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Joined 1 years ago

If anything that's an argument against immigration, considering what happened to the people that lived there before

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Eh, I only use prime video because it doesn't cost extra, I don't really need it. Back to piracy it will be, I guess.

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Climate change + El Niño

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BDSMovement 🤨

For the love of christ, stop saying that. Every single time someone makes this comment. We. Get. It.

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pride flags

You weren't supposed to eat them smh

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my meat inspected


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Only a court can convict someone of a crime, so police always deals with "suspects", even if they know they're guilty

It's far from perfect, but it isn't the cause of every single issue anyone's ever had like people on here would have you believe

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the human brian is easily fooled

I can confirm that Brian is an idiot

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You think that muslim women aren't oppressed in western countries? Sure, the government won't lock them up, but their social circles will shun them if they don't comply.

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I swear, planning any sort of group activity with adults is an absolute nightmare

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Increasing the price of a service that is already piss-poor value for your money is incredibly smart. Who the hell is gonna pay 14$ per month just to get rid of ads?

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"Hello, human"

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Yes, that was clear from your previous comment

The colonization of South America, colorized

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He said a race, not a racing series. Get rid of Abu Dhabi and we're good.

Bro, it's a comic. They're not trying to send a message, it's supposed to be ridicilous.

Giving the taliban 4 billion dollars is definitely going to improve the living situation

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Why would anyone need to cope with the value of individuals in pre-civilization society? These things are not relevant anymore, an individual's value to society is mostly determined through productivity and wealth now.

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Thank you, Mr. EU

A man drank a bottle of dayquil and a bottle of nightquil. This is what happened to his liver.

Not if they were living like most men before, and stay in those communities after transitioning

This is probably more aimed towards the people that are born or go completely blind later in life

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Anyone else who has any decency or inner feeling of justice will support Palestinians for being subject to decades of occupation and apartheid and know that it’s utterly hypocritical to support Ukraine for resisting Russian aggression while condemning Palestinians for doing the same.

This would sound a lot better if Hamas was not targeting civilians, which is not at all what the Ukrainian military is doing. Comparing these two is an insult to Ukraine.

The real pizza crime here is the BBQ sauce

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The issue is charging takes a while, while refuelling is pretty much instantaneous

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I don't believe the Euro ever had a 1€ note, it's always had 1€ and 2€ coins

Somebody needs to write an article about that article that states the opposite

Hmm... a baguette?


What on earth does this have to do with capitalism?

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How else would they get fresh air in their room?

Happens to the best of us

Contrary to the incel narrative, the study found that extreme misogynistic views were driven by a psychology of dominance and status-seeking, which correlated with having many sexual partners. The study suggests that individuals who hold these extreme views are more similar to socially dominant "Chads" than to the stereotypical incel who turns his sexual frustration into hatred and a desire for revenge against women.

X will instead

Goddammit, Elon

No, people here are incapable of thinking in anything other than black-and-white

If you destroy Bitcoin, another currency would take its place.

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As usual, the title is clickbait. It's not "eating meat" that produces 4 times more greenhouse gases, it's a high-meat diet. Big difference that is conveniently left out of the title to get more clicks.

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I'd say by the time you can call it an addiction, the fire is already out of control