
15 Post – 126 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just a wee hobbit living in our offgrid diy hilltop cottage home 🏑

If you have jerboa you can have the multi accounts feature to still access what ever instances you would like pretty seamlessly. I think the long term goal is more mod tools so that there doesn't need to be a giant wall but maybe some boarder patrol to keep the trolls out.

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Remember when reddit made fun of 9gag for the watermarked memes?! History doesn't repeat but it sure does rhyme

I feel this. When I start looking at the whole political climate I get very distressed, angry, and hopeless but I've found focusing on the small and my own local community has really helped. I can't change what policies are happening in other regions but I can try to make positive changes in mine. I can see what gaps our community has and try to fill them. When you set your eyes too high you can miss some important steps you need to take to get where you're trying to go.

With the alt-right push to get involved in school boards and local councils, now is THE time to get involved and push back. Real changes start small. Get involved in the established community groups that interest you, start your own if you have something particular your community needs, and learn local politics as its will be much more applicable and just much less to learn than remembering everything happening all at once on a national level.

Burnout is real. When I'm feeling good, i organise the things i want to do into checklists with big and small projects so when the burnout comes for me i can find a few boxes I have the energy to tick. (Things like picking up rubbish at the park, side of the road, baking something for a neighbour) Ticking them off and feeling like I've done something positive really helps light the fire again.

You can only do what you can do. Starting really small and building up your involvement is the best way to starve off burnout.

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I think the mods want kind of a one way gate so since beehaw has more restrictions, beehaw users could venture out unhindered but the lemmy world users wouldn't be able to post or comment here unrestricted. I dont know what will be possible but it would be nice to have some sort of whitelist where posters from other instances could be white listed. With no entry requirements, the two instances removed are really easy for trolls to create as many accounts as they would like to harass.

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Its the tiny white arrow drop down

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While the results are obvious to most people, it's important to do these sorts of studies and articles so people have somewhere to point when developers are pushing for more car centric infrastructure.

You can have it on jerboa, the Android app. I don't but i see.the option on my navigation bar

β€œThrough this research, kids told us that it was important for Furby to be their ultimate best friend – a furry companion to do all the things a BFF would do, like dance to music, share fortunes, meditate, mimic each other in silly voices, and even put on a light show, and that’s exactly what we created.”

I love picturing small children setting up elaborate light shows for their best friends

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I think you need to go talk to the familiar faces and get to know them. Ask them what they need and get it for them and a little cash if you can. You might find other ways you can help them like connecting them to other resources or giving them rides to things they need like jobs, clinics, shelters, support etc. I don't think there is anything wrong with giving people cash. Yeah, they might spend it on drugs. Addiction is a huge problem but you being just one more judgemental person in their life isn't going to be their turning point. Be a good listener, show them they matter, and bee kind. It sounds like you know that guilt of giving is misplaced so thats a great start.

Did you mean go carts can't go on public roads?

So that would be why there needs to be more towers, for more go cart postie gangs? This analogy is helpful, thanks

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"Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?"

I live rurally now but I lived in a big city when I was younger and yeah I felt like a cog in a machine in the best way? It felt much more communal than my small community now so I think I've really been chasing that feeling. I think when we are physically more isolated it becomes easier to mentally isolate, especially when a lot of people are having to commute for work and coming home too exhausted for socialising. I really want a more robust public transport system as I think it encourages a connection between regular riders.

Got ✍️ more ✍️ Gs ✍️ πŸ—’

thank you so much!

Pretty good! Started off with a morning at playcentre, afternoon doing a shift at the toy library, and finished off by giving a presentation at the community council meeting. Got my community garden proposal through to the next phase (regional council). Got overwhelming support from my presentation at the community council meeting and feeling really good about it. First structural edit meeting for the book I've been working on is Thursday and I'm really happy with how that's all going too. Early stages of getting a library of tools/community workspace organised.

Just in a really good place right now and I feel like I'm actually getting somewhere with my goals.

I see a thread of people shitting on an asshole calling human rights an opinion? It looks like he has 2/3 upvotes but if there was a downvote button i guarantee their comments would be in the negatives. It doesn't look like a debate to me but people telling someone that it's not a debate and if they think it is one they can go elsewhere. I guess the whole conversation could be removed but i think having one so full of support for transrights being human rights is good for other readers to see. If they agree with the asshole, they'll know their "opinions" aren't welcomed or supported here.

Choice! I love a good cycle way. We used to live in a really cycle friendly city but it's a bit harder living rurally. There are cycle ways but there is one super dangerous 2 lane tree lined road that we'd have to share with stock and logging trucks 😬 hopefully someday they will connect the tracks. Car centric infrastructure makes me feel very isolated

Thats so spcial! Creating something that will benefit their community for generations ✨️

Best of luck on your interview and I hope you get some rest

Yeah I 2nd this OP. Do the little immediate things and while you do them you can meditate on what other little things you can work on.

Just a guess but Chch aye? You have a laser cutrer now?! Why did i move 😭 I really miss the cycle ways. Such a cool city

This souds really cool. Can't wait to listen tomorrow. Great find!

I want to give it the bread crust tappies! Looks yum 😊

Haha no worries! it's not super obvious

That's a really rough spot to be in πŸ˜• I hope you can find a sense of community and can pass your drivers course quickly.

Thats true which is why we still need our usual safety nets in society like subsidised childcare, respite care, and disability benefits. This wouldn't replace normal society, it would just add to it. I would love to see increases in those areas as well as a timebanking system for those who are interested and able to participate. It's all about doing what you can, even if that's just sitting and chatting with a lonely someone so I think it could be something pretty disability friendly compared to the corporate work world.

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Moving can be super stressful. I think giving yourself some time to get settled then finding all the hidden gems in your city is a great idea

I have sooo many projects on atm and they keep piling up because we keep getting sick πŸ₯² I have

a floral puffsleeve lacey dress I need to finish

a worm tower for the garden

some illustrations to do

a few sewing projects waiting on more materials

and my partner brought home an orphaned newborn goat last night so that's 6 bottle feeds a day and a goat house in the garden to add to my list.

I actually really like this idea. I feel like it should also have a time expiry of some sort but I overall I think it's a good balance of protections for smaller creators and a limit to excessive greed. If it's truly a revolutionary idea, it will make back the development costs quickly and the information will be available to other creators to build on.

I haven't hd this issue browsing from jerboa is you have that option

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Hey i think it would be best if you could keep any proselytising to a Christian Curious specific community. A lot of us have deconstructed but still bear the scars of religious trauma so it can lead to hostile conversations that aren't productive for either of us. Giving some objective "this is the verse used to justify this action." and explaining that action without devolving into "My god is your god" is fine.

When you say clouds are these like little mini servers? Just super localised so they don't have to go as far and can respond quicker?

Was 4g on the same plane as usual talk/text? Does it have to go all the way to a bigger cloud through the tower instead of just to the tower?

Also this all sounds really good i really don't understand the hate. Is it just because it's new? Tbf, it seems to be the same people who believe in chemtrails and a few who believe in 2 suns but they are getting into politics now which is worrisome

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You could talk with your library. Librarians tend to be super amazing at little start-ups. Just ask if they have something like this and have a couple friends who would be interested ask and they might get the ball rolling or know someone who will.

Building the initial shell to a liveable state (waterproof, internal cladding in main living space, plumbing, stove, lights etc) was about 3 months. We've done heaps since then though so it's hard to say how many hours have gone into all the other projects and details. There are still things we want to do so i guess it will never be finished πŸ˜‚ we love it and it's really handy knowing how everything goes together so we can fix our own problems.

I loved seeing everyone's makes over there but I'm excited to see all the beautiful and magical things in our beehaw beehive! I like that it's more relaxed here.

Yes! Look less at the big and far stuff you can't change and give more energy to the local where you might be able to make an impact

Again but I am 3 years old. Particularly the longitudinal paragraph

It's a nice way to keep track and make it feel more equitable for some people. Give an hour get an hour πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ it's really okay if this isn't for you. It works for some groups but not others.

Those would make it so much easier! A worthwhile investment for sure.

This isn't something to replace normal monetary currency, it's just another way to organise volunteering for willing participants! It's like an extension of doing odd jobs for friends to your wider community and a way to meet new people with different skillsets.

For example I do sewing and mending and my partner fells trees, cuts firewood, and helps with building projects for our friends and they help us with tree plantings and garden projects. We have a mate who helps with accounting stuff in exchange for hunting access. It would be what a lot of us already end up doing but on a slightly larger scale with a bit more organisation. It's definitely not for everyone but I think it would be neat to try.

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Yeah it's nice although I miss having the robust public transport and proximity to community events cities have