
1 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You think we should just destroy millions of dollars worth of cutting edge internet architecture which aids rural communities have usable internet globally because you don’t like the guy who paid for it? Seriously?

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Bing chat is actually really good. Way better than Bard. It’s legit just ChatGPT with web access

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While Apple may not be perfect when it comes to privacy, they are objectively better for privacy than just about every other manufacturer as it’s profitable to their business model

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Dude, watch the video. This wasn’t done by Apple. It was modded by ELO, a company which is still around today. They made it for shopping centre payment stations and other similar use cases. And frankly, from the looks of it in the video, it worked just as well as they do today (which is to say mediocre at best).

I don’t use Bing search (who would?). But Bing chat is honestly really good

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It depends where you are. Apple Maps gets its data from different places depending on where you are. If you’re in any place with Apple’s “new map” which is data collected and maintained by Apple themselves, Apple Maps will be pretty dang good! Better than Google in most cases. This includes places such as the U.S., UK, Australia, France, Spain and many more. In some larger cities such as San Francisco, London, Melbourne, Paris and more, Apple Maps has a dataset (also collected and maintained by Apple) called the detailed city experience. This is pretty comfortably the most detailed map available and is super good! In other countries it’s hit or miss. The data will either come from Tom Tom, OSM, or a local provider. Sometimes this data is super good, sometimes it’s average, and sometimes it kinda sucks. But that’s all just the actual map bit. When it comes to locations on the map, chances are, Google will have more information. Personally, I prefer using Apple Maps (I’m in a location with the detailed city experience) but you’d have to have a look. Feel free to tell me your region if you’d like to know what data they have where you live

Recommendation: add Vinegar for all the Apple (iOS, macOS, iPadOS) users. It’s suuuuper good

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Side loading has absolutely nothing to do with privacy. My main point is that Apple is more privacy friendly than others

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That’s actually pretty cool!

I know Apple’s developing their own LLM which will hopefully be used in Siri. There’s no guarantee, but I can’t think it would be too hard to add Bard into Google Assistant. Cortana on the other hand was canceled by Microsoft and is being replaced by Bing chat. I believe Amazon is also stopping the Alexa development

Dude, calm down. It helps people. It’s faster than a lot of landline internet. And it’s good for more than just rural communities. Now personally, it doesn’t affect me at all. I live in a big city. But that doesn’t mean it’s not useful. There are plenty of people living rurally who can afford this too. Living away from people doesn’t make you poor lol. What kind of an idea is that? It’s not “absolutely shit” it’s an incredibly useful technology that can improve the lives of many. Now don’t get me wrong. Spake debris is an important issue that needs to be solved. But that doesn’t mean we should just scrap every space project lol. That’s like saying “argh, there are so many cars on the road. We should just get rid of them all because they could crash”. That’s not a solution. Starlink satellites are also designed to fall back to earth, and burn up on re-entry. Which obviously doesn’t just solve the problem but it’s an improvement and an important step

I think I agree

I couldn’t load anything on Mlem for a few minutes but other than that it’s just been slow for me

Currently on the Sonoma beta

Yes, I know. That’s what I said. Legit means legitimately

Regardless of that, Apple has at the very least put effort into adding privacy features. Google on the other hand is literally the company that does the advertising. Google’s main business is advertising. I said very clearly that Apple may not be perfect, but they’re objectively more privacy focused than others whether that’s for your gain or theirs

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Despite what the other guy said, this is not Bard. This is available in Google’s new search labs (just search it up) if you’re using chrome and in the U.S. I got it working in Safari in Australia using a VPN and changing the user agent when on the correct site though.

They do, but it’s like 4 bucks and is well worth it imo

I’ve been using it in safari for ages already by just changing my user agent, a feature built into safari (and chrome, but it’s far more difficult to get to. Best just get an extension). For anyone wondering, if you go into Safari settings and enable developer tools, you can just click on the developer menu in Safari and choose edge as your user agent for that session.

Idk why you’re being downvoted. You’re completely right

Apple sells a US$429 phone. I’m just saying the middle of Apple’s range, at a similar price to Samsung’s, has up to 512gb of storage

The old remote as in the one that’s probably around 7 years old? There are two Siri Remotes. A glass one with just a track pad and some buttons and an aluminium one with a circular trackpad that also has physical navigation buttons and the rest of the buttons. Both have Siri

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The S23+ isn’t exactly Samsungs flagship model but I can definitely see your point. It’s the same on Apple’s side. It’s there on the mid range. Just not on the low range

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Thanks mate!

Yeah, I actually use DDG if I ever need a search engine. I love the !bang feature so much

In safari, I can’t recommend the fizzy water bundle enough (extension) or at least baking soda (which comes in the bundle). The extensions are super cheap and are well worth it imo but one of the features of baking soda is to stop videos from auto playing

You’re absolutely right. That is a very important distinction to make. One which I think should be more actively emphasised. There are absolutely people who hate people for being religious. Definitely want to clarify to make it clearer what is meant

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I use my iPhone extensively and it consistently lasts me all day. The iPhone 11 Pro came with a 20w charger in the box (although admittedly they removed the power adapter from the 12)

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Well said! I think I agree with pretty much all of that

Honestly, it’s so annoying. Netflix has started getting really bad and not just because of their refusal to integrate into the TV app

I’m a Mlem guy myself. I like a well designed and native (Swift on Apple platforms) UI. I’ve been absolutely loving it! I can’t say I used Liftoff for very long when I was testing as I ruled it out due to its non native UI relativity quickly haha. But as far as apps go, it looked alright. Just not for me. It sounds like there are many out there loving it (Liftoff)!

I meant it’s there on Apple’s mid range. The one right before the flagship

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I’ve been jumping between Mlem and Memmy. I prefer Mlem (especially after their update today) but for now, Memmy is more stable so I use it when Mlem is being buggy

Why don’t you just back things up through iCloud or Google Drive?

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Aw, dang. That’s annoying

Ah, I see. Well to explain what I mean, I was saying that the message he was converting could be misinterpreted and imo it should be stated more prominently what he actually means so that he doesn’t sound like one of these people. For the record, I am specifically referring to the last part of his message

Personally, I just like to AirPlay YouTube videos from Safari with an ad blocker to my TV whenever I want YouTube on it. So that’s one work around if you ever need it

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Reasonable enough

Y’know, I honestly really liked that remote too. Although I will say, after using, I like Gen 2 as well. When I hear “the old remote” though, I think of the ancient one without the trackpad that legit just had navigation buttons haha

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Completely agree