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Sodas have high fructose corn syrup which is a type of sugar. One soda contains 18 packets of sugar [1]. This is far more than coffee for the average person. Now if you consider diet sodas those use aspertame as a sweetener and so it’s basically sweet’n’low packets. So on a pure sugar content perspective coffee is healthier.

Soda has been known to eat away teeth [2]. While coffee does so as well, it’s to a lesser degree[3]. So long-term physically, coffee is better.

If you consider nutritional benefits and ignore the antioxidants like you said, coffee is still mostly water and therefore can count to your water intake [4]. Soda is also water as you might imagine, it being a drink, but again, to a lesser degree.

That said, if you drink diet soda in the morning you do you. You shouldn’t feel judged for wanting to eat something in moderation. But know that coffee has proven health benefits and soda has proven health detriments. These things apply to sodas at whatever time of day.

I’m so English I got it right first try 😎😎😎

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Not sure why the devs have so much trouble with parsing this. I’m not sure if it’s an API thing or a front-end issue

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Pretty sure because the “original” fantasy was written as a false history for England (LoTR was this). So it makes sense that the people would bear an English accent

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I use edge for work every day, what popups?

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Hey, some of us like that stuff! But I have no idea

While it won’t make sense for every datacenter, it would be so amazing to walk into one and see something hyper futuristic placed on walls

Genuine question, why be avid anti-apple? I’m a mac fan, but I still use Linux and windows in my daily life. I’be never understood the anti-mac hate

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Still on Disco Elysium. It’s good, thus far, but some of the controls bug me. The game has made me laugh multiple times though, it’s a real “dramadey” of video games. Although I had a nice evening the other day playing the Jackbox Party Pack.

Dang, I’m sorry

Can’t comment on hope good it is yet, but I picked up Disco Elysium for $10 and have been playing that. Also Open Roller Coaster Tycoon 2

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Thanks. Their repair pricing is obnoxious, I’ll give you that, but their pricing model really isn’t ridiculous otherwise. For the performance you get it’s great. I’m willing to bet most companies source their alumni from the same place, but my only genuine issue is that MacOS is a great piece of software. I still like Catalina/Mojave myself, but the newer variations are still good. Do you have specific gripes with the OS?

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Not necessarily a person. Just saying.

Do you use an iOS device? I have an app that works very well and is on the app store, no side loading

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I’ve had my macbook for 6 years and it is still my favorite computer to use. I built my own pc and everything, but the mac still feels better. Ot could feel a little snappier opening programs, but it’s still a great machine

Is this a personal anecdote or a recurring problem in some cities?

I know, just sanitize it again. .Replace(“&”, &), Regex.Remove(amp;), if(.Contains(“amp;”))

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Abduction is a fine word, I think the Alice commenter just didn’t understand

I read the Silmarillion, he was sad about the fact that England had no real “mythology” so he made his own

I hear this a lot, I’ve not known a single person who has considered it a status thing. There are people who have cheap phones from both apple and android and they were made fun of for the price of the phone, not the bubble color. iMessage just made it much nicer to talk to people. “I can send messages over wifi!” made it so you could send messages in school or anywhere with a big metal roof. “The images are better!” These were limitations of the SMS standard that Apple designed around. Now? Yeah, there’s other options, but back then iMessage made its hold by being able to be used by people who couldn’t use SMS or didn’t want to for whatever reason

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Sorry you’re upset. Even when people are trying to look out for you sometimes it’s just a lot

I’d argue it’s worse than TOTK. I completely get your point that they’re wildly different, but INSIDE doesn’t feel as overall “fun” to me at any point as BOTW or TOTK. I think there was only one real flaw with INSIDE; the way in which you solve puzzles can be sort of tedious. One thing I really liked about The Witness was that, despite the fact that some things were hidden or convoluted, it was rarely a stupid long walk just to complete the puzzle. INSIDE featured that a number of times. Sometimes the puzzle’s solution was obvious, but I was still running around for minutes just doing the legwork. I feel there should be instant gratification for the puzzle’s solutions, sometimes solving them didn’t even feel good because I had spent too long trying to actually get the game to recognize I had completed the puzzle even though I had figured it out

I wash out the 2 gallon ones

Yeah, if it’s ads that’s one thing, but getting your news from one demographic of news provides far too much confirmation bias

Fair, but I feel my point stands. It’s not like spotlight on Mac, but it actually understands what I want now. I use it mostly to launch programs.

And before someone attacks me: I use all 3 major OSes weekly. Hot takes: Mac doesn’t suck and isn’t incompatible for the majority of tasks, but it does end support for things normal people don’t care about, Linux is not that great when it comes to normal quality of life (not power user stuff, it’s awesome for that), and windows makes things easy to access while somehow making everything behind a million menus and across different menus (but still much easier to change than linux)

Thank you. I can use Linux. I don’t want to. Plenty of people are still computer illiterate and people forget that. My father uses excel on windows every day for his job, but couldn’t use a mac because he just knows his Windows. He got confused that the taskbar disappeared lol. Linux would blow his mind. Yes, if you’re training someone on the new OS it’d be no different, but so many people only know certain windows programs.

Also, audio SUCKS on Linux (speaking from running PipeWire and ALAX and Pulse). Try explaining to someone how to fix that mess.

Not invalidating your experience, but my t7 ran windows for me and it’s done well

You could make the same case for rogue-likes

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I simply mean that some people enjoy the task of knowing the map and being able to just be better. Learning the game. It’s not my cup of tea except for maybe Risk of Rain, but there’s a base for it

I really mean no malice, but I did not find it great. I also got it for free, but even so I just never really got drawn in to the story or the gameplay. It just wasn’t that fun, too linear maybe

How so? I’ve always found finder did a good job.

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Would you mind sending a link about NextDNS configuration?

I’m excited to see what becomes of these games and this publishing company and I hope Dunk doesn’t lose that magic his fanbase likes. On a personal aside, I’m kind of over pixel graphics games. They don’t ring much nostalgia for me and I find a cutesy artstyle is more my speed

The fact that someone committed to making a whole 3 minutes of this is genuinely wild. I watched it all

As an apple user it is definitely possible. I don’t even have a million work-arounds. They’re pretty direct

I disagree. It’s not objectively better. I don’t hate android or anything, but their version of an ecosystem just isn’t as good. And as someone who didn’t like gestures at first, you learn them. Say what you will, but time and again apple polishes certain features that other people then copy. I have a $2,000 windows laptop, a linux desktop, and I have an android tv box. Some things really are just better on iOS

For me it does. I have two HDR monitors, neither with exceptional hdr. Both look much better with it on, but I personally like the HDR look that some things have. I can tell when something is washed out, but my RGB has also not been properly calibrated. Regular HDR modes in games suck and make it look like I’m staring at the sun or an old photo. Auto HDR makes fire look brighter


Neighbors do tend to stick to themselves and socializing here is DIFFICULT. It’s worth it, but it’s hard. Depending on the part if the country your in affects it a lot as well. I met a lot of people when I started going dancing; there was a regular group and the activity itself is social. You could audit a class at a university perhaps. Depending on your age you’ll find a LOT of people willing to study or work together and you can build friendships that way. I would also suggest just going to the neighbors if you’re interested. You could bring some sort of sealed food (in America it tends to be weird to cook for someone when you don’t know them) and invite them to something. It’s hard, but if you ask the people you see regularly to go and do things it’ll work out. If you’re in a club for pickleball then just ask someone if they’d like to play once or twice more a week.

I know I’ve given a little of information, but let me say that a lot of people my age tend to be in your shoes so the whole environment of meeting people is changing. But a lot of them meet people at university. When I meet new people, I usually just chat with them for a few weeks then ask them for help with something and offer to buy them a lunch as payment. Hopefully the lunch goes well and you go from there

Definitely missed it. It doesn’t grab everything without permission, but probably wants to stay out of the way so you do pull it all in