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Your friendly neighbourhood sh.it.head

A Reddit refugee after 8 years of Reddit-ing

The other nice thing for "state funded media" is they often have translations for international audiences

For example CBC / Radio-Canada also have an international page, Radio-Canada International offered in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic etc.

My old Galaxy S5 was water resistant (IP67, 30min/1 metre submerged)

The rear cover had a gasket to prevent water entering the motherboard, micro sd, battery, sim etc.

I understand why they wouldn’t want to suddenly change the branding of existing projects though.

I'm not sure if I agree, I feel like the long term damage of keeping the names is greater than changing them now to Fedora Plasma Atomic (Formerly Kinoite) / Fedora Atomic Workstation (Formerly Silverblue). Leaving them as is, is just going to create more confusion in the future to new users who won't immediately understand why the naming convention is different for the other spins and will create more confusion for documentation / support threads online.

It goes both ways though, if beehaw isolates itself enough the rest of the fediverse will make its own communities that effectively replace the ones we lost from them defederating.

As of now they're blocking 387 communities according to this

To elaborate further on what Vani said below, Fedora is an independent community run project but Red Hat does provide some funding to the project. Fedora is also "upstream" of RHEL / CentOS so it is not impacted like Alma / Rocky.

I have not personally tried it, but here they describe it as being alpha software.

Of course, that alpha designation could be unwarranted, I do not know.

archive . org link

I'd much rather use a separate Firefox (now Mozilla I think) account for my professional work. I also would prefer having separate extensions, notably Zotero connector is kind of useless for my personal browsing

I got a used copy of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for switch, I know I'm very late to the party on this one but I am enjoying it a lot.

It is the first game however where I've had my switch fully crash, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised since it is a Bethesda title.

I've been spending a bunch of the time reading the random lore books in the game, the world building is definitely the main draw for me over the gameplay. Gameplay isn't my favourite but I am enjoying it still, I feel some more contemporary RPGs have definitely spoiled me in some ways.

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I have a few shortlisted

My parent's 2010 Ram 1500, the interior is rather comfy but the reliability is just not there. At 100k km the engine blew up, apparently this is still an issue with the current ones as the 5.7L V8 still has the same flaw allowing for some components to drop into the cylinder. There's also been random electrical components that have died relatively fast, and whatever metal was used rusted exponentially even with rust proofing being applied twice a year. It had more rust than their 2011 Toyota Highlander that had greater than 300k km

I also just hated when I had to drive it downtown, but I can't exactly blame the vehicle for that.

2011 Toyota highlander, it went through 3 transmissions, 5 rear wiper motors, and it was about to go on to its 4th transmission when they sold it. The 3rd one didn't even last much more than a year.

2006 Rav 4 (V6), this car also went through 2 transmissions, and then had to have the entire steering column replaced by year 2

~2016 Ford Fusion, this was a rental car for when my Civic was being repaired after an accident and my god was it awful. It handled like a massive boat despite being a medium sized car and the transmission felt significantly less responsive than even the CVT in the honda. The seats also sucked but i think that was how the rental company cleaned them, they made this awful noise every time you sat in them and looked and felt like a "casting couch" with several generations of children dried up in them...

Honorary Mention: my friends Nissan Versa, seemingly unreliable and falling apart but it refuses to ever give up. That thing will survive nuclear winter, and will remind you with every pothole that its existence is torture.

I feel that I am 50:50 on it, immutable at least conveyed more information about what it is while Atomic feels a lot more "buzz-word-y" and does not convey as well what it means. Regardless, I'd say the bigger issue is keeping the old Silverblue & Kinoite names, they really should change them even if it means having a ~2 year period of having "Formerly Silverblue / Kinoite".

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I don't think a phone needs to be 100% waterproof to 50 metres, but some amount of water-resistance is just good product design. Companies should not be encouraging people to dunk their phones in water, I think IP ratings sadly encourage this as well as some of the advertising around their water resistance claims.

But having some amount of water resistance built into electronics helps reduce e-waste because accidents do happen. For more serious water activities people should be buying waterproof bags for their electronics.

It doesn't add anything unless you have the muscle memory for the dpad movement over joystick for 8 direction input. I just find it awkward, and can't switch directions as fast. The corner zones also feel a little off compared to the cardinal directions, but this is likely just my muscle memory hampering me and not the game itself.

I feel like my issues with it are definitely nit-picky, and I can definitely see others enjoying the game and not caring whatsoever. I guess I just find it frustrating that a $79.99 CAD remake doesn't allow for both input methods.

For example I know my partner enjoyed playing with the joystick. And in other games like cuphead that give you the option he still played with the joystick instead of the dpad. Perhaps I'm just a little stubborn :p

About the only rationale I can think of is the joystick being better then the joycons dpad for movement, particularly when inputting two directions at once. I personally use a pro controller so I don't personally suffer from that in games where I use dpad, but I assume most people just stuck with joycons outside of the more "hardcore" switch owners.

I always assumed xeyes was made for that exact purpose, somewhat funny that it was not designed for this.

I feel like this still depended on community. There was plenty of more niche hobby specific communities that were enjoyable. r/coffee comes to mind for me or something like r/fountain pens. I still enjoyed r/Analog although that had it’s own issues.

Do you still have an old android phone sitting in a drawer somewhere? Perhaps giving the child this with parental controls might be a useful solution. My rationale

  1. You can still use an app such as Signal or WhatsApp to communicate with them
  2. You can also use "find my device" (relevant android police article on this topic)
  3. This is cheaper than buying even a cheap dumb phone since you already own the device, and you can argue better for the environment since you're re-using something instead of creating more e-waste
  4. Particularly if the Android phone is still updated, it is more secure than a dumb phone these days.

From what I heard, the netflix password sharing change ended up being a net-increase in subscribers even accounting for the exodus caused by it.

So while they were going downhill for a while I think their password sharing crackdown surprisingly benefited them.

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I usually do 19C in the winter, and 24C in the summer, my parents do 22C (72F?) year around

Out of curiosity, how is kbin's magazine system designed to avoid this problem?

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I mostly play rogue likes with controller and would like a XBox/Playstation style controller

I'm assuming you dont need gyro or touchpad that you'll get with PlayStation / Nintendo compatible controllers, however if you do want those features the Switch Pro controller & the DualSense (PS5) play nicely on my Linux computer (with steam)

Out of the two I'd probably recommend the dual sense since you're used to Xbox / Western PS layout rather then Nintendo / Japanese PS layout.

I've heard good things about the 8bitdo controllers, but can't comment on their compatibility or quality. The contemporary xbox wireless controllers I don't personally like, the current ones have this extra grippy texture on the back and thumbsticks that doesn't sit well with me and the lack of rechargeability ootb is disappointing for the price.

I'll keep my answer focused on KDE Connect as I no longer use a TWM. You can most definitely use KDE Connect in non-Plasma environments. For non-Plasma (and non-Gnome ^*^ ) environments you can just install the kdeconnectd package. Then, to start the KDE Connect daemon manually, execute /usr/lib/kdeconnectd. You can schedule this to autostart as a systemd unit, or in the config for your TWM (I know in sway/i3 you could start it, I'm assuming it is similar for many other options)

If you use a firewall, you need to open UDP and TCP ports 1714 through 1764. If you use firewalld specifically, there's an option to enable KDE Connect rather than manually specifying it. This also let's you have it only work on private networks and not public if you so chose.

See Arch wiki for more details

*For gnome I would recommend using gs-connect even if you have a tiling extension

£ KDE-Connect: does that work on TWMs? Is there a good implementation? Can I use GSConnect elsewhere too?

Thank you for the very thorough reply! For god knows what reason I get this error: error: app/org.mozilla.firefox/x86_64/stable not installed when running the xdg-open firefox-reader command, yet manually running flatpak run --user org.mozilla.firefox about:reader?url=https://example.com works just fine. I'll have to troubleshoot it when I have a bit more time ;p

Thanks again for your very thorough write up and the linked articles. Have a good day :)

Update: It seems like on my system, the --user flag was the issue, removing it made the script function. I am using Fedora Kinoite (Immutable version of KDE Plasma), so perhaps it is just a difference in how flatpak is configured between distros? I'll have to read into it more later.

The plugin that brings the "starter" / "welcome" screen when nvim is called without a file is mini.starter, a lua module of the mini plugin. My primary use case for neovim is closer to a feature complete text editor rather than a full fledged IDE, although there definitely is some overlap in my setup.

My set of plugins are roughly as follows

  • vim-plug, I will likely replace this one with packer at some point
  • goyo.vim and limelight.vim for distraction free viewing and editing
  • nnn.nvim to integrate the nnn file manager into neovim
  • mini.nvim according to the Github, "Library of 35+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.7 and higher) experience with minimal effort. They all share same configuration approaches and general design principles."
    • mini.surround feature rich surround actions
    • mini.statusline a very simple no-frills statusline
    • mini.starter aformentioned start screen
    • mini.pairs inserts the paired character, e.g typing ( will automatically place ) behind the cursors
    • mini.move move selections
    • mini.map has a little map of the file similar to VScode among many other IDEs & text editors
  • barbar.nvim Tabbar plugin
  • a whole bunch of LSP / autocomplete engines / snippets / git commit messages & signs
  • nvim-treesitter for syntax highlighting

And the remaining things in my init.lua file are just keybindings, setting up the plugins, and disabling the swapfile etc. when editing my password secrets in gopass among other 'secret' files

I am sticking around for the time being. While it is a community project, Red Hat is still the legal entity representing it and is a sponsor of the Fedora Project. I am confident that Fedora will continue to exist (or if RedHat ruins it, the community would fork it), consequently I feel that this is more a question of morals / ethics or desire to distance oneself from Red Hat products. With switching you would likely be giving up either KDE or immutability, until OpenSUSE's Kalpa matures more. Regardless, I'm not sure how much benefit Red Hat gets from you being a Fedora user. Unless you contribute to the project itself or are using Fedora as a means to gain more knowledge for using RHEL products in enterprise.

Some relevant articles for people interested; Fedora Project Wikipedia governance section, Fedora Project Wiki regarding the proposed "Foundation" and the mailing list discussing the "Foundation".

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It definitely is rather reminiscent of older Windows versions with the seperate application launchers, fully expanded task bar entries that show the name of an app that are ungrouped (until necessary). And the widgets are very reminiscent of Rainmeter.

But I also bring some things from macOS that I enjoyed such as the global menu on the top (sadly Firefox flatpak does not support), virtual desktops with the pager widget on the bottom, and I use Krunner a lot (plasma's equivalent to macOS "Spotlight")

I hope your switch to Linux goes well if / when you switch!

I could do this but it still presents other issues based off of the two jurisdictions I frequently drive in. In one I can only 'program' the GPS via voice commands, and music must be controlled hands free (steering wheel controls / voice commands). In the other jurisdiction it is even stricter and I pretty much cannot do anything on the phone screen while the vehicle is in motion even if mounted, you can do slightly more with the pre-installed one but even checking messages on android auto / apple car play would be considered "illegal" (idk how they'd check tbh)

What are the steps to reproduce this issue?

Browsing the main feed with an account on sh.itjust.works seems to do this

I have debated on hosting my own SearXNG search instance but I am not sure if I would benefit. I would likely be the only one using it but I would personally only use it for ddg, startpage, brave search etc. or in other words everything but google and bing. Is this what you do or do you share yours among others?

I highly recommend silverblue! The only thing that can be frustrating is Steam and other game related things, particularly with wireless controllers it seems. But overall it makes it very hassle free imo.

Both of these seem really interesting!

Most of the documents I produce are converted to PDF or printed, so I use Nimbus Roman or Nimbus Sans (I believe). I do use Open Dyslexic font

For UI I really enjoy Inter, although Ubuntu, Roboto and IBM Plex Sans are also nice

For terminal I use Hack, although Source Code Pro is nice

Any idea why a newer project would elect for the GPL 2.0 over the 3.0? I know that the Linux kernel is GPL 2.0 still and I think it had something to do with changes regarding DRM (Tivoization). But I don't see how that would apply here.

I forgot how much I missed some things about Plasma, I might rebase my Fedora silverblue [gnome] to kinoite [kde] again and see how it is.

This is exactly how i felt reading the article, part of the point is to empower users to be able to make a community on a different instance if the first instance has poor moderation, a crazy admin, or just isn't the vibe you're lookimg for.

I think a better solution is something similar to multiredits, where users can group communities together on their own. Which also opens up opportunities for someone to view only tangentially related feeds in the same view (i.e c/news and c/canada, or c/technology and c/linux)

They really succeeded in creating good ambience for all of the different areas!

If your concern is solely with Daniel Micay's behaviour he has in fact stepped down from the project as can bee seen in the following Nitter link provided. Otherwise I think debloating a stock rom is a good option for many people!

I feel that downvotes / dislikes don't contribute in large forum-style communities. The "proper" use of them is very useful, but the "improper" usage of downvotes becomes rampant on larger communities, rather than people expressing "this doesn't contribute" with downvotes they end up using them to express "I don't like you and/or your opinion" which results in high-quality posts and comments getting downvoted into oblivion because they do not conform to what the majority deems correct.

This also can be exasperated in communities that are more taste-based, e.g. a community discussing music rather than a community dealing with more objective knowledge.

I guess this is a really long way of saying that I agree with them disabling them but I do not think "mental health" is the concern, more so that they cannot fulfill their intended purpose in larger communities or taste-based communities.