
1 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The neat and confusing thing about nix and flakes is that you don't need to be using the OS to benefit from using nix as a home manager/ package installer.

Fleek is a good example.

I think Flatpak or AppImages would be a more appropriate distribution method, as much as I love nix and flakes.

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Use SimpleLogin and Bitwarden for everything. I never use the same email or password anywhere and can turn off receiving emails from the source for each account.

Jafar in Twisted. So so good.

Isn't that from Lady and the Tramp? I think they did change those characters when they made the live action one.

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Nobara=mad respect to Glorious Eggroll

Bazzite is fucking cool because it uses the OCI framework. It is designed to be immutable and be run rootless(like SteamOS) so your base system just can't break. Everything is sandboxed against everything else by default. Using Fleek/Nix you can even run software from the cloud.

https://github.com/castrojo/awesome-immutable This is an excellent resource on immutable OSes.

Cheeky PS: You can overlay an OCI image of Nobara's enhancements onto Bazzite with something like this https://github.com/VinnyVynce/silvernobara

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Feeding into existential dread, studying philosophy and trying magic mushrooms. YMMV

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Is it as good as Grim Dawn?

What about privacy coins like Monero?

I would use Bazzite 100%. It's an atomic fedora spin that aims to replicate SteamOS. It has a KDE Nvida variant, and comes preinstalled with all of the gaming software and optimizations you need out of the box. All that is required to update it is a restart.

Just switch to X11 from Wayland after first boot and you're as good as gold. (If Wayland works fine with your card it may be a better option because I think it plays more nicely with BigPicture mode if you need that)

ARM as host??? There is hope yet for a PineBook Qubes image!

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Tor, i2p


(Now called "The She Gulls")

Very talented mathrock artist.

You mentioned LoL. Dota 2 is really fun if you guys haven't tried it, highly recommend. Biggest thing to get used to compared to LoL is the movement (most heroes have a turn speed)

No aim assist in DRG? Engineer with dual sentries and Loki Smart Rifle says hello.

Bazzite over Nobara everyday.

This is how I buy all of my single player games.

If anyone hasn't tried it, highly recommend 'demoing' Outer Wilds.

That is how Aether works.

Aether is a reddit alternative that I prefer to Lemmy honestly, however it is not being maintained.

I'm surprised to see monster hunter world up there over rise. Also D4 over Grim Dawn.

Is there a good Vita/3DS emulator?

I played Quake 4 when I was like 10. Didn't make it past the conveyor belt.

In an immutable setup on Fedora (trying to main Bazzite) is the correct way to use zsh and oh my zsh as my main shell to use rpm-ostree to install it, or should I be using distrobox or Nix/Fleek?

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Fallout 76.

The game is really fun now. Only downside is the monetization (subscription model for infinite storage space)

Even better with friends in my opinion.

I still mine Ergo. It's a PoW smart contract platform (like Ethereum) but it's UTXO like (Bitcoin or Monero).

Lots to like about the chain. I turn some of my mined ERG into SigUSD (algorithmic stablecoin) and then loan it to a lending pool. Currently make 94%APR in USD that way. Been like that for several months.

You grow more love with every precious moment you share with each child.

Cherry Lime Gatorlyte (the white one)

So refreshing. A couple sips on a hot day and I feel rehydrated.

Is is possible to overclock Nvidia cards using Wayland or xwayland?


Same boat here.

I think it has to do with the config file for firmware.

These work perfectly on any chromium browser like Brave fyi.

Do you use ReVanced with the default Play Music app? What are the advantages?

Fair point about it being a potential waste of resources as Aether is unmaintained.

What specifically sound like crap to you? Attempting to shoehorn Aether into Lemmy somehow? Just asking for clarity :)

Just tried it and am liking it more than the Jerboa app. Any other webapp solutions?

Very fair point, and all perfect examples of the value of circumstantial censorship.

To Aether's credit: something can't be both ephemeral and unremovable; being ephemeral suggests that it will be removed automatically given enough time. To my understanding: the moderation policy on Aether prevents users from downloading content that moderators have hidden. It is only if a user goes out of their way to view hidden content that they risk exposure to it.

If federation from Aether to Lemmy were technically possible, surely it would be within the capabilities of Lemmy to only pull and display data that the moderators of an Aether instance deem appropriate. It would of course be up to any Lemmy server host whether they accept the federation, and if they feel the need to blacklist any Aether communities.

You could pass through one GPU to a VM running zoom if you wanted to get hardcore.

Doesn't P4G have a PC port?

Can I overclock in Wayland on a 3090 with those drivers?

That's the only thing tieing me to X11.