
2 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I have no doubts they are going to drag this out until much closer to the election so they can impeach him at some critical moment to get media headlines to sway people into thinking Biden is just as bad as trump.

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I would love to be wrong, but it's too bad one of the injured or killed weren't connected to the governor. That seems to be the only time some people give a shit.

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Cunts are useful and provide warmth and depth. These people have none of those qualities.

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Unless it's a parade put on by the GOVERNMENT the first amendment doesn't really even apply.

You would think a billionaire could afford a makeup artist that could blend that terrible foundation/spray tanner a little better. Not that he needs it, but the thumbnail makes him look like a sad clown. I hope he's as sad as he looks.

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You might want to take a HARD look at your comment and check some of your spelling.

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“Most of us were like ‘holy cow,’” said Beverly Cuyler, a long-time Boebert supporter. “And one of the big reasons for that is a gap between how she presented herself as a Christian and what ended up happening.”

Oh, now you're clutching your pearls?

It’s an unusual tone for Boebert. The congresswoman’s unapologetic, Trumpian style had propelled her to MAGA stardom nationwide; now, she’s fighting for political survival at home.

If I remember correctly it was the leader of the MAGA party that said something to the effect of grab 'em by the pussy. I'd bet a tRump buck that she voted for the literal embodiment of the anti Christ from the bible.

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I saw this rat faced fuck at IAH back in October. Not a single person was trying to interact with him and he already had a state trooper escort with a wide buffer zone around him. He had that smarmy, stupid smile on that stupid dumb face of his. It ruined my whole day.

Because fuck them kids! Wouldn't want to take the chance that kids won't starve to death as long as my enemy does, too!

Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., said he was "so thankful there is no humanitarian aid," which he argued could fall into the hands of Hamas.

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Same ship, different service. The safety net affords me the ability to find what I really want to do without tying my life to a single job or place.

I also think that it can be brought to other citizens through other community activities. Why don't we offer similar incentives to teachers? 10yr of teaching in exchange for UBI. Or doctors. Or rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure.

I'm guessing that your VA/service income doesn't just go straight to savings either. A lot of it goes right back into the economy through purchasing and associated taxes paid on those things. At least mine does.

The US military is the largest socialist organization in the world and I wish they would extend that to the rest of its citizens without the downside of PTSD, death, and a lifetime of physical and mental ailments.

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It almost makes you wish you believed in such things. ALMOST!

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No offense to Canadians, but a Texas man, cruz is not.

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Repurposing discredited monitors.

But that too might fail to convince the judge, because it came from Jason Flemmons, a CPA who lost credibility when testifying at the recent bank fraud trial. Justice Engoron tore into the accountant last month, noting how Flemmons had “inexplicably” contradicted himself several times and seemed willing to bend over backwards to appease the Trumps. Engoron was annoyed at how Flemmons kept providing cover for the Trump family, like when he asserted that basic accounting principles require that an asset’s present value reflect discounted future income—but refusing to admit the Trumps broke the rules when they failed to do that.

I might buy one of their games just to offset someone who can't. I absolutely appreciate a business with this kind of attitude. Like someone else said, the people who pirate it probably weren't going to buy it anyway. Might as well get some goodwill out of it.

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As someone who has been forced to have a chaplain around, they are usually great people that are very uplifting. Absolutely no need for the religious part though. Until there is a true non denominational "chaplain" which is really just a counselor with extra privilege, you will alienate people who feel you can be, and do good things without any need for a sky daddy. All I wanted was someone to listen and maybe offer some advice, please don't bring your millennia+ worth of baggage to the conversation.

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The article says the people that brought the lawsuit are from California, where cannabis is already legal.

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In court, McGonigal, 55, said he is “deeply remorseful” for his actions.

“I appear before you in this court to take full responsibility as my actions never intended to hurt the United States, the FBI and my family and friends,” he said, at times appearing emotional.>

At the very least at least he is taking responsibility for his actions. It seems like a rare occurrence for such a high level individual to acknowledge what they did was wrong and are willing to accept the consequences to their actions

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I absolutely believe if they could have made the smallest thing stick they would. They probably would do it a second time before the election if the first one fell through. "LOOK AT BIDEN! HE HAS TWO IMPEACHMENTS AS WELL AND JUST AS MANY SENATE CONVICTIONS AS TRUMP"

In the little blurb under the title it says 2002 instead of 2022 for when this happened

It's not. I actually commented on this before in a different thread. I saw him in a Texas airport last year and he already had a state trooper with him and not a single person was trying to talk to him as he walked. That man is in no danger because his persona is repellent enough to keep people away from him.

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Re: what's his nuts FBI director coming out and a couple weeks before Nov 2016 with that email scandal that also went absolutely nowhere

I've thought this for a while, but maybe our service to country isn't done with a DD214. The current situation in the US and world at large makes me think I can still do some good. Maybe politics needs more people who think like you and me.

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I see it now. Must have flown right over my HEAD.

“If you don’t think that moving from Kevin McCarthy to MAGA Mike Johnson shows the ascendance of this movement and where the power in the Republican Party truly lies, then you’re not paying attention,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz (F-FL).

It really doesn't seem like the Republicans are paying attention to the threat coming from inside their own house.


I probably should have posted the first paragraph of the article instead of my own quip about it but this is one of those broken clocks being right once in a while situations. They actually voted him out.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — The Republican Party of Florida ousted Chairman Christian Ziegler in a special vote on Monday as police investigate a rape accusation against him, a vote that came the week before Gov. Ron DeSantis competes in Iowa’s first-in-the-nation presidential caucus

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My m8 is somewhere in my office still. Behind my pixel 5 it has probably been my favorite Android phone.

I think that is capitalism 101

Shit birds of a shit feather, Randy

-Mr. Lahey

I have learned a lot while I was setting up my NAS and all the *arr applications. It taught me a bit about networking and a bit about docker which I know is going to be helpful for me in the future. That kid you were talking about might be able to learn the something similar which might get them interested in the tech world and you have just created a future programmer, or network admin, or any number of other tech job. Those can be very marketable skills in a pool of people who seem to be less tech literate as tech becomes so easy to use.


I suppose I wasn't clear. I agree that I think he is being paid just to be a spoiler. The only difference between RFK Jr and Kanye running is that RFK knows he's being used and reaping huge personal benefits from a renewed interest in his brand.

The money is obviously from nefarious super PACs and mega donors, NOT any kind of grass roots movement of people who think he's a viable alternative candidate. The article I posted is just one that shows that we already know where his backing is coming from

I have been using that stuff for years and I'm very satisfied!

With friends like god(s), who needs enemies?

Anyone taking bets on if it's the deep state or one of those damn lone wolves that got riled into a frenzy by all the ridiculous conspiracy theories but it's an isolated incident because there is only one superbowl a year and no one even actually died so there won't be any consequences for the source of this person's anger?

Same, especially on such a serious topic.

He probably has the same hairstylist as Ghoulianni as well.

Just one case? Those are rookie numbers, I'm sure there are plenty more out there that he's a coconspirator

You love to see them reap what they sow!