
3 Post – 161 Comments
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I also remember how we got to WW2 by appeasing the rising fascism instead of debating and disassembling it word for word. If we need to get to the physical violence and war to fight the evil, then we failed the early stages of disproving and debating why it's evil. And then, just like now, its mere idea will rear ist ugly head

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No Windows based Linux, I see

Unfortunately, nowadays, the schools fail at both

Meaning Trump and his shills getting a sentence and even quadrupled? Hell, I'm all for it

I can't stop laughing at the russian one.

First sentence you learn in Duo in russian: "Me in metro"

They were like this before also, but you're right: now they're much more overt and like they're pushed or hurried by something... And that something is the prospect of recession. They're not publicly announcing it, but their liquid assets are running low and they hit the ceiling for growth. YouTube is trying to maximize their exposure and revenue for ads by cracking down on adblockers; Twitter and Musk doing the dumbest decision just for money, the last one for the rate limitation being connected with not paying the bills to Google Cloud; Reddit introducing 3rd party API usage fees for, maybe, the same reason... They ran out of "smart" and covert solutions to milk their product, partners and clients of money and they would rather go down in greed. And they won't even be directly responsible due to those golden parachutes

✅ Fresh new claims for Falklands Islands

The narrative converges

Isn't it already? Lemmygrad, exploding-heads and other extremist instances have already been defederated. But the main feature is the federation itself, which also creates powerful alliances between instances with common values. Platform-wise, it will be just a matter of difference of use and leaning, but federation alliances will work the same

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I monitor the Ukraine situation in both the /c/ukraine and on Mastodon by the Ukraine War Bulletins and News account. I don't miss Reddit for that

Not capitalism, but hating on corporations and on unregulated capitalism. Imagine having one commercial entity more powerful than many of the states in the world, then having them abuse that kind of power given by money to supress the rights of people in the weaker states. The government should act as a staunch and uncorruptible protector of the people against these kind of big economic legal or illegal entities


It's because of big pay, highly mobile employees, hiding the real role of the HR and this false sense of security compared to the rest of the workplaces despite all these lay-offs from the big companies. Also, whenever a unionizing attempt happens, the companies go into crackdown mode and have their multitude of ways to either fire you with a bogus reason, remove your post citing "restructuring" or pulling you on a dead career track and demonize you in front of your colleagues with the usual "we care about our employees and everything can already be resolved through HR" speech. And moreover, many of these issues have a direct cause the Work Laws of the respective countries

Imagine rooting and fully supporting the actual enemy of the values, way of life and political views of your own country. Because that's what Russia and Putin are. That means being a traitor even by the enemy standards

They didn't even take themselves seriously when making the "ping pong table" as the correct answer. HR is a bad joke

The year of the good memes, now hop in!

The good ol' wartime razzle-dazzle or temporary skin paint.

In my country there is a band of artists from a neighboring country that perform with hoodies and ever changing face paint. To this day, their true identities are still unknown for many years and with many TV appearances. So very effective

My last ex was becoming increasingly verbal and even physically abusive. I broke up with her months ago when she laid her first hands (and a broom) on me. Since then, she tried to contact me throughout all the social media and even email while still running the smear campaign mill. I blocked her everywhere, tried to contact me through a friend (who saw through her bullshit and started spying for me instead - only for any hurtful stuff that may come my way) and even tried to unsuccessfully hack my fb, Yahoo and (even if she didn't know it, maybe from the "Forgot Password" prompt) my Outlook accounts. Even yesterday she sent me a degrading and triggering message from an old account of her that I forgot it existed. I'm going to the psychologist tomorrow to seek more healing support

Looks like his S3 or whatever cloud db service he's using for Tw*tter's bill came up

Fuck Nvidia.


  • upgrades don't need forced restarts

  • major OS versions are, usually, non-breaking

  • new DE... same as the old DE but may contain new features. Long live the DE!

Because some of them don't see the danger of Threads. And I'm not only talking about the EEE tactic: I'm also talking about the festering sludge that will grow on Threads and that you have also seen. For the Fediverse, it will be a moderation nightmare. And be sure that Zucc won't even moderate his platform; he doesn't want to and, as far as he's concerned, it's even out of his range.

Think about it this way: if a user starts spewing death threats within the Threads platform, he MAY get sanctioned. Not banned, "sanctioned". But if he does that to the Fediverse and especially on servers with already overwhelmed moderators, do you think that there would be consequences coming from Zucc for doing this kind of stuff outside the official Threads servers? No, nothing! Our moderators would surely ban him if they would find out about this in time, but imagine thousands of these kinds of accounts invading from Threads doing this constantly. This is not just Embrace, Extend, Extinguish, but it gets to Embrace, Raid, Harass, Extinguish

Your disregard for my future projects disgusts me

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Crackdown of what? I can still use multiple devices in different households at the same time, albeit I had to upgrade to 4 screens because my parents and my gf could use it. Maybe this measure has not been applied the same everywhere

Because F him, that's Y

Remember those times when Microsoft said that Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows, as it will get to a free "Windows-as-a-Service" model? My ass, now

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A typical Fallout loot inventory

And password share cracking on Netflix

"How do you know that people hated the heated seat subscription?"

BMW, if they were honest: "Ummmm... Jailbreaks? A lot of them? It's impossible to enforce it because of them"

For once the car modding community got a giant W against a car maker

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Really great job, guys! I know from my experience in SRE that these types of debugs, monitoring and fixes can be much pain, so you have all my appreciation. I'm even determined to donate on Patreon if it's available

I'd like to test him about the desire for control and dictatorial tendencies. He would fail every time

I have a 4 on server hosting and 3 3s idle. If I buy the 5 I would have 4 Pis idle

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Being a decentralized federated network and all, I guess that any solution involving anti-bots bots can be implemented only on particular servers on the fediverse. Which means that there can also be bot-infected (or even zombie, meaning full bot servers) that will or will try to be federated with the rest of the fediverse. Then it will be the duty of admins to identify the bots with the anti-bots bots and the infected servers to decide their defederation. I also don't know how efficient the captcha is against AI these days, so I won't comment on that

We need to create our own Pixel games on Lemmy. On every server. With blackjack and hookers

Thsi being a false flag by Reps and right-wingers really doesn't surprise me. These guys have seemingly infiltrated sides since Obama era

I really feel like this definition is fairly incomplete. All the traits you mentioned can also describe feudalism, but replacing "capitalist" with "noble", which is sanctioned and invested by other nobles or the suzerain. You could say that capitalism is "any system that supports private ownership of private property that is used to collect the products of another person's labor". With the mention that the private ownership can be asserted by either a person or an organized group of persons, but both private entities


This is why you don't use global variables, kids!

I'm okay with talking about that site to spread awareness.

What I'm not okay with is sharing direct links to it and, therefore, make traffic for it. Please use some aggregators and mirrors

Putin be failing at Kerbal Space Program now