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Joined 1 years ago

Subs that are coming up with creative ways to protest is everything that is right with the internet. I hope more of them continue to make Lemmy/Kbin their new home. A lot of these mods are showing their true dedication and it's only deepening my appreciation for what we had (before Reddit irrecoverably broke itself). We seem to be in the bust of the social media boom/bust cycle. looking forward to things growing around here!

Just move your community to Lemmy or Kbin. It's not that hard.

No, it is that hard.

  1. You have hundreds/thousands of community members accustomed to a certain user experience that have to start that learning all over again when they move platforms.
  2. You have teams of moderators that have to learn a new set of tools for a new platform.
  3. Less content and inferior experience for everyone until there's headway made on 1 & 2.

Anyone whose worked on a team that had a management shakeup can appreciate this. Anyone who has a friend that refuses to migrate to windows 11 can appreciate this.

Tu quid dicis de me, putasne? Ego youll ' have vos scitis ego lectus summo genere meo In Classe Sigilla, et ego iam involved in Numerosis secretum excursionibus al-Quaeda, et ego super 300 confirmata necat. Ego sum summo orci pellentesque in agone totius US armati virium. Nihil mihi es, sed aliud scopum. Ego extergimus te irrumabo cum praecisione similia, quae numquam ante visa sunt In terra hac, mark fucking verba mea. Vos can adepto auferat putas dicere quod stercore mihi super Penitus? Cogita iterum, fucker. Ut loquimur arcanum meum retis exploratores trans USA contingentes et IP tuus nunc investigatur ut tempestatem, vermiculum melius paras. Tempestas, quae parum misellam delet, quam vitam tuam vocas. Fucking es mortuus, haedus. Alicubi esse possum, quolibet tempore, et te supra septingentos vias interficere possum, et nudis manibus iustum est. Non solum in armis late exercitatus sum, sed accessum habeo ad totam armamentarium Civitatum Americae Unitarum Marine Corps et eo utar ad plenam suam amplitudinem ut asinum tuum miserum faciem continentis abstergas, parum stercore. Et si cognovisses quid riderem tuum parum "callidus" comment erat adducere descendit super te, maybe vos would tenuit tua stupri lingua. Sed non poterat, non, et nunc erant ' solvente pretium, tu goddamn fatuus. Ego cacas in furore tuo, et in eo mergam te. Fucking es mortuus, kiddo

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HD-DVD encryption crack was published on Digg, and censored. Digg community got creative and kept exercising free speech (mugs with the encryption key on it and other types of posts with the encryption key somehow embedded in the content of the posts). https://yro.slashdot.org/story/07/05/02/0235228/diggcom-attempts-to-suppress-hd-dvd-revolt This old article from Slashdot sums it up, while the comments have a lot in common with the current Reddit controversy. History is repeating itself...

Upvoted for mentioning EEE. Meta has been really active in facilitating progress in the opensource community lately with their work on LLAMA, so I'm not surprised to hear they are involved elsewhere.

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F-droid and aurora store our great! I'd add xManager for Spotify, Wavelet, RethinkDNS, Mull, Bromite, Openboard, Frost, Aves. I like Insular as well so I can keep spammy apps kind of siloed off in a work profile. I keep my banking apps and shopping apps in Insular. I remember rooting android phones back in the day but I don't do that much tinkering anymore. The aforementioned apps do the trick!

The best place to store it is more than one place. No product can replace this essential procedure.

this. It was funny but it made things more fringe than they needed to be. Much easier to tell my coworker about powerwashingPics...

Piggybacking off this, I wouldn't just ask a direct manager whether he would vouch for you, I'd also ask for feedback on areas needing improvement too. You don't have to go into your next job with that same blind spot. Imagine being in a job interview and when they ask you about your "weak areas" you can respond, "I talked with my previous supervisor about this exact issue!" For the last half decade I've made a habit of asking for corrective feedback and taking performance reviews seriously. It's like the opposite of burning a bridge! My current and previous boss are happy to vouch for me!

I forgot this was a thing! hope it doesn't happen.