
8 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not going well but I am not without hope either.

My mom didn't get approved for social assistance so I'm crunching numbers on our budget for the next month or so.

Brought out the instant pot and made some nice black beans, which I turned into black bean burgers. 😋

Switched from Pop OS to Linux Mint, liking the experience so far. Not as cute as Pop OS was, but I like the interface and the battery alerts and sound effects. So it's not bad.

Not really.

I like witchy stuff but only if its considerable to placebos. A rose quartz bracelet, for example, might not be scientifically going to attract love and good fortune---but its cute and makes me happy, so who knows, THAT might help.

If I had to choose a religion though, I'd probably go with one of those polytheist religions because ever since I was a kid and first went to a church camp, I decided that a singular "God" scares the shit out of me. I basically considered "God" too overpowered and decided that wasn't for me.

Using drawing as an example, because that's what I'm used to:

The problem (or good thing) with art is that it's definitely a matter of mindset that lets you improve. See, everyone is a beginner at art!

There's no such thing as an artist that doesn't need to practice. Every artist has to practice gestures, figure drawings, environmental drawings, all those fundamentals that pop up in beginner courses. Eventually, they start to learn shortcuts. They start to memorize specific ways of drawing the torso bent a certain way that pops up in their art a lot. These shortcuts speed up their art, makes it seem like they're a master, but...

They're still beginners. They're skilled, but they're still in the beginning of their journey, because art is a life-long journey. It's something you constantly improve at, constantly decline, constantly go on a roller coaster of failures after failures and success after success.

A beginning itself isn't a failure. Actually, the majority of failed art isn't a failure, because hey---your observation skills are good enough that you know whats wrong in your mind, you just have to figure out the way to get there and improve.

Some people are good at the artist mindset, and some people aren't. It's not a matter of talent, beginners vs pros, so forth. It's just a matter of how you think of self-improvement and how you cope with things.

Having just a teensy bit of a nervous breakdown reevaluating my life choices the night before a job interview.

Gonna try to get to sleep, though.

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I understand that people have different point of views and all, but I don't understand how a person can, in their right mind, look at a side bar that says "trans and sex worker inclusive" and then post a radfem blog post that manages to simultaneously insult...well, everyone?

I mean, lets start with the fundamental problem of this post: in this post women with vaginas are implied to be too stupid, too docile to possibly want sex with a penis or anything shaped like one. The act is too violent, after all. Ignoring the ton of female dominants, or people who started experimenting before they learned about sex (brush handles can sometimes come in a phallic shape), or the fact that lesbians often enjoy dildos due to the fact that....vaginas just. Are made for that shape. Look at your fingers long enough, and it's phallic!

Not only that, but this poster claims that all their own PIV sexual intercourse was rape by their own definition and it's so insulting. Are you trying to tell me that a child who got raped is in the same category as a consenting adult women? Get out of here and go sit in corner, because clearly you're too stupid for sex.

My mother got put back on her disability benefits and now I'm hunting down apartments for us to live in to get out of a bad housing situation that we were stuck in because it was cheap and we only had one income.

Got two viewings this week.

After roughly five hours of phone calls, on Friday I somehow managed to get a lead on getting my mother back on social assistance. We have an appointment tomorrow for her to apply. I'm hoping that the application actually goes through and we don't once again get told to screw off.

I'm gonna be exhausted this week!! I have so many appointments.

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Oh definitely. Let's talk about adhd for a second.

So first of all, everyone assumes the only issues it causes is with work and schooling. Once it affects your daily life, That's when allies start to eye you weirdly. Sorry, what do you mean that you can't do laundry right now because of "executive dysfunction"---even kids can do their chores if their parents bug them enough!

Secondly, resources are slim. Books are targeted towards teenagers in school, parents and their unruly kids, parents and their gifted kids...but there sadly isn't as many books on adult ADHD unless it's an organization book!

Next, let's talk about the depression and stress it causes. No one clues into that. Free therapy in my province is targeted towards warped thinking, which is great and all but doesn't help at all when it comes to adhd. I'm not necessarily depressed because I thought of the bad things that are going to happen--I'm depressed because I can't physically bring myself to do something productive right now. It's executive dysfunction, not sadness.

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I think I just reported your post not realizing it had a short cut on my keyboard, but in reality I do appreciate the post!!!! I'm Sorry!

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OHH yeah it just popped up again as I was typing this. Thank you for the information lmfao I didn't want to bug the mods by sending them false reports.

Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rails.

Genshin Impact successfully had my attention for over five hundred days. It's a regularly updated game that can be played entirely F2P, and I love that concept. Anyone who claims that you have to whale to get good at the game is wrong. You just have to play the game and ignore that some Youtubers and Twitch Streamers seem to believe that fake big numbers are the only way to improve in that game. In reality, I've watched streamers ignore that, and instead opt to play with their favorite romantic pairing or favorite character because they just enjoy the game more that way.

Honkai Star Rails seems to be a similar concept, however it faces a dilemma where it is a turn-based game and as a result the battle mechanics, so far, have to be more carefully considered. For example, I run a defense-healer-single attack-AOE attack team. So far, I tend to die if I don't do that. The gameplay is more simplistic than Genshin Impact, but the battles are stronger and tend to take longer. Bright side: because it was recently launched you get a bunch of free pulls! Yeah!

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Oh, sounds a little bit like me.

I am genderqueer/nonbinary. Specifically, my gender identity tends to fluctuate between agender and female. I am "comfortable living life as a woman", but I often look at more androgynous folk and wonder: "Could that've been me, if I made a few different life choices?"

I can't confirm what your identity is for sure. But I can say that there's at least one other big person (I'm rather overweight, which tends to affect my dysphoria because there's no hiding these curves 🤷) that experiences something similar, if you want to explore looking up nonbinary identity.

Reading through the docs rather slowly, but one important thing that I seem to be understanding is that you want to be something like...your own little community that takes a more mindful approach to curated content into consideration, eventually leading to potentially doing good in the world, so forth. Kinda activist-y?

I think that's all perfectly valid. It's not Reddit, and that's okay. Sadly I do think I'll have to go looking for some place else since I feel like this implies I won't have a place to talk about silly little anime shenanigans anytime soon, but I want to say this: It's super duper cool what you're all doing. You've been stormed by Reddit and you're sticking to your core beliefs, despite that.

I hope you all cultivate a good community for yourself!

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I notice injustice, I just don't often do anything about it because of my anxiety disorder, which makes me cry myself to sleep for six hours.

The library has a second floor dedicated to more books. There's an elevator. There's even a water fountain instead of a bag of plastic cups by the bathroom sink!!

Sally's Baking Addiction - really enjoy the pumpkin bread. might make it again once pumpkin is in season once more. Budget Bytes Many of the recipes are adaptable to Southern Ontario prices. Add a few dollars for estimation and you're golden. Cooking On a Bootstrap - I really like the concept of it, but I haven't quite made any recipes just yet.

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Oh I meant I doubt there's going to be something like an anime community or little sub communities for different things? Unless there might be. I just remember someone asking about that and getting a negative reply once..?

Unless y'all are cool with us discussing these things in the bigger communities, I'd be fine with staying in that case. Might be a little confused over here, it's been a long day haha.

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Oh dang thank you for letting me know! I definitely missed that.

Jam the Housnail.

I thought for the longest time it was a fever dream. That it didn't exist. I could never find it anything related to the godforsaken thing on any Canadian channels list of cartoons they aired. My family thinks I am joking when I mention how horribly this show plagued my thoughts over this years, but I had been searching for a decade.

Anyway apparently it's from Japan and I probably watched it on Veoh or something, because it's on my anime list now and I finally found out what it was called last year.


Oh that's good to hear! I was just worried the endgame goal was a little more serious than I tend to be.

I recommend "211.ca" (seems to have a states equivalent but I'm not sure of the website url) for Canadian people as a general resource. I was previously facing homelessness and while I ended up solving my issues with a message on a roommate app, I ended up coming up with an entire plan through the 211 website in the scenario I ended up on the streets. Homeless shelters, soup kitchens, places I can get first/last months rent loans, so forth.

There's even a section dedicated to LGBTQ resources.

Oh yeah, it's definitely more than just attention issues in class. Fun trivia: we have a high comorbidity rate with bipolar disorder. Did you know that? Our emotional dysregulation tends to be so bad that people with ADHD keep getting diagnosed with bipolar. How is that school based? What does that have to do with homework? Nothing! Yet, everyone acts like ADHD is just something that interferes with homework! It's frustrating.

Genshin Impact.

Listen. I understand that the entire thing was hyped up upon release. It was, after all, a gamechanger for mobile gacha games. We went from turn-based games to things like Honkai Star Rail and Tower of Fantasy and of course, Genshin Impact. Honkai Impact 3rd existed, but it wasn't quite the same as these ones.

However. Despite the hype, there was a problem that made me reluctant to play it.

I really suck at gacha games. Every gacha game before then I would drop within what, 6 days? I love the characters, love the story, hate the game.

So imagine my surprise when I logged into my settings the other day and found out that oh, It's now been over 500 days logged, lmao. I've taken breaks from it once in a while, but I haven't quit it yet. What have I become?

KDE Connect means that I can ping my phone that's usually presumably somewhere behind my bed or on a counter somewhere, without having to sheepishly walk to the nearest person and ask "can you call my phone I lost it :c"

Thank you for this post! With the prices of meat skyrocketing we are considering more vegetarian meals but we've been struggling with carb-heaviness. Hopefully I can find something good in these cookbooks that can make up for it.

I love visual novels but I'm so bad at playing them. I keep buying them because I love to support the industry, but they tend to be hours and hours long so I don't finish them, aha.

The last one I played through a route on was "Life After Magic" which is a pretty relatable queer VN about a Sailor Moon expy who dropped out of high school and ended up in a dead-end job, having to reunite with her friends / potential love interests. I'd like to finish this one because I know you can date the villain in one route.

Definitely not dissing pancake mix. That there is the holy baking mix. My mother likes to make them in cupcakes cups in the microwave and eat them later.

(I will however insist that the specific brand of canned peas that pop up where I live are really gross)

Also, won't lie, it is fascinating to meet another person who eats raw noodles out of the box. I thought that was just me!!!

The black beans sound yummy and so does that fried rice. Thank you for commenting with your recipes!

Genshin Impact occasionally has little stealth missions where you have to sneak by guards.


It took me a few seconds to figure out what the heck just popped up on the side of my screen, haha! Thank you for the potatoes.

Out of curiosity do you find that neocities is easy to set up for a beginner? I'd like to get into blogging that I don't have to worry about getting comments on. Something where I can just ramble on a bit about how things went that day, what I learned, and then post and never touch it unless I want to reread that day's entry.

Ooh I didn't know there was a database for interactive fiction! Thank you!

Surprisingly, I installed Calibre on Linux and for some reason it just looks...better on Linux? Not sure if its because it opened up in default dark mode or what, but it doesn't look as ugly when I'm using it on Pop_OS. Feels at home, really.

I will say its definitely a beast. I've used it a few times but I never really went in depth with it's features. I'm definitely liking the bulk tag editing, the shop search (I've been looking for a way to search DRM-free books and it has it!), and the default tags. The last one is mainly because I think getting a tag called "mentally ill women" for The Yellow Wallpaper is a little funny.

No bonus points - Air fryer potatoes with oil on it to make it nice and crispy

Yes bonus points - black bean burgers. It's breadcrumbs, warmed black beans that got cooled down, and an egg to make it stick together. That's healthy.

Oh good timing! I was trying to install Jellyfin and I've been having....issues trying to set it up without Reddit, lmfao.

I've instinctively typed in "how do i do so-and-so reddit" in my search like a fool a few times, but I'm pretty sure I'm staying on Beehaw for now. It's nice. It's comfy. I've only seen both literal and figurative unwanted dicks like, one time. It be a winner in my books.

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Oh sure!! Sorry bout that, I read in the description that self help and betterment also counted for the community so I was a little excited haha;;

Got bipolar disorder, so yes, I understand completely.

You'd THINK that being diagnosed with something that is prone to giving you depression would make you clue in quicker, but it doesn't. "Nah, can't be that."

Personally, as someone who is unemployed the closest thing I have to a routine tends to happen in the morning. Everyday the first thing I do is wake up and take my medicine, then make breakfast. After that I tend to check my bank for any surprises, see if I have any emails that are important (on weekdays I check a few times a day), and backlog read Discord communities that I mod for.

After that everything I do for the day tends to depend on my energy levels, but I do try to get lunch made by 1pm, and dinner ready by 5-6pm.

Wasn't permanent but there was a brief few minutes where I didn't have anything pop up in the subscribed communities, ---refreshing it then gave me that "we're working on the site" bug page. Back to normal now!

Doesn't seem to be a major issue, but figured I'd mention it in case that pops up for anyone else.

I am currently using Linux Mint! I love it, especially as someone who can't afford fancy things like 70 dollar games or expensive software. I'm enjoying going through recommendation lists to see what I can use in lieu of Windows softwares.

Initially, the gaming was also what made me avoid doing it, but... I can't play triple AAA games on my laptop anyway because I don't have a GPU, lmao. The only game I play regularly is on my phone and can be single player.

I don't play MMO like I did as a teen, so there's no point in worrying about that either. I have some visual novels I might not be able to play right now, but I play games at such a slow rate that I can just put them on my backlog for when they do work.

Currently, I'm playing through my backlog of older games like Trails in the Sky which work decently. Emulation also works great on it!

Fetishes are fun, while reconsidering your morals is not.

It isn't even exclusive to us. Many times, when someone is "in the mood", they just go for what they're in the mood for without thinking about it in the moment. They can look at all the erotica they want, and then experience self-hating guilt afterwards for a good five minutes, and then repeat the same thing next Tuesday.