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Joined 1 years ago

That is some fine tuned measuring, my friend. Scientology Vs Mormonism. I appreciate you and your eye for detail.

That fucker never works! Sometimes I conclude it's malware but usually I just try and try and try. UI is messed up. Fingers don't do what I want. Screen is broken. Drives me mad!

At least it would help if you didn't oscillate between the two. Less evil, more evil, less evil, more evil. Pick less evil each time!

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Sometimes. And when they dont, there is no one to stop them. It's the age old problem of a wise despot. Just dressed in different clothes.

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Despot means you have absolute power. It doesn't mean you use it badly. It just means you have the potential to.

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Absolutely. There are limits and gray zones in everything. But sometimes you just have lying demagoges on one side and reasonable (but far from perfect and oftentimes really shitty) people on the other side. I wish more people could tell the difference.

There is a difference between spin and lies. Truth and false. Garbage and near-garbage.

And when they are no longer wise?

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Exactly. Which is why a despot is not wanted. Much better with a small revolution every now and again; i.e., an election.

Why bother. Version two is already available. Voyager 2 by NASA.

Upvoted because "ddged". Wonderful. 😊

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Why?! I dont get it. What kind of psychopath doesn't put the cap back on when empty. Who opens a bottle, throws the cap away, and chugs away?! How is this a problem? I'm just so baffled this was/is a problem.

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Me: Please let me know how many homeless people each church would need to host to help all the homeless people

ChatGPT: Each church in the United States would need to host approximately 1.87 homeless people to accommodate all the homeless individuals in the country.

That is truly absurd!

At least for EU residents, they are legally obliged to show what data they have on you and let you delete it. Should show well enough if they keep data for other non-EU people. At least if it turns out deleted content is still retained.

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Say hello to the light cone.


Amazing movie that everyone should watch.

Sweden. It's not for the current year but the previously declared incomes. Anyone can get them. Seems to work just fine.

All very true but missing one point. Most (all?) current "regular currency" is fiat (let it be done) with no backing except tax payments and government spending. Sure, that's not nothing but it's also not so much something.

Crypto, as fiat currency, has the value people ascribe to it. If it can be traded for goods and/or services, it has value. What value? Only time will tell.

Are you sure? Not saying you are wrong, I've just never heard about that or thought about it in those ways. Either way, in this scenarios it's not really public any more, is it?

Sharpener or edge-straightener?

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Upvoted because proper'ish use of 10 and one. :)

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Maybe "begs a question" but not "begs the question".


Today's PSA was brought to you by Novartis; bringing pills to people since 1422.

...or just buy Uber...


It did make sense, but I understand why it might not seem like it to "modern Americans". In fact, it's quite an interesting mental challenge of putting yourself in someone else's shoes.

We have a similar issue today in the EU. Do we base it one "one country, one vote" or on "one person, one vote"? Both sides of the argument is valid. Why would small countries join if they give up complete independence to the giants? I imagine the situation was very similar when the US was formed.

I think the flaw in the US system is they failed to forsee that states (or rather, people) would see themselves as one country and not a collection of countries. There should have been a time limit on the discrepancy of voting power.

Sure, for a hundred years, a state is where your loyalty, your feeling of self, your center is at. But as time moves on, you are less an Ohioian and more of s USian. Similarly, I would hope, you are less of a German and more of an EUian.

Neither blocks seem to have taken this into consideration but it makes it none the less true. Future generations paying the price for previous. Yada yada....

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It served its purpose though. It created a union.

I was just waiting for the n900 whining so that I could join in. Damn, I miss my n900. It had flaws but for its time, it was amazing. With a good CPU, I'd buy it today in a heartbeat.

So... YouTube Premium.

If true, I wish I could give you more than my sad one up-vote.

Short but to the point comment: at 22, you have more than 10 years to have children. Probably closer to 20. Release yourself from the invisible trap you are in.

Multitask. Listen to a podcast AND do what you are doing now. Can't be many people that sit down, focus and say "I'll now listen to a podcast and do nothing else".

Potassium is named after pot ash, if I remember correctly.

So very true. No-one seems to reason like this with other work areas.

Does anyone assume the office assistant that orders pens and notebooks to be able to, or expected to, fix any issue related to written down notes?

Does anyone assume the person incharge of keeping tools in a workshop to fix issues related to actually using the tools?

Does anyone assume the person responsible for chemicals in a lab to solve issues with s running experiment?

Does anyone assume that it is the chefs responsibility for you to know reasonable etiquette and not slurp your soups and wipe your mouth with with your tie?

There is a difference between supplying a working, correct tool and doing the work that uses it and I'm not even in IT....

But you want to actively not-accuse her...

Finally someone that commented with a keyword I could search for in my settings (Samsung). Thank you!

thank Mr. Skeltal

Sorry, I missed that. That's actually really interesting and the only good answer I've seen so far; people doing harm thinking they are doing good. Still hate it though... The cap gets in the way of drinking.

I'm sure many people will tell you the same: not voting for Biden is the equivalent of voting for Trump. Play it out in your minds eye; explaining to your children why you voted for Trump.

Always was.

Agreed. Check it out.

I understand that's the reason. My point it, I'm surprised and amazing this doesn't happen automatically already. I've never not put the cork back on a bottle when it was empty.