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You can do pretty much the same thing with Firefox: you sign in to Firefox to sync your passwords and browser settings, then (assuming you're talking about Google calendar, Gmail, etc.) You can sign into your Google account with one click. That's not really any less convenient.

Besides, I've hardly ever heard of anyone moving away from Firefox to Chrome, so I doubt the reason is any sort of convenience or design superiority. I'd attribute it to the fact that most people who already use the Internet (pretty much everyone) has already settled on a browser, with chrome-based browsers being the most common. So anyone new to the Internet will just choose the favorite as the default. This is especially true considering they most new Internet users are probably kids, so they're not aware of concerns about privacy, monocultures, DRM, etc. that would drive someone to pick Firefox.

Basically, it's not that Chrome is actually better than Firefox. I think it's that the market is growing, and the most common browsers will grow more quickly than Firefox simply for the sake of familiarity.

I buy a new one every January and lick it down throughout the year

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I disagree. We shouldn't be disincentivizing innovation. Taxes on business and the wealthy should increase regardless of their use of automation.

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Albert Einstein is dead. You couldn't run at all.

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I don't know exactly what Chrome does but Firefox lets you sync tabs, history, bookmarks, and saved logins and card information.

Firefox doesn't explain how to do this at all, but it is possible. Make a bookmark with the URL you want, and set the keyword to whatever symbol you want ti start it with.

For example,
Name: Scryfall (or whatever you want)
URL: https://scryfall.com/search?q=%s&unique=cards&as=grid&order=name
Keyword: s
Then type "s Birds of Paradise" to get the result you want.

I did the same with Reddit and it worked on my end. If it doesn't work for you I'd be happy to help you figure it out.

It's also possible on mobile, and it's actually even easier: Settings>Search>Default Search Engine>Add Search Engine. Then you can type your search and choose the engine from a dropdown menu.

This may not be exactly what you're looking for but have you considered using Firefox containers, automatically logging in to a different Google account for each container? I'm fairly sure this would work on mobile (probably only Android though), and is almost certainly more convenient and polished than a separate YouTube client.

Do you think there should be cotton in our hearts too? Just because we wear something doesn't mean it should be inside our bodies too.

Not necessarily the creation of plastic--I agree that it's very beneficial--but the management of plastic. As we're seeing now, plastic can be very destructive to life when it's used and disposed of irresponsibly. The filter in this case is being able to use plastic for its good without letting its harmful aspects get out of control.

How would you do it instead? Do you feel the same about federal elections, in which voters are grouped by state?

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I haven't used this extension before but it seems like what it does is find the URLs of active videos. You can do the same manually by F9(or right click > inspect) > Network > Media > Sort by size (larger files will probably be video). This will give you the URL of the video (same as if you right clicked and chose "open video in new tab", but some sites disable this).

This approach usually works for me, but many sites take steps to prevent it.

  1. Send several smaller video files. They basically cut it up into short videos so you can't access the whole thing at once. ffmpeg or a download manager (I use TurboDownloadManager) should be able to combine them relatively easily. Until recently, YouTube used this sort of method. The URL had a "range" tag that specified which frames of the video to show. Deleting this tag gave the whole video. They've since changed it and I don't know any similar tricks (just use yt-dlp for YouTube). Other sites may do something similar, like changing a number or keyword in the URL will get you the whole video.

  2. Serve a preview of a full video (that you have to pay for). Many sites have very similar URLs for free and paid videos. On some sites you might be able to guess what you need to change to get the full video. Some sites have their previews named "preview.mp4" whee the full vudeo is the same URL but named "video.mp4" or something like that. You can spend some time messing around if you find something like this, but really the chances of guessing correctly are pretty low.

  3. Encrypted keys. This is basically impossible to crack. Some URLs will have long strings of letters and numbers in them. I assume this is some sort of encrypted password that needs to match up for you to access the video. Don't even try with these ones.

TL;DR usually it'll work. Sometimes it won't but you might be able to get around it.

Also, yt-dlp works on much more than just YouTube. If I can't figure out how to download a video, I'll just give the URL (the webpage, not the direct video URL) to yt-dlp and it'll often work.

There's lots of stuff that could be considered innovation that is intentionally stifled due to competition laws or security concerns.

I agree that some innovation can be harmful. I guess what I meant was "we should avoid disincentivizing innovation unless necessary." The way I see it, though, job lots from automation is both inevitable and fairly easy to fix (as you said, UBI), so there's no reason to try to stop it from happening.

Really, I think automation should be encouraged. It frees people from usually-undesirable jobs and allows them time to pursue different careers or other interests. As long as we have ways to deal with the unemployment I think it's a huge positive for people.

they should have to continue paying taxes for those roles because the newly unemployed will need government support.

I fully agree that there will need to be a tax increase to cover support for the newly-unemployed, but why not make that a general increase on businesses and wealthy individuals? If anything, this would be and incentive for automation as a way to decrease rising business costs.

Innovation has removed jobs before, and we dealt with it. I don't see businesses being taxed for using computers instead of human calculators. I don't see why this innovation is different.

Yes, although I recommend against using /c/ because it doesn't actually link to the community. I also recommend against typing out the full URL (e.g. https://lemmy.ml/c/asklemmy) because it might cause issues for people in different instances.

The proper way to link to a community is !communityname@domainname.tld. For example, !asklemmy@lemmy.ml

The point is that GMT isn't changing, the region is switching to an entirely different time zone, BST (British Summer Time). If your time is based on GMT, it won't change due to British daylight saving time because GMT never changes.

For a similar example, in the part of the US that uses Mountain Time, states observe MST (Mountain Standard Time) in the winter, and most switch to MDT (Mountain Daylight Time) in the summer. However, Arizona doesn't observe daylight saving time, so they remain on MST. MST always stays the same (GMT-7), the time is only changing because the states are observing a different time zone. The same happens with GMT and BST, it's just harder to see because you can't pick out areas that remain on GMT all year.

Probably Sectograph. I've used it for a couple years and I like it a lot. You can even have it on your smart watch.

Screen record a video of the process? Then you'll have a video guide, plus you can take screenshots of the video for a written guide.

Yeah that's what I assumed, but saying "Epic servers don't support Linux" had me a bit confused.

Also, the game is still playable from steam as long as you bought it before it was moved to the epic store. Not trying to defend epic, if it was up to me it would still be on steam, but those people probably haven't had to move at all.

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Dude, what the fuck, you can't say that on the Internet!

You mean you can't play Rocket League on Linux at all? I haven't played recently but a couple months ago it worked for me totally fine through Heroic Launcher.

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Out of curiosity, are you using WiFi, and what frequency?

A little while ago I had an issue where my controller would interfere with my 2.4GHz WiFi and make my computer basically unusable for online games. This isn't really the same situation but I imagine something similar could happen in reverse.

Otherwise I've never had any issues with controller latency though. It's weird that it's so significant for you.

Did you look at the link posted? I've never seen a door handle like that, and I'm not even sure I would realize it was a lever if I saw it. It looks like a static part of the door to me.

I do agree that I'd probably end up pulling on it after some searching, but it wouldn't be the first place I'd go.

I wasn't talking about the electoral college at all, more about congressional elections, which are already decided by popular vote within voting districts and states. If we didn't group voters by location (in this case state) no individual state would have representation in Congress, instead just having Representatives elected by the country as a whole through a proportional representation system. I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing, but it would be a major change from what Americans are used to, so I was curious about people's opinions on it.

They actually had this in Europe and just discontinued it.

And for that reason I think it's important to only list gender on passports and other identification. But your birth certificate has nothing to do with that.