
1 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

wait they paid 325 millions in 2022 for Redbox???


How they thought they could have a return on that investment??!

I really hate this kind of headlines

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Surprised that they didn’t remove it earlier

At $42k per month I would have removed/disabled it immediately

Why would I need to pay that kind of money to let my users to post on your social where you’re monetizing it with ads and using the content to increase user engagement? Should be the opposite! The social network paying the game console maker in order to get preferential treatment and prominent share buttons

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Imagine how easy is the life of law enforcement now.

Before if they seized a laptop encrypted with bit locker they could not do anything.

Now they just need to ask Microsoft the encryption password, which is automatically and silently saved in the Microsoft account (now mandatory) and they can have all the history of what the subject of the investigation did in the past years

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If i remember right it was also "free to register but insanely expensive to renew once they start to see traffic"

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Hey it takes effort to make a WebView for mail.proton.com

They need to see how to package the dedicated browser for all the different distros and operating systems, make a nice icon and so ok. It takes hours

They should sell this masterpiece for much more

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3 months ago?

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Passwords are safer than unsecured accounts

O, Rly?

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He stole lots of Bitcoin by hacking silk road. One day someone stole a part of them (20 out of 50000) and he called the police which basically said though luck.

Meanwhile the us government was investigating on the theft and they noticed that he accidentally converted $800 from the stolen $3 billions using his real name.

They showed up at his home really friendly saying they're investigating about the Bitcoin theft and he opened everything. Unlocked his PC, showed them all the stash, then the liutenant specified which Bitcoin theft was investigating. Officers immediately placed a jigger on the unlocked PC to prevent automatic inactivity lock, guy was arrested.

Unfortunately the guy was one of the og Bitcoin devs in 2009 so he is filthy rich, got one year of prison for the crime of stealing those 3 billion dollars.

The us government said that anyone can ask back the stolen Bitcoin but nobody applied because those were dirty funds coming from the sales of drugs

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It's going to be very annoying to find new cracks every week

It doesn’t make automatically a good news, for example there's a billionaire who took private ownership of an once famous social network and ran it to the ground completely annihilating its purpose

I saw middle school students preferring to type a report on a fucking touchscreen rather than a pc with keyboard “because in this way is faster”. Then for some reason they share a fucking screenshot of the document instead of just attaching that to the email

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They’re testing to embed the ads in the stream and not the usual switch to a different video

It definitely affects third party client if now they get a file of a video that now has 30 seconds of ad content at the beginning

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Under screenshots of his tweets it must put also one the source. With him and trump i could never understand if it was a fake edited tweet or a real deranged tweet

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Usually they use voip, spoofing an American phone number

I’m also be seeking for a 1 billion payout

At least my product is working as intended

All the reviews says that the incredibly expensive monitor has that micro texture on the glass that will impregnate with finger oils making it extremely hard to clean. So when a client touches your screen (because clients always need to physically touch your screen when they need to prove their point) it will leave a permanent mark on it. So "pro"

It happens the same on android for some reason

Like 5-8 years ago the google assistant app was able to select and copy text from any app when invoked, I think it was called “now on tap”. Then because they’re google and they’re contractually obligated to remove features after some time, they removed this from the google app and integrated it in the pixel app switcher (and who cares if 99% of android users aren’t using a pixel, they say). The new implementation sucks, as it does ocr instead of just accessing the raw text…

It only works fine with us English and not with other languages. But maybe it’s ok as it seems that google’s development style is us-centric

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I hate them so much when they do that. “I don’t know how to export pdf” - yet you know how to make screenshots which is a “secret” key combination that’s written NOWHERE on the ui.

How it’s possible that they think that’s ok to send four separate emails (separate emails because they click on the screenshot preview on the bottom of the screen and share that) with a screenshot of each page instead of just the file? How they don’t think “wait, is it possible that there isn’t a better way?”

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Ai bros couldn't just use ai faces? They really had to steal identities?

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But in this case it was the EU themselves that wanted the backdoors so badly that they ran lobbying ads on xitter "omg can you think of the children"

Something that can also happen: require Facebook login with some excuse, then blackmail the creeps by telling "pay us this extortion or we're going to send proof of your creepiness to your contacts"

I especially hate how it ruins the df -h command. Install a dozen snaps and it becomes unreadable

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From the posted fix it looks like the client was buggy and stopped uploading new files for months; newer version checked if they were actually uploaded and if not, removed. If that's true and it happened to me i couldn't trust google drive anymore. Maybe just to host a backup of a backup

For a vim user it's going to cause panic.

Copy and paste suddenly become illogical keybindings like ctrl+c and ctrl+v

For closing the program you have to press a very weird X instead of the much more natural :wq

And so on

I know too many people like that and I hate them

“I’m no expert so I will dismiss this dialog without reading it” - “it gives me error but because I’m not expert I’m not going to read it” - “it says something but you need to come here to read it - no, I’m unable to read it because I’m not expert”

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It has become a competition for who has the biggest bonnet

Nice so I can remap it to something useful… unless they’re jerks and the keyboard isn’t sending a key but a combo like that useless “office” key that they tried and failed years ago

.dev was stupid from the beginning due to how many local domains like that...

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They don't know that killing an activist only raises the awareness? Until now i never heard about khalistan

I used kubuntu for an year on an old ProBook and I just assumed that the trackpad buttons were broken and sent a double click.

I discovered this issue only today lol

And from 2026 thanks to Microsoft it will raise more as I can’t possibly imagine everyone buying new computers just for windows 11

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I think it was windows 98 that introduced "hovering on an item" = single click and single click = double click. Disabled by default of course

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Save a few thousands for incorporation fees also some bs experience that you can use to boast to vc investors

When you literally put your life in the hands of a pathological liar

HP is reportedly one of the companies that Humane was in talks with over a potential sale

They didn’t learn the lesson with webos? They lost billions even if that was a good os with good phones.

Can’t imagine anyone wanting to buy this company for more than 1million and that’s just because of patents and devs (acquihire - where the buyer is only interested in ip and devs and doesn’t care at all about the actual product)

Recall for a Tesla: send an ota update and the user doesn't even notice it

Recall for other brands: send a snail mail letter asking to give the car to a dealer for an unspecified amount of time in order to do a replacement

With usb cable most of people doesn’t even know where to start. They have no idea of where the document is saved. Plugging the phone to the computer doesn’t show a “recent files” list but the whole directory hierarchy. Maybe they even used some proprietary note taking app that doesn’t create a file and they don’t realize that

But my company with 20k employees use it. It's kind of interesting in our context

I wonder what we're going to do. Don't tell me that the reason that the MDM has installed MS teams on my work phone is related to this news...

They changed it, in the beginning it was using the text and not ocr

For example this app could be set as assistant and get the raw text https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.weberdo.apps.copy

But only the app set on system as assistant can do it

I was very disappointed when they changed it around 2018 as it produced garbage in my language when it was working so good…