@WIZARD POPE💫@lemmy.world
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Joined 7 months ago

And the bird was just like yeah sure that seems like a thing sausage would do.

I would but all the cancer samsung packs into their goddamn OS is just too much.

8 more...

Delusions of former grandeur when they had a coastline.

I mean it is actually 8 years old now. The image seems to be 3 years old by now.

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The fact that breaking a wall to get into the house is even a viable option honestly baffles me as a person living outside the US

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Because there are so many god damn samsung apps installed that cannot be removed easily. Also their settings are abhorent looking and disorganised.


Kartoffelsalat Moment

Isnt this basically the plot of Alamut?

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Yeah but not that many samdungs are supported by lineage officially.

Jfc. That is utter insanity

Maybe too basic for you but the ATH-M50X bluetooth has served me well for mlre than 5 years and the only complaint I have is the faux leather comming off.

Ah okay so it is basically just a debit card. You see the terminal say for example 30€ and once you authorise that the 30€ are transferred from your account to theirs.

Unless there is some big difference between giro and debit cards.

It appears giro cards are just debit cards that basically only work on POS terminals and ATMs.

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Not sure what you mean exactly but yes debit cards usually have a PIN. You have to use it anytime you interact with an ATM or you insert the card into the POS. The only time PIN isnt needed is when the POS has The option for contactless payment. Then it is witout PIN until I think 50€. But at least my bank you can block the card from the banking app if you get the card stolen.

Because those 6 hours really matter that much on a scale of 3 years?

Drowning has to be towards the bottom of my list of ways to die

15 more...

Yeah I just watched it and it seemed off. Almost like the mrwhosetheboss touring a fucking prison a while back.

15 more...

Is this jist edited or is it a satire account?

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Yet another reason piracy is right and just

Love how they just call everything racism

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Store 3 new AAA games?

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One european nation disliking the other: racism

Actual racism: is fine

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98% of miners quit before striking diamonds in plato's cave

The guy in top right hasn't loaded in his animations yet

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Either way he still looks realer

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Same reason you can feel when you need to pee. It's not the dick itself that actually controls the fluids.

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Where is the flower pot?

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Being twins really got in their head huh.

The hearts. Real men wear skulls and guns and violence on their underwear. None of this wussy love and that.

/s if not obvious

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I am so glad I switched to linux for 95% of my tasks and only need to boot windows once per month

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Pommegranate and orange flavours slap

It does literally compare it to that whole debacle in the article

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Sheesh their mom seems so done with them. Also yeah the saying things at the same time is really weird. The pther just randomly daying words to match her sister.

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I cannot fathom how mentally deranged one has to be to not just kill their father but then decapitate him and fucking post it on the internet. O_o

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Aren't dressing rooms in most clothing stores gender neutral anyway?

What in particular is so bad of I may ask?

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I'll go with answer E: all of the above

Probbaly the exec so I can smash their head open with a rock

It isn't.

You mean commit suicide by three shots in the back of the head?