of them are still going, and maybe they will show some kind of connection, but A) the time to believe that is when evidence is provided, not when the claim is made and B) I don't really think cutting funding for an agency that does legitimate help to people currently starving and dying is justified just because 0.05% of employees have ties to Hamas. Would you be Ok condemning and demanding we cut funding to the IDF if we found 0.05% of their personnel had ties to radical Zionist movements calling for the eradication of Palestinians? Something tells me you wouldn't.

Balatro is super good if you haven't played it yet. It's the passion project of one guy that feels more cohesive than some AAA games I've played