
70 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Graphic of ice cover for the Antarctic is truly terrifying

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About the MSG hysteria, it's not even rooted in actual medical data, just run-of-the-mill xenophobia, which in itself is absolutely wild to me. It's like a whole chunk of the population collectively decided to develop the palate of a toddler, turning up their nose to "foreign" food.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monosodium_glutamate "Researchers, doctors, and activists have tied the controversy about MSG to xenophobia and racism against Chinese culture,[62][63][64][65][66] saying that East Asian cuisine is being targeted while the widespread use of MSG in other processed food hasn't been stigmatized.[67] These activists have claimed that the perpetuation of the negative image of MSG through the Chinese restaurant syndrome was caused by "xenophobic" or "racist" biases.[68][69]"

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Jesus fucking Christ, just when you thought he couldn't sink any lower... The damage this idiot did to the scientific community and science communication is unimaginable.

So sickening

Is there any incentive other than showing who's boss on the internet? I struggle to see how the amount of time and energy involved in moderating just one community, let alone multiple ones, are worth it just to get a power high. It seems exhausting.

Hard-core Muslims and Christians should really drop all pretense and just get together on an island somewhere and create their perfect little backwards community, they have much more in common than the rest of civilized society.

"Interesting" - the understatement of the century

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It's easy to point fingers, but I would bet any of us would buckle under the pressure of free pizza...

"To see whether a small incentive could influence a decision about privacy, researchers offered one group of students a free pizza — as long as they disclosed three friends’ email addresses.

An overwhelming majority of the students chose pizza over protecting their friends’ privacy. Differences in gender or their stated personal sensitivities to privacy did not seem to have any effect on the choice."

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No such thing as a cut off age! I guess it's down to personal preferences and you may find people who are into video games well into their seventies. I can definitely see my husband and myself playing MMOs in a retirement home 😂.

If the people you're matching up with judge you for having a hobby which is no different than, say, watching TV series on Netflix, maybe you need to weed them out.

The lost syllables at the end of spoken French would like to have a word... Ideally a complete finished one, but we know that's not possible

It explains further down the key issues, with this admission from one of Raoult's team: "this study had no protocol, no inclusion criteria and no initial research question."

Eeeh... Pro-Russians gotta Russian

Russia analyst on Al Jazeera talking about revolution

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And now they're closing the Acropolis during the hottest hours as a precautionary measure

BBC News - Europe heatwave: Extreme heat leads to Greece Acropolis closure https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66202093

The robots

It's not supposed to be taken literally

Extremadura is not a plant-free desert landscape. Not yet, anyway.

It's a BBC alert, article is on their main page

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The Public Council of the Federal Penitentiary Service confirmed the information of the VCHK-OGPU about the riot in the Vodnik pre-trial detention center. "Prisoners began synchronously knocking on the doors of the cells and screaming," they said.https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1672575188850843648

Wagner is made up of a large number of ex convicts, I wonder how much sway Prigozhin has with the prisons' population in Russia.

I posted it from the F24 app, that may be why. Here's a link to the browser version https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230624-live-moscow-accuses-wagner-head-of-mutiny-he-says-his-forces-enter-russia

Indeed. One can only wish to live in exceedingly boring times..

Kadyrov's Akhmat units are heading to Rostov to supposedly counter Wagner's advance. As of this moment the head of the column is 40km away from Rostov. Worth remembering that just a few weeks ago Kadyrov's Chechen troops were tipped to take over from Wagner in Ukraine. https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-31-2023

Would love if the geopolitics people of anime_titties could move over, a lot of them were supporting the protests and may have considered making the jump. Right now, the only geopolitics community that I have found has 3 subscribers... Also wouldn't mind at some point to have a meta community aggregator like SubredditDrama, HobbyDrama or BestOfRedditorUpdates. It makes for excellent reading material while on the toilet.



‘We need a lot more’: Lack of firepower hampers Ukraine’s advance on Zaporizhzhia front line As Ukraine’s top army general has put it, every metre of ground in the country’s counteroffensive is being won “with blood”. The Ukrainian soldiers’ progress is particularly gruelling in the southeastern Zaporizhzhia region. FRANCE 24’s Gwendoline Debono reports from the front line, where Russian forces are giving Ukraine’s artillerymen no respite.

You're experiencing what Kant called the sublime. "Feelings of the beautiful "occasion a pleasant sensation but one that is joyous and smiling." On the other hand, feelings of the sublime "arouse enjoyment but with horror."


This is truly some cheap geopolitical analysis, the article attempts to redeem itself towards the but, Jesus, talk about clickbait. They're literally reducing half of a continent to a monolith, disregarding the specific reality and conditions of the individual countries. Africa is indeed a country for the BBC, it appears.

What a fucking shitstain

Thank you, will check it out!/

I have been trying without much luck, on the Jerboa app...