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Joined 1 years ago

Hi there! Just another refugee rebelling over silly power trips.

....can we just skip to the part where Amazon pays less than a fractional percent of their profit in fines and then proceeds with business as usual? I just feel like the charade has grown tiresome at this point.

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Thank you for fighting a good fight. You're far better than 98% of the boot-consuming power trippers that folded the moment it looked like they might lose their paper throne. Welcome home.

I mean, honestly, this is a rather unfair assessment.

It's not just our jail system. It's pretty much the entire judicial system at every step of the way, from a traffic stop to eventual execution.

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This and almost every other tech subscription style "service" are one of the most maddening things to come out of the tech sector. The need for profit is absolutely out of control.

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Can we please all just admit that he's guilty of treason and charge him accordingly at this point? Between undermining the entire political system with his bullshit insurrection as AND keeping hold of documents that our enemies would pay to see, I'm not sure anyone could make a solid argument that he's what we're looking for in a citizen.

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And yet, they're 10th in line holding their hands out for federal funding. Seems like it's time to shut off the tap and see how strong their disgusting ass convictions are.

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This is kind of what happens when you have a group that is explicitly anti-education. I don't want to come off as elitist, but when there's a vacuum in your brain, it's surprisingly easy for it to get filled with nonsense. Small children believe everything you tell them.

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Thanks. I appreciate that.

Now do politicians.

Why is anyone voting Republican anymore? I seriously don't get it. This is the party that literally wants to defund education and sell all of your rights to corporate greed.

And now they want to destroy democracy. And realistically have wanted to for decades.

It just seems like it would be an impossible sell, but here we are.

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As someone from the states, sometimes I'm shocked by how non-progressive the US is.

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We can't... Charge for crimes that have been committed and televised with millions of witnesses? Isn't that almost entirely the point of the justice system?

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Holy crap. He seriously has the most punchable looking face I've seen in months.

I am just so damn sick of every CEO.

What are you going to feed them with?

Now.... Do the other 49 states.

It sounds sort of like Elon Musk, a private citizen, just committed conspiracy to perpetuate war crimes. That's a pretty serious accusation with grave penalties that is somehow not being prosecuted.

This would be beautiful.

Is dying? That's actually a really optimistic take. Nice work, all.

I don't know about that. Google is evil for sure, but I haven't read anything about their factory workers leaping from buildings to escape life.

Who knows at this point? With this level of advanced capitalism, it's getting kind of difficult to identify truly ethical corporations.

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Ok, calm down there, commie. Maybe you'd better go check in with your "family" and your "adequate housing". The rest of us are here to make money.... For other people.

And sometimes we'll go ahead and kill you if it's demonstrable that you can comprehend neither the crime committed or the sentence carried out.

Yeah.... they've worked hard and accomplished a lot. They definitely need a lil break.

Or.... maybe development costs have just gotten stupidly high? There are a lot of great indie games for a few bucks that pack a heck of a lot more fun and experimentation than a lot of the cookie cutters garbage coming out of a lot of big studios lately. I'm honestly sick of every facet of my life trying to bleed me dry of any spare cent I get.

Would you be willing to share what you mean by this? I would love to get someone's take

I'm curious. Will you explain? Economically, I'm not really aware of anyone else outperforming in any metric used to measure this growth. Millions of us are suffering, but the upper echelons are definitely feasting

It's something. I was honestly hoping for a count of inciting an insurrection.

Just ..... You already know what you have to eat to mitigate this horror. And it ain't plants, friend.

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Free market??? What the hell world are you living in?

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I'm definitely cancelling Hulu and Disney+ this month to avoid their pending increases.

I'm probably making moves to cancel Amazon prime before the add thing. I've been feeding that beast for far too long. : /

Were you around in 1989 when Exxon basically destroyed Prince William Sound with an iceberged oil tanker through a comically evil set of circumstances including a possibly drunken captain, faulty equipment which languished for months, promised equipment that was never installed, and a total lack of planning for contingency? They dumped like 11 million gallons of oil and were assigned massive punitive damages of 5 billion bucks?

....and then it got appealed all the way to the supreme court, where it got busted down to 500 million spread over a time which actually allowed them to see profitability for causing one of the largest ecological disasters in history.

I don't mean to sound jaded, and I truly appreciate your optimism. But the deck is no less stacked thirty years later and our political system is still bought and paid for. Let's roll the dice and hope you come out on top of this one, friend. I'll cheer alongside you.

I appreciate you.

Noooo. Sorry. Just a regular brute, I fear . I do comprehend sentence structure.

How the hell are we taking so many steps backwards as a species? "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"

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In all seriousness, fuck Google. These pieces of garbage have completely abandoned their Don't be Evil motto and have become full-fledged supervillains.

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Did you even read the explanation part of the article???

Thanks for the grammar correction while ignoring literally all context though. You certainly put me in my place milord.

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