
7 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Maybe it’s because the content here just isn’t as vast. I’m nkt going back to reddit for awhile, but there’s so little to see on lemmy to me. Despite numerous subscriptions, I see very few memes and far too much political content. Of that political content it’s all the same. Sometimes this place feels like a hive-mind. Not that Reddit wasn’t, but it depended on the sub. Now it’s shaped by instance and everything here just feels stale

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I think this is an issue with people being offended by definitions. Slavery did “help” the economy. Was it right? No, but it did. Mexico’s drug problem helps that economy. Adolf Hitler was “effective” as a leader. He created a cultural identity for people that had none and mobilized them to a war. Ethical? Absolutely not. What he did was horrendous and the bit should include a caveat, but we need to be a little more understanding that it’s a computer; it will use the dictionary of the English language.

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Maybe I need to be on ml then. I feel like world is just full of the same.

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Going to unr*tard for a sec: Think of the most useless meme you can, the joke is so stupid it’s painfully obvious. The format is old, maybe it’s all pixelated and compressed. That’s a shitpost. It makes no sense, maybe the joke isn’t even obvious because the picture is so absurd. Maybe the joke is overplayed and this is the millionth repost

Not even a meme…. What was google plus? I’ve had a gmail for like 15 years so I must’ve just missed it.

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I think it’s lowered. Lifted and lowered

1000% Even for a sub dedicated exclusively to memes it’s bad. The whole point of reddit was that there was a culture of content, on discord the content is far too short-lived

I don’t know why this is getting downvoted. This is the first real shitpost I’ve seen on this site. I miss r/shitposting….

Absolutely, people act like swapping over is no biggie, but there were all kinds of posts that led to obscure answers and provided such simple and pertinent information. Don’t know something, try a google then ask on reddit and someone will be either super helpful or condescending. It’s going to take a LOOOOOOOONG time for people to really swap if ever.

Thanks, we tend to watch things once then not again, I figure 12TB across 4 drives should hold that pretty well? I just want a buffer of like, 5 episodes per show. Once watched, auto-delete. This should be enough storage no?

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I have no idea, but I’m commenting so this gets traction. I’ve wanted to do the same thing, but didn’t know how you could set up the subsonic api to do that. I think a script that checked for the file first wouldn’t be a problem, but getting the metadata for all of those would be terrible

Thank you, do you run this with overseer?

On my machine the link goes nowhere. :(

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You said “a social contract”. Capitalism operates on one. “The social contract” as you presumably intend to use it here is different. Yes, capitalism allows those with money to generate money, but a disproportionate distribution of wealth is not violation of a social contract. I’m not arguing for deregulation, FAR from it, but the social contract is there. If a corporation is doing something too unpopular then people don’t work for them and they cease to exist.

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What? This is about the refusal of service. I’d never want to serve a Neo-Nazi and, consequently, shouldn’t be forced to make a website for them. I also don’t want to do furry art so I’m not going to accept those kinds of commissions even though I have no hate toward that community. If you’re an atheist and hate Christians you should be able to reject their business and vice versa. If you decide you don’t want to pay Chic-fil-a for the sandwich that’s okay, you just also don’t get the sandwich

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Almost like there should be one central hub… that’s what Reddit did right

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You have my meme gallery

Capitalism, at least, in a lassie-faire marketplace, operates on a social contract, fiat money is an example of this. The market decides, the people decide. Are there ways to amass a certain amount of money to make people turn blind eyes? For sure, but all systems have their ways to amass power, no matter what

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Yes, regulations should be in place, but the “legalized bribery” isn’t forcing people, it’s just easier to stick with the status quo than change it. They aren’t forced to die, it’s just a lot of work to not. The social contract is there, it’s just one we don’t like

People hated it, but this is why I was on political compass memes. Both sides were taking jabs at each other in a very wholesome environment. Gosh I hate politics now and it’s because I refuse to get enraged about it. It’s funny how when I cut politics out of my life I felt so much better. And the sad thing is that I know it’s a positive outcome for a lot of people. I’ve stopped educating myself so I’ve stopped voting.

And yes it was the users. It always was and always will be. The people that have joined lemmy or kbin or mastodon are likely of a similar mindset. That makes a hivemind. It’s already happening now, and I doubt the fediverse will make anything really change.

But I’m here for the memes and just found Reddit’s practices unethical.

Amazing what a google search will do